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What Was Your Last Meal?

Stray Cat

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This link got me curious about it. What does your people have for breakfast in your country? Do you eat the same things or have a different kind of breakfast?


In Turkey we eat usually eat tomatoes, some cheese, olives, salami, cucumber, sausage. Along with honey, Nutella (I know its not the name of the thing but I forgot). And with bread of course. Sometimes we also eat eggs (boiled, fried with sausage).

As for drinking it's usually coffee or tea. 


I used to avoid the classic breakfast plate (I especially hated cheese) and go with cereal but I changed my eating habits. I usually drink coffee first thing in the morning and drink tea with breakfast.

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Filmjölk with müsli would be the only thing you're unlikely to find in non-nordic areas really. Otherwise sandwiches with 40% fat something margarine (ok this may be more of a thing here) and cheese / whatever. Well, I suppose the bread is also interesting since we very rarely have truly freshly baked bread, rather bagged stuff with fairly high shelf-life (in a dazzling variety), quite a difference from France or Germany...

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Varies widely from family to family here in the U.S.  


I'm not that fond of breakfast so I don't each much.  Maybe some leftovers or something in the microwave really quick (breakfast burrito etc.).  I'll have eggs a few times a week (when I'm not in a rush) and stuff like pancakes rarely. 

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Varies widely from family to family here in the U.S.  


I'm not that fond of breakfast so I don't each much.  Maybe some leftovers or something in the microwave really quick (breakfast burrito etc.).  I'll have eggs a few times a week (when I'm not in a rush) and stuff like pancakes rarely. 


No bacon?

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now breakfast , before is dinner ....... later will be lunch or supper .



my is random , depend who prepare .......

today is sunny side up with glass of milk.


Actually I saw the dinner thread right after I created this one :D, so its two different people thinking along the same lines



If I have a bigger meal I might have some bacon or sausage with it.  Though for me it's always turkey because yes I actually like it. 


I wish bacon was easy to find here :(

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yup, homemade mapotodu is the best, since i can make it as spicy as possible.

Why do u say i`m in Germany?


well, just my feelings, lol.

can't agree more, mate. somehow half-assed spiciness is just, nope.


Yesterdays dinner was






i often eat that whenever i'm too lazy to make sumthing :wafuu:

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I'm from Vietnam, and I have absolutely no idea what the heck is that "Vietnamese breakfast" they were eating. No, that's neither breakfast, nor any kind of proper meal.


Anyway, usually I only have toast and milk/capucchino, or sometimes just cereal in weekdays, and hashbrown + bacon + egg in weekends

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