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Posts posted by Remdur

  1. Well I thought that at the beggining but then I saw the Windows settings (though it's still inaccessible). Same goes for the text speed settings, but since those settings appear in the game, I told myself that we could probably change them (in the end there is no point to make a cursor text speed that we can't change...)


    But well, if it's normal i'll just have to get used to this. Anyway thanks for the answer :)

  2. Hey everyone !



    Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? (link to instructions): Yes

    Game Name: Muv Luv Alternative

    Description of Problem: So, I just downloaded MLA and began to play the game but I have some issues with the settings. First of all, I can't change the text speed, the cursor don't move (although the others do). Moreover, I can't access the Windows setting, which bothers me, cause there is no text box and the text is displaying directly on the background (It's not easy to read). I don't know what to do about that so if anyone could help me...

    Your Operating System:
    64 or 32 bit (link to how to find): 64 bits
    What did you already try? (Uninstall/Reinstall, Redownload, Run as admin, etc): Reinstall
    Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes


    I hope you'll be able to help me. Thanks a lot ~

  3. The game was good, I'll give it a 7/10. I didn't notice any annoying bug (except the CG's menu bug but that doesn't prevent from playing the game). However, even if it's not really a bug, the fact that the Ageha route is really hard to understand makes it difficult to play. Honestly I didn't understand half of the route because there is indeed so many lines that don't mean anything. Moreover I'm french so I can understand if it's written in good english x) For the H-scenes, there is no problem with it (except that the H-scenes CG's don't appear in the menu), but in game there is no problems (the voices work perfectly).


    Basically, I would say that when you play, even if there is not much bugs, you see that the patch is incomplete (the bad translation is probably the most annoying thing when you play the game, especially in Ageha route). But even so, I think the game is playable even if it's sometimes difficult to understand (but the part where you don't understand anything are really really rare, and even in Ageha route you can understand the whole thing clearly, it's just that sometimes it's difficult and the conversation are totally incoherent).

  4. I just finished the game and I realized that I was missing 3 CG's in the CG's menu and one BGM... So I wanted to know, is that because I missed some part of the game (even if it seems hard because there is not much choice) or is it related to the CG's menu bug ?

  5. Hey guys,


    Just a little question: I'm currently playing the game and I'm only at the beggining (I mean I just began Kotori's route and haven't done any other route yet) but something is bothering me: the CG's menu. It's a real mess that menu, some CG's are unlocked although I don't have seen them in the game, some miniature represent a picture but when I click to display the CG's full size, it's another picture that appear... And the way some CG's unlocked is weird (I mean they don't follow each other).


    Anyway it's really strange so I was wondering if I was the only one who have that bug, if there is a way to fix it (or if it will fix by itself if I finish the game for example) or if it was planned to be fix by the second version of the patch ?

  6. It's a really difficult question... I enjoyed so much all the routes in Key's Visual Novel... All their games are wonderful for me. After Story is probably the one I love the most because it's the first I played (with the others routes of Clannad). Refrain is still awesome and it's really difficult to tell which one is better. As for Rewrite... I really enjoyed the game. The Chihaya route is probably the best for me, even if Moon was pretty cool.

    So in the end I think the best for me is After Story. However, I played Refrain a lot, more than AS.

  7. I had all the items + the circle with the seeds + Jasco shop + Kotori's feeding (those two weren't hiden) + toilet paper + Zanbato Longsword + hearsay + socks... Well, all the circle you told me to fine x)

    And I have the 16 circles + the blue (Kotori's lead).... That's why I don't understand why it's not complete...

  8. Hello everyone,

    I'm not really sure if it's the good forum to ask but since I didn't saw any replies in the walktrhoughs topics, I decided to ask here (by the way, sorry for my english, I'm French).

    So, I just finished Rewrite a few days ago and I'm about to complete it at 100%. Well, technically, I did beacause I have all the entries in the Memory Menu, all the CG's and Music. But in order to really complete it at 100%, I want to finish all the mappie segements. However, there is one I can't complete. The 25/10 mappie segment. I don't know why. I used the walkthrough but even with it, I don't have the "Complete". By the way, the 25/10 mappie segment is the one when you have to plant seed and find a lot of item with Kotori in order to plant them. I clicked on the hidden circle following the order in the walkthrough. Then I clicked on the porn book's circles and then on the others, including the non-hiden. The only one I didn't click is the one which end the mappie sequences. But I don't have the "Complete". Honestly, I don't understand why.

    Someone have the same problem or a solution please ?

  9. Are you running your computer with Non-Unicode Japanese? (link to instructions): Yes

    Game: Chaos Head

    Description of Problem: Hello everybody,

    So, I have a little problem with my C;H game. Indeed, I'm currently playing chapter seven in the C;H story bug I can't save from the beggining of this chapter. Well, precisely, I can save but I can't load the save, I got an error message and the game crash. I have read something that it's a bug which can be solve by a patch or something but I don't really know the details, and the only solution I found is to do the capter 8 in one go...

    So, is there any solution ?

    Your Operating System:

    64 bit

    What did you already try? (Uninstall/Reinstall, Redownload, Run as admin, etc): Nothing xD

    Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes

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