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Posts posted by grep

  1. Check under adventure games on rpgfan.  There should be a list of what you want somewhere on there.


    I realized you sarcasm and no its not funny or smart. 


    When someone don't understand something, its better to obtain proper instructions, then to wonder around. Your attitude and disoriented posts are not helping anyone, especially me. As for others, please grab a cookie.

  2. Ok guyz, thx for the full clarification.


    I decided to finish Saya no Uta and to make conclusions later.


    Just because I don't like this in the beginning, doesn't mean it wont have something that I like in the end.


    And I wont abandon my quest for seeking a hybrid ( VN+puzzle+adventure) games. There must be something else under the hood.

  3. ~~
    @Grep: sounds like VNs just aren't for you, if you so desire gameplay elements. As Clephas said, VNs are a storytelling medium first, a game a distant second.


    Well like I said, I really liked Aced Attorney serial, but once I started to look deeper, everyone is like "oh sorry man no gameplay". Or Ace Attorney was unique of its kind.

  4. When I first started playing visual novels I had this impression that it would be something like an rpg (role playing game) where my choices affected the overall game play. Some visual novels have minor choices but they are not a prime part of the game. However, please don't be disappointed with this. There is so much to visual novels than H scenes and choices my friend.

  5. Got it. So only JAST offers uncensored versions, Is it possible to swap images with regular version in order to keep jap audio (if present ofc)?

    For the investigating part, there's Kara no Shoujo if you don't mind gore (it's prequel Cartagra doesn't have the interactive element).

    Chain the Lost Footprints and EVE burst error kind of have a similar system but in that case you're just selecting options in the text box also with the former it's really obvious.

  6. Thx for answers, its more clear to me now?


    But what about Ace Attorney, I mean had interaction there? Is there anything similar to this, or even better is there a name for this type of VN?


    I think I am playing JAST (non-censored) version, H-scenes are present , but everything bellow censored. If I understood properly, its always like that with VNs from Japan, its uncensored in a sense that H-scenes are present but no explicit nudity?

  7. Hey everyone,

    glad to be a part of such an awesome community. I have 2 unsolved questions with visual novels, I hope you ll help me to solve them.


    First of all, I only played Gyakuten Saiban or Ace Attorney so far. I played every part on my Nintendo (3)DS, it was a great experience. Unfortunately, my knowledge about VN ends there and I decided to try something new (some more serious VN). I started Saya no Uta, and noticed 2 things:

    1) There is no real game-play or interaction so far? Everything is like a book, text, text and more text :) Are there any choices, or is it always like this? Some comparison with Gyakuten Saiban maybe?


    2) About H-scenes, they are present, but they are censored (pixelated)? I mean, I know they censor everything in Japan, is it the same with VN world, no explicit nudity like in H-videos?


    Thx for you answers


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