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Posts posted by Pirtply

  1. Technically i did not install a single thing. It already came installed in form of folder the only thing needed to be done was registry related and that was aya.bat file. So the only way such thing could happen is if it was badly configured and was not taken into account when configuring aya.bat file. Since it works to majority of people who did things correctly i assume this is not the case.

    Even the downloaded japanese version was never actually installed. Installer never responded. It merely autoplayed the Iso - image file disc and it acted as if it was already installed. Probably because of the already downloaded folder with files in it and registry was already handled by aya.bat file. 

    So i suspect possibility of something being corrupt or not quite the way it should be that was corrected when the file was started from japanese disc version.



    I would like to add that japanese version had a patch which i did not apply, as I am aware the mentioned information that translation only works with version 1.0.

  2. I apologize for not answering earlier, was few busy days ;/

    I can confirm  that it was the newer aya.bat file, by the way link you gave me  Mr. Meogiisays

    "502 Bad Gateway"

    As for fuwanowel version, it was not the install type of file. It came already installed so I was troubled as to how I would achieve mentioned method of reinstalling...

    I downloaded different version of a torrent in a desparation, japanese version, without deleting or uninstalling the previously mentioned one, and loaded image file, tried to install, japanese disk did not let me install it, it acted as it was already installed and game started normally in english, it seems i needed to load the Iso image file for some reason.

    This fixed all my problems for now, there is no black screen but i did not go deep into the game, aside from few clicks and checking full screen options, as it is late and i have little time ;( and sleep is precious... so precious :( ...

    I thank you for advice in the end it did help me, though not in expected way... I am not sure what was missing but having an image file acting as disk solved the problem i was having.

    Good luck to others encountering similar problem, and once again thank you members of forum for providing me with help and kindness.

  3. I menaged to run aya.bat file as it was explained by changing to japanese unicode, the proper version which i downloaded separately, all went well, the game started, but as i click anything my entire screen becomes black.

    I can hear sound, explore options  behind that black screen, but i cant see anything, it is just simply all fully black.  What i can do is alt tab, and when i alt tab, While i alt tab i see game in window mode, but when i pick it or stop alt tab-ing, black screen returns... This is how i know that the game is running and almost all is well except for that blackness that fullscreens me.


    Using ctrl+alt+f11 did not help me, did nothing to black screen.

    Installing codecs just in case if some video activates by default and i cant view it, did nothing for me and is probably unrelated.

    Using compatibility in all the windows from windows 95 up to windows 8.1 did not solve problem either, though i did read it solved problem for some people, especially windows 95 for some reason :(.

    Game works, it runs, it is just all unavailable to me because of black screen issue.

    First launch opens game and its menu, i can view the game but whatever i click, be it new game, system or anything full black screen appears.

    Installed newest drivers on graphic card, did not solve the problem.
    I have been investigating such issues regarding other games, there is an idea that somehow processors with multiple cores could cause such a problem and there are fixes that force game to run on single or duo... I have yet to test that theory and will be last act of despair before i give up on playing the game.

    Any ideas? i ran out of things to try

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