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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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It also heavily relies on the team captain not being a troll/noob/flamer.  Part of the reason I had to wait 30 minutes was that I kept getting booted by the captains because I was trying to play Annie Mid.  Got booted from 3 games in under 5 seconds each time.  Think I set some kind of record.

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Anyone else tried out Team Builder yet?  It took a long time for me to find a match (around 30 minutes), but still, the people actually knew how to play their roles.  It was amazing.

Depends on criteria. I tried it with my friends yesterday and it was wonderful. Got to choose the champs we wanted on our team, no fights over mid... and for us the games were instant. As long as you only say you want a top/mid/jung and don't specify the roll (tank, mage, etc.) you'll get people instantly. Games started as soon as we hit ready too... so wonderful. For the record though I only did it duo'd trio'd and... quatro'd? Whatever my point is I never tried it on my own.

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Depends on criteria. I tried it with my friends yesterday and it was wonderful. Got to choose the champs we wanted on our team, no fights over mid... and for us the games were instant. As long as you only say you want a top/mid/jung and don't specify the roll (tank, mage, etc.) you'll get people instantly. Games started as soon as we hit ready too... so wonderful. For the record though I only did it duo'd trio'd and... quatro'd? Whatever my point is I never tried it on my own.

we went 5 man mid zed,nida,talon,trist,ziggs.

me being talon went roaming together with zed.

is funny how much dmg you can put out when you both ult together.

btw we won that match.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lets get the LoL players in here, just a place to chit chat about the game, your favorite, or most hated champs, maybe even find new people to play with :P

didn't see this before my bad


Merged this with the older league of legends thread.


Also accidently moved it to G&C. Sorry! Moved it back now :ph34r:

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NA server

slamerz - slamerz


favorite champion is wukong, but I went played him a bit to hard to much so I try to not play him as often, it's a bit to easy you know :P

also does anyone else find that depending what other games you play it changes what roll you do better at?

Like I will go a whole week where I just suck as adc but as soon as I play osu for a few rounds I then can't adc like no other, or if I play some FPS's for the week all the sudden I play blitz so well, got them god hands.

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So I started playing league again for some reason instead of doing things more interesting (like reading VNs) and all I have to say is, Lulu and Khazix are broken.


And Diamond is full of trolls.

Lulu might be, kha just got nerfed, the big thing is you have to outplay him by paying attention to his mechanics, you have to try not to get isolated, so when he is fighting you stay in minions or next to an ally, Elise is very good at this because of spider for guarantees no isolation, and don't lose sight of him. when you start a fight if he gets low drop a pink if he ults and you lose sight of him for a second he gets a refresh on his passive and it actually hurts alot, if you do both of these things you can usually out dual him easily with most champs.

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Lulu might be, kha just got nerfed, the big thing is you have to outplay him by paying attention to his mechanics, you have to try not to get isolated, so when he is fighting you stay in minions or next to an ally, Elise is very good at this because of spider for guarantees no isolation, and don't lose sight of him. when you start a fight if he gets low drop a pink if he ults and you lose sight of him for a second he gets a refresh on his passive and it actually hurts alot, if you do both of these things you can usually out dual him easily with most champs.


Khazix got his damage numbers nerfed, but his stealth got buffed making him even better at ganking / cheesing skill shots/diving towers. 50% damage reduction for two seconds is pretty huge.

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Khazix got his damage numbers nerfed, but his stealth got buffed making him even better at ganking / cheesing skill shots/diving towers. 50% damage reduction for two seconds is pretty huge.

the stealth needed buffed, as it was before the only use the ult had was to refresh your passive, with 2 seconds you can actually use it as a stealth, something they were wanting for him from the start, you can't run away with a 1 seconds stealth, by the time the animation finished you were visible again, if they only want it to be a passive refresh they'd have come up with another way.


It's just one of those things where he isn't really all that OP anymore, he's always had the damage reduction in his kit, but it was completely ignored because the W and Q did so much damage you didn't need damage reduction, you would just e w q and they were gone

but now that he's lost alot of that damage you actually have to use him in some extended fights, so evolving r is now favorable.


Kha is just an assassin through and through as he was designed to be, just like akali, leblanc, or wukong (if you build him my way :P) they kill things quick, the counter-play is to shut them down early because if they start rolling their hard to stop, you feed them and they will kill someone in a fight, that is what their designed to do, very quickly deal damage to one person to kill them, if their fed they can get away with doing that to multiple people in a fight when they have a kill reset, like kha, yi, or akali.


if they do get rolling you have to actually peel for your people is all, if you keep hard CC standing next to your ADC when kha jumps in you have a chance to hit him in the air ect, he's still targetable so you can hit him before he deals any damage, you just have to watch for him, any cc will basically kill him if you focus him.

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Anyone got any advice for playing as Jinx?  It's fun as hell to play as her, but whenever I do, I play terribly.  I think it's partially due to the huge influx of AP carry supports (I can support, too, guyz!  Look, I just 100-0'd that guy for you!  Oh, wait...I'm getting ganked?  What?  *feed because they have 0 utility*), but I also just have trouble CSing with her weird AA animation and her changing AS, and keep trying to use her W to escape if my E doesn't work too well.

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