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Fuwanovel League of Legends Thread


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I smart cast everything always. it makes things smooth, but it's the reason I will never play Orianna. Learning her is just impossible without seeing the range indicator or spending a good amount of time. Back before Riot felt the need to rip out the heart of AP Kog  that was also a hard champ to smartcast with (1.5s cd ult with length that varies by level and is really big). It's pretty easy to get used to and it makes things a lot better. *Most* high level players use it, but it's not ubiquitous among pros.

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It was offered in another promo here in the Philippines, which I completely had no chance to participate in.

Huh, I never knew that.  And you finally revealed your country of origin!  No more tricking people into thinking you're living in Japan!


Won a 4v5 ARAM game as full tank Jax last night, while I was unable to fall asleep...the peels...they were glorious.  It was hilarious, I was our only tank (we had an AP Nid, Critplank and APC Morgana, and our Shyvana was AFK from the first second of the game), yet I managed to fend off Leona, Wukong and Lee Sin with Jax's E > Q > E reactivate combo.  It was glorious.  Also, I ended up 1v1'ing their Twitch when we both had really low HP...I had Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin's and Sunfire Cloak...guess who won that fight?  lol  AA resets are so useful, even when you don't build any damage.

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4k games and league is starting to lose me. I have played two games this week and couldn't wait for them to end. Hopefully when S5 hits and there is purpose to ranked again I will play more.


In the mean time trying to find MMO to play but none of them really grasp me. I would play Blade and Soul but you know fuck NA.

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Huh, I never knew that.  And you finally revealed your country of origin!  No more tricking people into thinking you're living in Japan!


Won a 4v5 ARAM game as full tank Jax last night, while I was unable to fall asleep...the peels...they were glorious.  It was hilarious, I was our only tank (we had an AP Nid, Critplank and APC Morgana, and our Shyvana was AFK from the first second of the game), yet I managed to fend off Leona, Wukong and Lee Sin with Jax's E > Q > E reactivate combo.  It was glorious.  Also, I ended up 1v1'ing their Twitch when we both had really low HP...I had Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Randuin's and Sunfire Cloak...guess who won that fight?  lol  AA resets are so useful, even when you don't build any damage.


...I revealed it quite a long time ago. Like under 500 posts or something.

Heh. Zeno-chan should pay more attention to me. <3


Also, I don't know what optimal build Jax should have, but I guess full tank is best?

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...I revealed it quite a long time ago. Like under 500 posts or something.

Heh. Zeno-chan should pay more attention to me. <3


Also, I don't know what optimal build Jax should have, but I guess full tank is best?

Wow.  Oblivious Zeno is oblivious.


Nah, full tank Jax usually doesn't do too well, which is why I was amazed I did good.  He almost always needs BotRK + Triforce to be relevant; he generally builds those two items and becomes and off-tank, stacking armor and MR so he can jump in to do damage and delete carries late game.

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Yep.  I've never actually even seen an AP Jax before.  I bet his W would hurt like crazy.


I started playing in the middle of Season 3, so I'm not enough of a veteran to remember weird builds like that.  I was there for AP Yi, though, and that was horrible  >.>

his ult and w hurt like hell his jump q also scales of ap.

but ap jax build is just nashor's tooth lichbane and some other items.

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Machinegun Lulu is pretty fun to play, haha  :lol:

Got every kind of rock throwing at me for the first 10 mins for "wooden rank", "newbie", "retard", "report him", just to carry the whole team later  :lol:

And most of the time, the opposite team will just ignore me and keep attacking tower/other champs and let me freely shoot them because "it's just a Lulu"  :lol:

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