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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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I can't jungle for crap  xD  I tried to jungle with Warwick in a bot game...I was soooo bad  lol  Never jungled since then.  I tell people that, if they want me to jungle, we will lose.  It's not a threat, it's a fact.  We will lose if I jungle.


Is Vi top viable?  I thought that Vi looked fun to play, but since I can't jungle for my life, I thought that I might be able to play her top.


Do you play any other mids besides Ahri?  I played her a bit, and while it was fun, I was definitely not that good with her.  I got into an One For All match and my team picked her.  Our ADC Ahri carried so hard  lol

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Yaaaay, I accidentally necro'd yet ANOTHER thread!  I have such a useful skill.



I can help ya learn jungle if you want! I like helping/teaching people!

Thanks for the offer, but I really don't think I'm cut out for jungling  :/  WW is the only jungle champ that I have, and I only really know how to play him top lane.  I also don't really like jungling itself; I'm not good at setting up the timers, even on my iPod, and I don't play tanky champs all that well, aside from supports.

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Sooooo bad.  Worst lag I've ever seen in my entire time playing LoL.  I got disconnected at least 15 times, around 30-40 seconds each time, and I constantly got periods of lag where I couldn't move or cast spells, along with general lag that screwed up my CS.  Really wished that I hadn't been playing Ranked right then.

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i seen that lag.

was funny i wasnt affected and so was another teammate of mine.

rest of us dced thought and so did the entire enemy team.

so we kinda abused the lag.

Yeah...it would've been a lot funnier if I hadn't been playing ranked.  Like in ARAM, for example, I would've been laughing my ass off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uhh well, guess I'll take advantage of that super bump to post:

My IGN for NA is LanternWolf

I main adc, specifically Quinn, though I prefer to top or mid when I'm not duoing with a support. I like playing with a wide variety of champs, so you'll see me use a lot of things (from Aniva to Volibear to LeBlanc).

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I'm in the NA server, which I'm sure surprised nobody.


Think I said it before, but my username is Direwolfiez, and I main Lux, Ezreal, and Annie (Annie mid, not the hated Support Annie), but can also play Sona, Jinx, Ashe, and Morgana (mid or support).  I play about 1-4 games a day; if it's above 3 games, I'm usually playing ARAM, since they're usually so short.


Installing league to play with Ren-senpai~

But if anyone else wants to add me my username is leegsux. :P

Flutterz, FYI, there are a lot of smurfs (people with high skill levels playing new accounts) when you start, so don't be surprised if you constantly get destroyed at first.  That's one of the things I loathe about League: the (usually) terrible community.

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Flutterz, FYI, there are a lot of smurfs (people with high skill levels playing new accounts) when you start, so don't be surprised if you constantly get destroyed at first.  That's one of the things I loathe about League: the (usually) terrible community.

I have nearly 2500 games of Dota played, I think I'll be fine. :D When Ren-senpai finally plays with me :<

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North America: roninmedia


Not been bothered to play ranked. I pretty much play ARAMs these days. If I play normals, I've pretty much a support, mid or jungler. Since I play lots of ARAM, I've been picky about new champs, thus why I have more than 10k RP and 70k IP


My main champs are pretty much Diana, Lux, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Shyvana, Amumu and Jayce. Have not been playing much of late due to a combination of work, school, and other hobbies. I used to play Amumu or Lux support even back in S2/S3.

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