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[Submission] VNs- Comments Section


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I once tried to edit Ever17's box-I think it was from my phone- and I ended up wiping everything. ._.


Sometimes I can't save what I wrote, though it has been some time since I wrote anything in any of those boxes.


So no idea if there's a problem with me or the boxes, but I am no good for them.

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Lots of black loli magic in those:

  • The "ban" is on the phrase(s) "a mysterious message/massage (funny as hell, if you ask me) out of nowhere" and "lol weeaboos"
  • Banning can only be done in general (no "just commenting/deleting"), per IP
  • The bans don't notify you about the fact you are banned, you just won't be able to change anything about it and will be taken back to the site you commented on as if everything had worked fine (this is called a shadow ban, if I wanted to be really mean I would've made it so it shows the changed content to a spammer, and only him, afterwards...)



No Disqus because it has security problems and we still had the Aaeru issue hanging in the air, so changing them was against her views of how the comments should be.


To elaborate: Aaeru wanted them to be as open as possible, for ease of access and usability. Not a problem for a small site, but that point might be moot by now.


Mods and admins can restore comment boxes, so just PM them if you manage to wipe one.


Since the site turned its back on some of Aaeru's views of running things, this might be able to change now.


And no clue why everyone thinks I'm out of the world, I never severed ties to the site people completely, just wasn't consulted again after the server got switched to nginx a bit after I left.

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