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Posts posted by BishiHOLiC

  1. Okay, now all we really need is a translator or two and we can get this project underway. While this is a nukige, I would like to refrain from just using inaccurate machines. A very well polished machine translation is not going to be as good as a human who is moderately fluent or above in Japanese. I think machine translations are fine for personal use but not for a public patch. That said, we have no problem accepting the help of Japanese students that at the very least are familiar with the required Kanji. Hopefully, we can also get someone to help/TLC you.

    Btw, how many lines are in this game? Might be good information for any potential translator to know before they sign on.

  2. Hello everyone I've been searching around the net for potential translators. So I've been looking around for translations groups. I've sent emails to some groups, but this one requires IRC. This is from Yandere Translations.



    IRC channel: #wankotl on irc.irchighway.net

    (The best way to reach us is through the IRC channel.)

    Please do not discuss torrents, warez, or any other illegal means of obtaining any game, manga, or whatever.


    Sorry guys I'm still learning to use the IRC, but if anyone can contact them please do so. We may find a potential translators there.

    TakaJun is busy with Majikoi I think, also I doubt he would want to translate this or work with us as he is one of the top VN translators..

  3. I'm fairly certain Tief Blau meant that he doesn't have the time to translate. However, he will contact you when he has enough free time to contribute. In addition, he admits his Japanese isn't the greatest and would need someone to do an extensive TLC for consistency and accuracy.

    That's great Itachifan, I look forward to seeing the translated opening when you are finished.

  4. Honestly idk, I need time to think about it and research retrans. If we can't find a good hacker or two then I would consider it. We also need to get a committed translator as I think machine translations are an abomination. And to be honest not a fan of the anyone can translate that has a web browser. The link is incomplete so I can't see the example either.

    But we definitely need to get a translator before we even think of accepting their offer.

  5. Hm? Did you translate and import the subtitles or did you find it already translated? I know that it is hard subbed and timed karaoke in kana already, just want to be sure you have it translated or not.

    A few links for info about the game:


    Crowd X-change alt 2 offical Jp Can see the characters, some Cg (some NSFW) and/or download CV samples.

    A few screenshots of ingame scenes since there are not any on VNDB. Not going to go over board. SFW, though pic 2 may be questionable.






    Bear in mind before you join that this is a nukige (sex > plot) and has gay and lesbian characters (no I don't know if there is actual yaoi, yuri for sure). Also, know that a certain level of commitment is needed when translating VNs. Most people would like to keep the same people for the whole project and keep the same trans/edit/QC style.

    I think it would be worth considering for this group to try to put out the trial version first, so we can gauge interest and people can see the quality of the group and game. And I'm pretty sure we can export the scripts into the game from the translated demo.

    This is by far the best X-change game so far as it revolves around body switching and has a memorable cast. However, as I only have a decent ear for Japanese I could only understand the spoken dialogue and it was really funny. The art style is great for a Crowd game as well. BGM is okay, though not bad.

    I will be signing on as an editor as I hope I can get into the VN translation scene and hopefully push myself to finanlly learn the language, mostly the writing system of Katakana and Kanji.

  6. I played the first one and enjoyed it a year or more ago. Gotta admit I got stuck in the nurse's room for a couple of hours though hahaha (darn alcohol) Was a very great game despite me being not interested in playing an 8 bit game at first. While I didn't get every bad ending I got the ones you needed for the extra files after I had finished it. It is definitely worth checking out if you like video games and horror.

    Is Book of Shadows any good? I might get it for my VITA that is just collecting dust like every other video game system I seem to be hanging on to for no reason. I ask because I'd want significant extra content and not be just playing the same game again.

    Btw most of the manga adaptions I read were an insult to the game.

  7. Well little late to the party hahaha but I'll share my top ten, rough 1-10:

    Kara no Kyoukai

    Sakamichi no Apollon

    NANA (forever on Hiatus </3)

    Paradise Kiss

    Mushishi (too bad they only animated the first 6 volumes of the manga)

    Spice and Wolf (buying the books every time they come out too)

    Fate Unlimited Blade Works (not the show or zero)

    Shuffle! (way better than the VN, probably the only time I think it's ever happened)

    Samurai Champloo (Got me interested in Japanese History ahahhaaha)

    Spirited Away or Hotarubi no Mori e

    Going to drop a bomb, but Clannad imo is over hyped. Like half of KEY's other works. Just an opinion not going to rant about it.

    And no xxxHolic is not in my top ten hahaha

  8. Hmm if I had to pick one I would hope I could redo all of Higurashi and Kai (kind of need to forget both to enjoy it a second time hahaha). For over all first read impact that was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Now I find it boring whenever I try to reread them and it's been years :/ Tsukihime and Ever17 are worth consideration as well.

    If I had to choose one route, it would be Unlimited Blade Works in F/SN. Not trying to be an infidel but it was the only route I enjoyed in the VN, it was all sorts of awesome. Sorry F/SN fans.

  9. Thank you all for your welcomes. More than I thought there would be tbh hahaha Buts that's good.

    As for Sharin no Kuni, I dropped it after Natsuie(?)'s branch after what I felt was suffering as I thought I had chosen to enter Saki's route. Maybe it just has a giant common route or something but I couldn't help but feel a little irked and stopped reading it, maybe I'll get back to it someday. Although I would have to reacquire another copy and reread hahaha

    As for G-Senjou no Maou, love it to death. I read Haru's (amazing) route first and was surprised to like all of the other girls' routes as well, especially Tsubaki's. Never have I read a VN that I liked every route and ending; even the bad ends were worth coming back and checking out. Probably one of the few VNs I have read 100% that didn't require you to read every single arc to unlock the true arc. *cough* Clannad, Little Busters!, etc... *cough* (not a fan)

    I'm currently rereading Umineko 1-4 for the third time in anticipation of the Chiru PS3 patch soon to come out. Yay UmiTweak~

    Btw I'm not trying to glorify VNs, I just find it hard to call them games and saying I "play" them. Auto-read and reading, you know. A click for a choice every so often. hahaha

  10. Hello everyone at Fuwanovel, I've been using this site for a while, figured I'd finally join and poke my head in every once in a while. I've been reading VNs for two years now and this site beats digging through Nyaa/Sukebei and translator webpages hahaha Some of you may know me on BBT as Ashall but I tend to keep to myself.

    I'm not as enthusiastic as most VN readers (referring to VNDB) so I'll contribute here and there if I have something I'd like to say/discuss.

    As for my all time favorite VNs, they are G-Senjou no Maou and Umineko. I've read quite a few others as well, but tend to stay far away from nukiges.

    I hope to get along with most of you hahaha


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