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Posts posted by himawari

  1. Hey big fan.

    I'm glad one of the amnesia games on the psp is getting a English patch!

    OK just 3 questions!

    When is the next big update? By that I mean the update which will change a few percentages on your progress grid.

    Are you okay in terms of re insertion or will you have any problems there?

    Also have you reinserted anything back into the game?

    Finally I want to say thank you.

    I am really looking forward to playing this game in English.i was going to watch the anime but I thought I'd play the game first?( which would you recommend)

    And great video by the way XD


    Sorry about not answering you for a while there ^^".


    I'm actually not too sure yet. We can get pretty far with the translated scripts, but we'll be stuck if we can't code it all back into the game :/. I think we found someone who might be able to help us out, but I can't recall right this second.

    ^ This probably answers the second question as well =D. You wouldn't happen to be good at those kinds of things, would you?

    Our current group manager (mochii) has actually attempted this with one of the dialogue boxes and succeeded. I don't know if we've gotten much farther than that.


    And thank you. We really wouldn't be doing this if we thought nobody actually cared, so we're very thankful when we do get those little comments of support to boost our morale ^u^.

    It's a personal preference, but I always prefer to go with the "more complete" version of a work beforehand. You can go either way, and I actually kinda liked the anime =).

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