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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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  • 4 weeks later...

EU west servers : pseudo : Diamonit

I'm an old player, since I've played the game since season 1 (the good old times where Irelia was op as fuck, and Nocturne ult could make nearly all the map at rank 3... And when Eve had a stun!  :D )

Tips for people wanting to experiment original stuff in the jungle : Try Twisted Fate jungle. AD. Really funny to pull, and your ganks are op as hell with the stun every 5 sec and ult. I think I carried all the games I had with him, even the one where I got my red buff countered! xD

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  • 1 month later...

Umm, depending on the game mode it can be friendly or brutal. Ranked queue is pretty up and down, but normal games tend to be pretty nice if you put your best foot forward

I don't think I'm ready to see Fuwanovel players going apeshit over a loss ranked game yet. Those smiling loli faces will be never be the same again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone got any advice for playing as Jinx?  It's fun as hell to play as her, but whenever I do, I play terribly.  I think it's partially due to the huge influx of AP carry supports (I can support, too, guyz!  Look, I just 100-0'd that guy for you!  Oh, wait...I'm getting ganked?  What?  *feed because they have 0 utility*), but I also just have trouble CSing with her weird AA animation and her changing AS, and keep trying to use her W to escape if my E doesn't work too well.

NA: moriartywasreal


Hmm, tips will vary from league to league, but here are some general ones I've picked up:

  • Use the minigun for most CSing - switch to rocket launcher when CSing under turret, harassing ADC, and group fighting.
  • In general, ult only to begin or end a fight - don't spend time with channel time in the middle.
  • The problem before your support being a carry support will be wards. Ask them once, politely. If they're toxic or just careless, you'll have to pick up a green ward when you get back to lane and ward for yourself (yellow trinket won't be enough if they're not warding). It kinda sucks but it's necessary.
  • If neither of you have available wards and there's no sight on the enemy jungler, freeze the lane - don't auto attack except for last hits. Ideally, your minion wave won't push and you'll get to stay safely close to your turret. If you're already pushing but your spidey senses are tingling, immediately back off and take a jungle camp. Better safe than sorry, and you won't lose minions when you return to lane.
  • Jinx is very susceptible to ganks compared to, say, Lucian or Caitlyn, so map awareness is very important. That being said, she's fairly dominant in lane and is a safe pick.

Sorry that these are pretty vague, but I hope it helps!


EDIT: I'm a forum newb. Somehow, I thought the post was the last one in the thread, but it's not. -.-'

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  • 4 weeks later...

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