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If Fuwanovel Was a Movie (Contest)


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I think we should go for a mockumentary style about the lives of the members.


Think something along the lines of that 'Warcraft' doc, 'Second Skin'; but with VNs. So over all, it'll probably be rather creepy.


The movie opens up with a lighthearted tone, upbeat music and such, to make the audience feel comfortable lauging at all the weebs who love their anime girls so much; but then we introduce some real-life drama and focus on one particular member who has become a NEET, "addicted" to his otaku hobbies. (Not gonna name any names) Now, not only are the audience emotionally investment in seeing this guy get his life back on track; they also feel guilty for having found it all so funny at the start.


'Twill be a hit. I expect at least two Oscars.

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Coming this summer.

An epic like no other before it.

The story of a community struggling to get by in the modern world of torrents and love.

The story of one user's hopes and dreams.


Visual novels.

Internet trolls.


*cue epic music*



"Get this message to the Archmage's Tower! *slaps him* Listen to me! Get this message to him, no matter the cost!"



"No, we can't do this..."

"But I lo-!"

*turns away*

"No! You're an admin! It could never be..."


The sudden appearance of a little sister and a childhood friend that must now fight for her love.

"Onii-tan is mine!"

"No way! I won't hand over my best friend to some skeevy little girl!"


Clothes-rending fight scenes that will take your breath away.

"Come! Fight me for onii-tan in this pool full of vanilla pudding!"

"Show me your kung-fu, little brat!"


Cliche supernatural plot twists.

"HAHAHA, you thought you could defeat the great Daimaou? FOOLISHNESS."

"Tch! Of course she's the Great Demon King!"


An unexpected friend in the yakuza.

"We got your back, aniki!"

"Yeah, kick his ass!"

"Actually, it's a demon pretending to be his imouto, you idiot!"


And enough smut to choke a bus full of nuns.

Filled to the brim with intruigue and danger, a heart-pulsing, edge-of-your-seat thrill-ride, this is one story of courage and lust you can't afford to miss.


Co-directed by Micheal Bay, Hugh Hefner and Quentin Tarantino:





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~The Legend of Aaeru


Tay is the protagonist of the story, along with our great and generous leader,  Aaeru.  Aaeru, hoping to raise a new kingdom from the ground up, takes the secret artifact of Piarshinga and flees his home country of East Animas.  Aaeru is a strong one, a young slightly-above adolescent meaning to carve out his own territory.  He, along with Tay, Ryoji, and a few others that come along, begin to forge this new land.


Aaeru is a fair leader, but ruthless in his execution.  He builds his kingdom of hope and prosperity on the sacrifices of ten million men.  Five years pass, and the Piarshinga artifact serves them greatly.  All is well within the kingdom, but the Piarshinga is not to be used lightly.  Aaeru is shunned for its use for personal gain, despite the fact that he had the best intentions.  He is a leader, and the greatest king to have ever lived, but such greatness does not come without a cost.  There is a reason the Piarshinga was locked away long, long ago.


A battle.  The spirits of the dead have come to claim their bounty.  The reward has been given.  Now the cost must be paid.


A great battle, across the fields.  Blood is shed, but the dead keep coming.


It takes three days of bloodshed before the fighting has broken.  The dead must regain their energy, but it will not take long.  The entire western border is nothing more than a graveyard now.  One more push and the capital will fall.


Aaeru heads out with the royal knights.  The Piarshinga is held tightly in his grasp.  It is a week later, and the enemy has returned.  There is no turning back.  The royal knights, the finest in all of the land, charge forth.  Their numbers only half the last battle, but their skills a thousand greater.


They will win.  They must.  There is no other option.


The dead surround them on all sides, feasting on their flesh as the royal knights diminish.  But they do not falter.  For every one knight that has lost their life, a thousand dead fall to their feet.


Tay is fighting, too.  He has shown promise these past years.  Another month and he would have been promoted to Aaeru's private guard.  A position of prestige and honor, if nothing more.


He is still alive, but barely.  The fighting has gone on for at least a hundred hours, yet the dead still fight like the first second.  The enemy has reached the allied camp, and the end is nigh.  Only their numbers have diminished, their spirits have not.  If only because they did not have any need for such a thing in the first place.  Of all those with the will to live, he is the only one who has lost the will to fight.  Or rather, of all those who have lost the will to fight, he is the only one to have escaped with his life.


Aaeru walks forward.  The Piarshinga is held in his hand.  He raises it up, as clouds of thunder rise into the sky. 


"Begone, demons."  His solemn voice goes out like a whisper, as his downcast eyes show a cold anger.  Blasts of thunder rain down across the battlefield as the enemy is pounded into the ground with a single shock.  The ground shakes and tears with explosive force, shattering the earth with an unprecedented force.  Unholy screams cry out, as the banished once are returned their hellish grave.


Aaeru's sword clashes through the remaining foes.  Ten, twenty, thirty.  A pile of bones collects at the floor as the enemy is cut down piece by piece.  Only a thousand remain.  Everyone should be dead.  Why are they still standing?


The Piarshinga burns brightly in Aaeru's palm.  The fire singes at his hand as his flesh is burnt away layer by layer.  Any mortal man would be screaming out in pain.  But not him.  For he is the strongest upon all of the land.


The allies charge forward.  Blood flies into the air.  But they keep fighting.  They are the strongest in all of the land, after all.  So they cannot surrender.  To do so would be a sin in and of itself.


Aaeru charges forward.  One by one, the enemy falls.  Cold wind blazes across the gentle fields, blood and bone covering the ground in a desperate attempt for survival.


One hundred remain.  Their leader is in sight.  A corpse in black armor, with rotting flesh and eyes screaming with terror itself.  He raises his sword as the remaining foes charge at Aaeru's forces.  Black fog covers the land, as the battlefield is covered in darkness.  Blood spills into the air, as the legendary hero charges forth.


Fifty remain.  Aaeru rushed ahead alone, as the one hero meant to save all that is right.  With each swing of his blade, the air shatters out in every direction.


The two leaders meet.  Aaeru is surrounded on all sides.  Thirty skeletons remain, separating Aaeru from his allied forces.  Regardless of those left, they are injured.  To rush in to help would be suicide.  And yet, they rush forward anyway.


It is not that Aaeru is trapped with the leader.  It is simply that the leader has cut off his own escape.  A clash of black and white at the center of it all, as the blades clash and spark one after the other.  A duel of contrast and despair, of life and death, as the dark hand of the grave begins to take hold.


The blade shoots through Aaeru's chest.  Pain smashes through.  But he does not stop.  To do so would be to surrender.  Aaeru's blade swipes through the rotting corpse's arm, as the clotted blood is sent flying into the air.


The blade comes down upon the enemy.  It lodges itself into the fiend's skull, as the writhing monster screams out in pain.  Aaeru's glowing palm grabs at the enemy's face, as the burning light tears at its' face, brighter than any star in the night sky.


The black fog is burnt away.  The Piarshinga's light has faded, waiting for the time it must be used next.


Aaeru is wounded.  It is nothing serious, of course.  He has survived far worse.


But that is where they were wrong.


For no matter the outcome,


The price must be paid.


Aaeru's heart is ripped in two.  The explosion bursts out as the torrent of blood blasts out from his chest.


The Piarshinga falls to the ground.  For such great power, a sacrifice must be made.


And so, a time of darkness has emerged, and the story, once more, can finally begin.




Mostly because it's getting late and if I don't submit this now I might not beat the deadline.  Oh, and there's a sex scene between Tiago and Ourai for some reason.

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I don't think it's going to be that precise honestly. 


I must apologize for my last-minute approach to a lot of these things ><


I seem to take things literally as well, so when someone says 48 hours (above) as opposed to something like days I tend to take it a bit more literally than I should.  Can't tell if it's a fault on my end or not ><

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-The Legend of Tay


(Consider this part two of my submission, with part one being The Legend of Aaeru.)


Aaeru's blood spurts across the dirt, as his weakened body falls to the ground.  Those who remain rush over to his side.


No matter the outcome, a sacrifice must me made.


This wasn't supposed to happen.  Why?  We won!  Why the hell is he dead!?


Aaeru's breathing is faint.  Blood spills to the ground faster than one could survive.  Even if they could, the man's heart had been ruptured from the inside.  It's as if the very thing that has given him life, made the simple decision that Aaeru's time had come, and ripped the soul from his body with a single pull.


"Hey!  Aaeru, get up!"


Tay is the first to reach the body.  Aaeru's breathing is in shortened gasps, raspy and clinging onto life.  Tay turns his body over, and the Piarshinga falls from his lifeless hand.  The sun is far above, shining down on the hero's spirit as his body returns to the origin of all life.


"Get up!  What are you waiting for!?  Baka!"


Fear.  Despair.  A desperate clinging onto hope, that somehow, Aaeru might be saved.  Tay's mind is a strong one, but it is simple.


Save Aaeru.  A single wish that cannot be granted.  Because of all the miracles that have happened in this land, there is always the cost that their people must pay.


"Wake up, Aaeru!"

The hero of legend, clinging to his last few precious moments, looks up to the face above him, and smiles.  Why?


"No.  No need to worry about me."


His voice is strong.  It's as strong as it's always been, in between the gasps of breath clinging to life.  Even if he has accepted his death, his body has not.  Such a shame that his death had to be such a shameful display.  Can he not end his life in honor, at least?


"Get up, hurry!"  Tay attempts to drag Aaeru to the medical tent.  They're some of the smartest in the kingdom, after all.  Surely, they must be able to something, right?




But alas, Tay was not strong enough.  He never was in the first place.  An inexperienced child, a young man who has no place risking his life on the fields of battle.  Why didn't he stay behind?  Spend his time finding a wife, and maybe raising a family.  It seems to be a much greater use of his life, is it not?


...Or rather, maybe it's simply because he never had such a future to begin with.  That is why he follows in the footsteps of heroes, is it not?  Because there was no other path to begin with.


Tay falls to the ground.  The rest of the soldiers can only watch.  Most of them had turned their backs long ago, unable to watch as the young boy's inspiration is shattered before him into a million tiny pieces.


"That's enough, Tay."


Aaeru's voice is quiet.  The same inspiration that heralded a thousand heroes.  But, the strength is gone.  He is weak, and his breathing has calmed far below what it would take to survive.


"You don't need to struggle any longer."


Aaeru reaches over and grabs the Piarshinga from the ground.  It's glow has dimmed, but it is still strong.  It can still be used.


"And so, the forbidden artifact finds a new host.  There is a reason the Piarshinga was locked away."


Aaeru places the artifact into Tay's hand.  The bright light spreads across the land, as the Piarshinga has found its new master.


"You must never let this treasure be destroyed, Tay."


And then, as Aaeru's life fades into nothing, the river of tears flows down his face.


"Because it is what will let you save this kingdom."


Dust.  Sparkling dust lifts up into the air, as the remnants of Aaeru's body dissipate into the air.  As a man forged by miracles themselves, surely his death must be a miracle as well.


For it is only through the miracle of sacrifice that we are allowed to continue.


Tay runs forward, as the dust floats into the air.


"Wait!  Where do you think you're going!?"


It is, of course, a meaningless effort.  The gods themselves has decided that his time has ended.  But humans are not known for such rational thought.


"What about the kingdom!  What about your daughter!?  You can't leave everyone behind!"


Aaeru's wish has been fulfilled.  There is nothing left for him to do.  And so, he has left this world.


"What about Kendjin!  You promised you would fight him again, right?  Right!?"


And so, all that is left is to accept that his time has ended.


"Come back, Aaeru!"


Tay finds himself at the edge of a great cliff.  How long has he been running?


Beyond it, the great kingdom lies.  Aaeru's kingdom.  The land he spent bringing to prosperity for a long, long time.  A land of eternal peace, and a land of everlasting happiness.


It is, in all meanings of the word, a miracle.


And yet, there is no miracle that comes without sacrifice.


Tay returned to the kingdom.  Aaeru is dead.  There is nothing that can be done.


They say the tears that were wept that day have not stopped, even today.  Aaeru's daughter, at seven years old, supposedly lashed out at the castle servants shortly after the news had broken.  Her mother had fallen ill while Aaeru was away, and died knowing her daughter's life would be in good hands.


Simply put, she had faith in Aaeru.  But the miracle did not come.  Aaeru is dead.


As the new wielder of the Piarshinga, Tay was placed as the new king within a weeks' time.  The former royal family, reduced to nothing but a little girl, had been cast aside to the streets.  The kingdom as a whole had no use for her anymore.  So she was abandoned.


...It is said that Kendjin took her under her wing shortly thereafter.  I do not know the details.


Ryoji explained the details to Tay shortly thereafter.  Miracles cannot happen without sacrifice.  That it what the Piarshinga is.  To achieve a miracle, you must sacrifice something of equal value.  This simply makes the cost of those decisions happen after the miracle, rather than before.  It is not a complex artifact at all.  But there is a reason it has been sealed away.


To destroy the Piarshinga is to remove all it has created.  Long, long ago, they used it without judgement.  Golden towers rose up to the sky on every surface, and the greatest land in all of history had been created.


But, then the time had come to pay the cost.  And then the world had come to an end.  All of humanity, mercilessly crippled in the blink of an eye.


At the end, only ten remained in all of the earth.  But the miracles had still been made.  And so, they could not destroy it.  And so, they sealed it away, never to be seen again.


To hold the Piarshinga is to take responsibility for all that must be sacrificed.  To destroy it is to remove all miracles it has created on this earth, and leave humanity even worse than it has been.  Did you know?  Life is a miracle, in and of itself.  Are we still not paying the price for that as well?


Ten years pass, and it is time for the sacrifice to be made again. 


Tay walks forward, alone this time.  His blade is in his right, and the Piarshinga in his left, glowing as brightly as that day long past. 


Ten.  Twenty.  Thirty.  His blade sweeps across the field like a holy knight, and blasts of fire and ice streak across the field.


Ten thousand.  Twenty thousand, Thirty thousand.  An infinite number, brought down by a single hand.  A miracle in and of itself, thought impossible by humans hands.


Seven days and seven nights have passed, and the fighting has almost ended.  A hundred skeletons remain, and one man, fighting since the start.


The Piarshinga shines brightly in his hand.  A thousand miracles trapped in a cycle of a thousand sacrifices.


And so, this must end.


Tay rushes towards the leader.  He raises the Piarshinga into the air, and brings it down upon his enemy's skull.  The artifact snaps in two, and the cycle of sacrifice comes to an end.


A field of green rushes across the land, as the miracles of this earth are rewritten to their very core.


And so, the earth sets off to rebuild once more.


....Or something.  Maybe Tay dies.  Maybe he finds out he has a kid.  Maybe he finds the kid's corpse, or maybe he sets off to find any female survivors and have enough sex to repopulate the earth.  I can't really tell.


Oh, but Kosaki and Ren get a sex scene in the second half.

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