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Luso Is Alive

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Posts posted by Luso Is Alive

  1. 1. Shinsekai Yori

    2. Higashi no Eden

    3. Durarara!!!

    4. Kokoro Connect

    5. Angel Beats!

    6. Ano Hana

    7. Hotarubi no Mori e

    8. Bakemonogatari series

    9. Fate/0

    10. Oreimo (lol)

    Not very surprising for somebody who haven't finished a lot of anime, but downloaded so many of them

  2. Finally I moved my Ever17 folder, and Voila it works like a charm.

    I didnt thought that this method would work ( because it sounds a bit illogical )

    It is weird though, only Ever17 have this kind of issue

    Little busters, Steins;gate, and Sharin no Kuni himawari no shoujo work flawlessly in the original folder where I keep my VNs at.

    Tried putting the game behind way too long file path - Completely different error, game didn't run at all.

    Also: How nested is your folder? As in how many subfolders in subfolders do you have, like C:\bla\bla\bla\etc and how LONG is that foldersystem. There is a limit how nested your folders can be, so that if your Ever17 folder is too much into the foldertree the system cannot just find the movie folder.

    Thanks Luch and ruri!

  3. I picked Luso as my name because it's my favorite character from Final Fantasy Tactics lol

    I currently struggle with my Ever17 unable to find movie file trouble, and none of the solutions given have solved it ( I appreciate all of you guys's effort though )

  4. Umm

    I don't suppose it's a permission problem because I already logged in as Administrator

    And I already installed CCCP since January..

    EDIT : Actually I have removed CCCP and switched to K-lite. But now I tried reinstalling it and I still get the unable to find movie file error.

  5. I finished Ever 17 torrent this morning, and when I started "ever17PC_us.exe" it shows some company titles and then a window pops out

    "unable to find movie file."

    Anybody having the same problem?

    My system

    Windows Vista Home Premium (32-bit)

    Haven't tried redownload yet, but I re-checked the torrent and it doesn't show any missing pieces

    Source: Fuwanovel

    System Locale is set to Japanese

    I don't have any problem with other VNs from Fuwanovel though(Littlebusters, Fate/stay night, Sharin no Kuni, Steins:gate)

  6. My favorite is Little Busters, but I've not played many so it is only temporary

    I'm going to finish Sharin no Kuni Himawari no Shoujo& Steins;Gate later

    Btw is the Ace Attorney and Professor Layton series considered a visual novel?

  7. Hello!

    I started playing visual novels on October 2012. I am not good at making decisions and I have a poor judgement, so usually I read walkthroughs to finish them.

    The first visual novel I have played is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate, which is untranslated and since I don't understand Japanese letters at all, I dropped it out.

    Meanwhile, I got to know that a new anime that my friends were talking about, Little Busters, was actually an adaptation of the visual novel version-- That's when I started searching for the game, and I stumbled upon Fuwanovel. I'm looking forward to get to know with you all!

    I am actually a really shy guy, but after reading various introductions from other users, I finally able to muster up courage to write this introduction.

    Btw, sorry for bad grammar and overall English, cuz I'm Indonesian :rolleyes:/>

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