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solidbatman's Mega Big Ultra Contest


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Well I suck at making stories and such, so I've spent an hour trying to figure something to write and since I don't have any good ideas now or ever again I'll just leave it as it is. It sucks, but at least I made a story. If it's too short tell me, I can try to make more stupid things to happen to this poor dragon. Any resemblence to any person or anything else is pure coincidence, or not.



Once upon a certain time there was a shy dragon named Gangamamer. He was young, but suffered a lot during his whole life and so he's afraid of people.


Full of how his life was going he traveled across the land searching far and wide for a place where he could call home and be happy.

After a long walk, he found a place full of crazy people. Since he's crazy himself he decided to take a closer look, but he's still shy and afraid of people so he decided to not talk for now but just watch.


That place is named Visnovella. Certainly a crazy place, full of crazy people, doing crazy things, talking crazy things... But still people were friendly and it was still a cool place. At least for humans and catgirls and batman as well.

Visnovellians (people that live in Visnovella) are trying to conquer the world with their religion. Unless you're a loli you're pretty much safe.


After a few days of stalking like a perv he decided to present himself to the community of this land. For his surprise people were really friendly towards him and gave him a warm welcome.

Finally our "hero" could make friends in his lonely life. But still he felt like something was missing, a reason to live, love, or something he thought. But without giving it a second thought he decided to hang out around the bar.


Ah. The bar. It's a peaceful place, few people go there, but it's always cool to talk with some of them and get out of boredom.


Gangamamer spent all the time around there and once in a while would go out and check what was going on in the town. But since he was extremely shy he wouldn't say anything most of the time.


Though trouble was coming toward the town. Not long ago the town suffered a huge change and that caused a huge ruckus. The land would give free food and shelter for the parasites of the world society, this to keep them under control and protection, but no more.

The mayor decided to no longer give them support. Some were against others in favor but the decision prevailed. But the ones that got unhappy with the changes decided to fight.


But those were not the only problems, the owner of the land and many others around decided to raise the taxes and raised the payment for the mayor of the community to pay.

So now the community has to face the enraged parasites and the high payment.


Our "hero" wanted to repay the citizens for what they did for him, but since he doesn't have any money he decided to give them protection and fight the parasites alone.


It was a long and hard battle, they seemed to grow from the ground, but it was won. And our "hero" could find an interesting fact, the land owner was being the uprising of the parasites.

Seems like he was full of our community for some reason. What else can be done? Gangamamer decided to hunt him down and stop this once and for all.


This was his biggest mistake...


The land owner was another dragon, but a female one. He fell in love at first sight.

He decided to confront her. After a long time it seems she despises humans, for looking down on her for being a dragon and wants revenge. It seems she has passed by about the same as our "hero", but their point of views are different.

Gangamamer tries to persuade her and see the good of these humans, but his attempt is useless. She won't change her mind without anytime soon and wants to fight anyone that opposes her, so Gangamamer is her first target.


The fight is hard and long. But our "hero" in the end is the victor. As a result she listens to his story and decides to change her idea about the humans and decides to come with him back to the land and apologies for what happened.


On their way back they pass through yet another dragon, this one was different. This one was a handsome dragon and for his looks he seemed pretty rich. The female dragon fell in love on first sight and decided to talk with him. When our "hero" noticed both of them were already going the opposite way together.

Looks like he's alone again. Well at least he saved everyone with all this, he should have a hero welcoming waiting for him, right?


He's now back to Visnovella. To his surprise there was no party nor a welcome waiting for him. But everyone was around a strange dude in black and seems like their cheering for him or something. When he gets closer he realized it was batman that was in the center.

While trying to listen to what was going on, he heard that batman was the one that kept the parasites at bay and that he took care of the land owner.


Depressed, our "hero" returns to the bar like nothing happened and gets back to his normal life.


And everyone lived happy ever after. Except our "hero" but who cares about him?

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To everyone proclaiming their victory at this early stage, I have only one thing to say:

I will win this week. No Exceptions.



Bro first of all, you will not win this contest. Second of all, there are no bonus points this week. So you know...everyone will essentially win. Except you that is >





you have no idea.  You walk in the realm of GODS, my dear Katatsumiru.


As for Vibrant, you are forgetting that there was no point base to begin with.   There cant be any bonus points because there isn't an upper or lower limit or 'guaranteed number' of points to begin with.  It's simply up to Batman's whim, and while we're all making a heavy amount of assumptions I'm willing to state with at least some certainty that the quality of the work is going to have an even higher importance this week than it did last time.

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I'm having way too much fun with this so far. 256 words, and I'm just getting started. B) 


522, just getting started on my end as well. 



The only worry I have is balancing this with the VN-development side of my life, but I think I can manage something well at the very least.  xD

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I'm having way too much fun with this so far. 256 words, and I'm just getting started. B) 



522, just getting started on my end as well. 



The only worry I have is balancing this with the VN-development side of my life, but I think I can manage something well at the very least.  xD


487 words for me! ^-^


I'm going to "no life" this challenge.

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you have no idea.  You walk in the realm of GODS, my dear Katatsumiru.


As for Vibrant, you are forgetting that there was no point base to begin with.   There cant be any bonus points because there isn't an upper or lower limit or 'guaranteed number' of points to begin with.  It's simply up to Batman's whim, and while we're all making a heavy amount of assumptions I'm willing to state with at least some certainty that the quality of the work is going to have an even higher importance this week than it did last time.


Less smug and more writing, pls.

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Gangamamer was a dragon that lived in the vast land of Visnovella with his family, STAJ, Kaise, and Noemovel. As dragons, their sole duty was to protect the castles of all the princesses in the land. Due to the nature of this duty, Gangamamer and his companions were seen not as enemies by the mere humans in the surrounding villages, but as heroes.


Despite being part of a family, however, the dragons could never figure out how exactly to do their job. The only requirement that had been given to them from their respective employers in the castles was that the princesses were raised and, when the time was right, released in order to find a suitable husband. The exact methods, however, were left up to Gangamamer and his family.


“We don’t need to release them right away, do we?” STAJ would often say to his younger siblings. STAJ was the oldest dragon in Visnovella, and should have been the wisest. However, he often received complaints from the villagers that he was holding onto the best princesses far longer than was necessary. “The villagers know the princesses are coming. As long as we tell them they’re coming soon, they shouldn’t need to complain. We can just remind them of all the princesses we’ve already sent out, and how beautiful they ended up being.”


“I don’t know if that’s the right way to do things,” the youngest dragon, Noemovel, protested. Despite only having protected one princess in his lifetime, Noemovel was a determined young dragon, and often claimed to know exactly how to manage not just his own castle, but the land of Visnovella as a whole. “The princesses are at their most beautiful when they’re young, so they should be released not just while they’re young, but given younger husbands.” Unfortunately for Noemovel, the birth rate of Visnovella was declining, and the vast majority of its citizens were past the age that Noemovel considered “young.” As a result, his sole princess hadn’t been very well received by the public, despite various attempts to reintroduce her.


“I think you both have good ideas, but neither one of you is correct,” Kaise sighed. “Some princesses are more beautiful and fated for success than others, right? They’re the ones we need to hold onto and prime for marriage. But the villagers will get angry if we’re quiet for too long, so some of the… less desirable princesses can be sent out in the meantime. Even if they aren’t perfect, it’s a foolproof plan.”


Gangamamer had very little to say when his older siblings went off on rants like these. After all, he had been in a state of transition when it came to his policies, ever since the day he took control of his first castle. It had taken him a long time to obtain any level of success: his first princesses had been laughingstocks that only the most desperate would go anywhere near, and even after he had learned how to truly care for a princess and released some young women that he was truly proud of, they were often overlooked for the… easier princesses that came from his castles. Recently he had been taking care to raise princesses that would appeal to all sorts of different villagers, even going so far as to take in young princes for the young women in the villages, after they had begun to complain to Gangamamer and his brothers of discrimination.


But because of his attempts to diversify, Gangamamer had begun to feel a bit unsure of himself. While all of his brothers had established identities that were known throughout Visnovella, Gangamamer wasn’t really known for anything. Everyone knew his name, but opinions of him were as varied as the princesses (and princes) he protected.


“I haven’t really done anything noteworthy recently, have I?” Gangamamer thought to himself one cold winter afternoon. “I sent that prince out, I guess, but the villagers I normally take care of aren’t interested in that. I have to make my castles seem relevant again, so people don’t lose interest.” At a loss for what to do to get people talking about him again, he took a temporary leave from the castle he was working in that day and flew around Visnovella, searching for any ideas that could get him some attention.


However, he didn’t need to travel very far. In a nearby village called Fantransylvania, Gangamamer discovered some troubling news: his family of dragons wasn’t the only one protecting princesses! There were several smaller dragons that had begun taking on the girls the castle had missed or outright rejected. Seeing this as a threat to his job- this underground scene was big, and getting bigger- he flew at top speed to gather his brothers for an emergency meeting to discuss this problem.


“Are you really only finding out about this now?” STAJ asked, chuckling at his younger brother’s naiveté. “I’ll let you in on a little secret just this once, little bro: it’s better if you don’t make them into enemies. They’re actually really useful if you know how to use them to your advantage.”

“Seriously, Gangamamer, I can’t believe you’re older than me sometimes,” Kaise joined in. “I’ve been using them from the beginning, but you’re only finding out about them now?”


“What about those two princesses you raised a while back?” Noemovel asked. “What were their names… Kara and Fe? Where do you think those girls came from? Weren’t they a lot older than the girls you usually bring in?”


As much as he hated to admit it, Noemovel had a point. “Neither one of those princesses got a very good husband in the end, though,” Gangamamer pointed out.


“Really? Because we’ve been pretty successful every time we’ve worked with them.”


“Well if that’s the case, shouldn’t we be asking them to work together with us instead of letting them run their own shady, underground businesses? That would be better for everyone involved, right?” Gangamamer didn’t even wait for an answer, because an idea was already beginning to form in his mind. He flew at a breakneck pace from where he stood, preparing the newest in a line of messages directed at the Visnovellians. “If we can’t get them to stop what they’re doing, then get them to join us, huh?” Gangamamer muttered, smiling to himself as he flapped his giant wings. “Why not go one step further and ask them to stop doing it on their own, anyways? If they could all work for us, then maybe we could be even more successful.”


And that was how Gangamamer brought attention back to his castles full of princesses amongst the single men of Visnovella. Whether his speech was successful or not was debated amongst the citizens for weeks following that cold winter day, to the extent that not even his announcement of the newest princess in the castle, Amber, could silence the conversations completely. Gangamamer was able to live in a comfortable balance of fame and infamy yet again.


Over 1,000 words in the end, huh? Considering how long it's been since I've written anything, I'm kind of amazed with myself for this.

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I'm really bad at writing so I just bs-ed whatever came out of my head. It could have been fleshed out more but ehhh


One day Gangamamer fell from the sky and landed in a place called Visnovella. It did not recall what they were doing prior to the fall but once it got there, it was surrounded by land, lots of land. Gangamamer was actually a dragon but for some reason, became a human when it fell to Visnovella. Once it got up, it noticed a person beside them, a small girl with lilac hair. After awhile, the girl woke up and was startled to see Gangamamer staring at her so intently. The girl spoke, "umm...who are you...?" Gangamamer dropped on the group immediately after, dying from what we readers would refer to as "moe". After calming down, Gangamamer got up and responded to the girl "I'm...uh...Gangamamer...I don't know what happened but somehow we ended up in...Visnovella? Anyways, who are you?". The girl with a confused look on her face responded, addressing herself as Meo. Gangamamer and Meo decided that if they wanted to adapt to their new lives, they would need to stick together. So after calming down, the two decided to travel across Visnovella to understand what was going on.


During their travels, they encountered lots of evil beings that were in the form of books. These weren't ordinary books, but books that had the ability to trap them in their world for eternity. To defeat these monsters, they had to fight and defeat the characters in the stories to leave. When they fought their first opponent, the Big Lusters! the two discovered that they had special powers. Meo had the power to use magic, defeating the enemies easily with her magic while Gangamamer's power was the power to throw pantsu over their opponents head. Of course, the readers are thinking "wtf this guys a pervert" but little did they know these pantsu were special pantsu. Once these pantsu handed on their heads, the opponents would have their energy drained with Gangamamer absorbing it all for itself. Once the two defeated the Big Lusters!, the two continued their adventures in Visnovella, adapting to their new lifestyles.


They encountered many opponents such as the QQQ and Sekai Seifuku to name a couple. During their adventures, the two bonded, getting to know each more. Meo and Gangamamer were close that the two decided to never leave each others side though Meo sometimes questioned how she could put up with Gangamamer's crazy tactics. Timeskip to months later, the two finally reached the last part of Visnovella, the Hatcave. Once the two went inside, they saw a man sitting on a throne welcoming the two. The man referred to himself as Hatman, the one who brought the two to Visnovella. Gangamamer asked "...why did you bring us here". After a moment of silence, Hatman got up and used his Hat power to shoot the two. Taken by surprise, the two were shot and fell on the ground. Suddenly Hatman shouted..."HAHAHHAHA just as keikaku" Hatman was actually a crazy man who brought adventurers to Visnovella to steal their powers once they reached the Hatcave. Gangamamer and Meo who were barely conscious were shocked at the revelation, they had been used by Hatman the entire time for his evil deeds. Just went all hope was lost, Gangamamer suddenly got his dragon powers back, transformed into his real form and with Meo regained their confidence back. blah blah blah after two seconds of being depressed, the two combined their powers and defeated Hatman, yatta yatta. Gangamamer lost his powers after the battle.


Once Hatman was defeated, the two could have returned to their own worlds but decided to stay in Visnovella, because they didn't want to be separated from one another. So the two travelled around the Visnovella and after some time, settled in the village of PASTA. Did they live happily after ever...uhhh Gangamamer died from pantsu overload a few years later and Meo became a yandere so we'll just say they did...?

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I'll just give it a try (I only worked 30 minutes on this so it's not relly good. And sorry in advance if the english i use there is too bad)

It's written like a german shortstory, which means the open end and missing backgroundinformation is on purpose.


Gangamamer slowly opened one of his eyes and saw the familier natural wall of stone. He was living in this cave for a long time now, even he himself doesn't know the nuber of years passed since he started hiding down there. Others might think about it as a terrible way of living and wonder why he won't come out even though his kind doesn't have a reason to hide anymore, but Gangamamer lost interest in the world a long time ago. He was old, even for a dragon. He was born at the beginning of the dragons, as one of the first 5 dragons in the world. He ruled over large parts of the world during the pek of their wealth and he saw his people being driven to the edge of extinction due to the great war.

"I'm bored of the world, there's nothing new to see.", he whispered to himself.

Even though he never leaves his cave, it's not like he doesn't know what's happening outside. Sometimes one of little creatures, they call themselves humans, get lost in his home or one of these selfproclaimed "Dragonhunters", which search for the remains of dragons which died a long time ago, appaer in front of him. He enjoys invading their minds and looking into their memories. He started thinking about it: "A lot changed, the civilization which forced us to hide is gone and almost forgotten, the name of the world changed to Visnovella and all the knowledge of that time long ago is lost. Visnovella, it's almost funny for those who know why it's called like that, it's just a word left in some of the ruins everywhere which has been misinterpreted."

While thinking about the last point he started rememberring the War which changed everything.


"They advanced even further?!" Gangamamer shouted "How is it possible that those weak creatures are winning against us?!"

In fact he knew why, they underestimated those "humans" for too long and continued treating them like slaves, it was just a matter of time until something like that happens but it was hard to accept. They might be weak when it come to physical or mental strengh but their weapons easily compensate for that. Their inventions are fast than any dragon, the protection of those is harder than the sclaes of the dragons and ther weapons are stronger that a dragons breath could ever be. The only reason that they didn't win so far is that they still fight each other as well.

"...there's not way for us to stop them we have to retreat...." The dragon that was talking Gangamamer continued but he didn't listen, he knew that they'll lose and that there's only one way to survive but it's too early to come up with that, the other wouldn't accept it yet.

Gangamamer interrupted the other dragon: "I'll go there myself, we can afford to loose that area." Before the other one was even abel to answer, he spread his wings and headed towards the battlefield.

It was a massacre, several ten-thousands on both sites died but compared to the number of people on both sites it was way worse for his own kind. As soon as the human saw him, they hid in some kind of armored weapons and started shooting at him, but he's no normal dragon those little weapons barly hava any effect on him. Gangamamer got angry "you think you can take me down with something like that?". He started gathering the chemicals produce by special parts of his body and as soon as he spew it out it reacted with the oxygen of the air creating an insanely hot flame, melting the machines in a instant and leaving nothing but ashes of the humans using them.

He continued doing so for 3 hours until they came.

Again some of those machines but this time it were flying one, he knew those those are dangerous, even for him. For the first time in his long live, he was scared. He stareted shouting at his people: "Retreat!! Run away!" but it was too late he saw every single one of his people being killed in less than 5 seconds. after that they started targeting him, he knew it was pointless to fight so he fled. They followed him almsot the whole time but finally he got away. He was in a bad shape, at least 50 serios injuries, not to mention the broken bones and his destroyed eye. After landing he couldn't even move. That's when he decided to tell the other dragons. If they want to survive they have to hide.


Only very few listened to him. After 2000 years, the war ended, the dragons lost and only those who hid themselves well enough suvived. But the war also had consequences for the humans, after another 100 years they destroyed their own civilization by fighting over a post war world. That was 5000 years before the time Gangamamer is thinking about it in his cave. There are still humans but they don't know about it all they was discovered in the ruins.


Gangamamer closed his eye again. "I might be tired of living, but I don't want to go without leaving any trace of my existence behind ", he thought. But he didn't know what he should do, he doesn't want to show himself to the world anymore and even if he wanted, he probably couldn't after lying there for so long. While searching for a way Gangamamer heard a noise just above his head, he lifted his head and opened his eye. Standing near the entrance of the cave there was an obviously scared human. That moment Gangamamer had an idea how to leave something behind. Carefully connecting to the mind of the human in front of him, so he doesn't loose consciousness or even die, he said: "And who might you be?".

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Even tough I doesn't have any talent to write a story, here's my short story

(any resembelance or similarities are only coincidence)


"In a far, far away county, there is a remote island named Visnovella. The Residents of Visnovella love to help each other, therefore Visnovella famous with peacefulness. On the island there lived a dragon that is very dear to resident. The dragon often to help people for burn the wood, heavy lifting, and cross the island. That named Gangamamer.


A long time ago there was a boy who found Gangamamer’s egg. When the egg hatch suddenly, Gangamamer the dragon who saw the child assume he is the parent. They played and grew together. Soon the boy grown up and want to chase his dream. So the boy decided to leave the island and Gangamamer. He went to another island to continue his education.


Legend said, whoever ate the dragon’s heart he/she will have great power. However people of Visnovella ignoring that legend. But that matter is desired by evil king who want great power.  So the king asked to the people of the Visnovella to hand over Gangamamer. But the people of Visnovella don’t want to hand over Gangamamer, therefore the king is deployed the troops.


The troops go to Visnovella on orders of the king. Night come, the troops find where Gangamamer’s live. Gangamamer is asleep. Easy enough for the troops to killed Gangamamer. Therefore a soldier musters up some courage and volunteered to kill Gangamamer. The soldier goes in to the Gangamamer’s place and approach in front of Gangamamer. Gangamamer awake because the presence of the soldier’s. Then the soldier whisper to Gangamamer that in outside there is some troops who want to catch Gangamamer. The soldier is telling that he is the son of the master who raised Gangamamer. Gangamamer already felt that his face is similar. The soldier is figuring out how to survive.


Then Gangamamer was told to howl in pain. The soldier shouted out to call the troops. He said to the troops to prepare the tool to transport Gangamamer. When the troops are going to pick up the tool,   they ran away to opposite direction. When the troops are back, they weren’t there. The king was mad when he heard the story. Then he and the troops are going back to Visnovella.


The king arrived in Visnovella. After walking a while, they see a dragon fly on the top of the mountain. The king and his troops rushed to the top of that mountain. On the way to the top of mountain, king’s troops are gone one by one because prepared traps by the soldier and Gangamamer. Almost arrived at top of mountain, the king just realized his troops are already gone.  When he already at top of the mountain, he surprised by the net that fall from the sky. Quickly Gangamamer take the king who trapped in the net and carry him to far uninhabited island. In the end the soldier decided to live in Visnovella."

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Okay I finally threw something together too.


Once in a country far to the east, ruled not by man but by powerful beast.

From ancient times there dragons had reigned, the people were happy their lands maintained.

But the dragons were many and the land so small, soon there wouldn’t be room for them all.


When realizing that they had to expand, the dragons searched for uncharted land.

They soon found a country, Visnovella, to the west, but who would be brave enough to embark on this quest?

Only one dragon was fearless enough, the dragon Gangamamer who was not exactly buff.

No, he was tiny and frail and his flight very slow, but kept persisting, he just had to go.

After saying goodbye he began his ascent, he looked slightly wobbly as he to Visnovella went.


There by a lake he discovered a town, beside it a castle that looked slightly run-down.

At the town square Gangamamer landed, but in his descent he tore his wing, stranded.

When he tumbled down the people fled, except a young girl who gave him some bread.

He asked for her name but she ignored his demand, their languages were different, she couldn’t understand.

She gave him a smile and then ran away, Gangamamer called after her, he wanted her to stay.

Through the night Gangamamer cried all alone,’ I want to go home’, he screamed and he moaned.


But in the morning the girl finally returned, with her was a man who looked very concerned.

Gangamamer tried to ask him too for his name, surprisingly an answer finally came.

This man had knowledge of languages from far and wide, relived that he wasn’t alone Gangamamer cried.


The man had a doctor look over his wing, and when he heard of his mission took him to the king.

Gangamamer explained his circumstances which the man translated, and then they looked at the king and for his answer they waited.

He told Gangamamer that the dragons were free to move there if Visnovella was where they wanted to be.

He wanted to go home and tell everyone straight-away that he’d finally found them a place to stay.

He spread out his wing and prepared for flight, but when he tried to move his sight turned white.

The cut in his wing was aching with pain, until that had been healed he would have to remain.


The wait was long but never boring, he spent the time learning the language and exploring.

The people grew used to him and stopped being afraid, when it was time to leave they even threw him a parade.

When he returned with more dragons in tow, the people were singing and waving below.

And in Visnovella the dragons since then have remained, the people are happy, their lands maintained.

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