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[DMMD] Serious Glitch and Can't Delete Game Entirely (SOLVED)


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Are you running your computer with Japan system locale? (link to instructions): Yes
Game Name: Drammatical Murder

Description of Problem: So basically I download DMMD last June from Fuwanovel without a problem. I played Clear and Koujaku's route without incident. I then came back like 3 months later to give Noiz's Route a go and just as I am about to get to the point in his route where you can decide to go the bad/good route the screen flashes and shows the "Nitro Chiral" logo like the game has restarted except everything was inverted (color wise) and none of the keys were responding except the exit button and then it started showing the text in Japanese . . . It is safe to say I was more than just a bit freaked afterwords. I thought it might just be part of the route, but then it got to the point where text started running all over the screen and nothing seemed to be working. So my question is, how can I fix this? And if I can't how can I totally delete the game, because I tried just deleting the folder and redownloading DMMD using the same torrent from before, but when I opened the new game it still had my saved scenes from my old game that I had completely deleted and when I went to go back to where the glitch happened, it happened again in all its trippy glory. Thanks in advance for your help!
Your Operating System: Windows XP
64 or 32 bit (link to how to find): 64 bit 
What did you already try? (Uninstall/Reinstall, Redownload, Run as admin, etc): Delete (Uninstall), Redownload, and Run as Admin 
Did you download your game from Fuwanovel?: Yes I did

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