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Anyone got any tips on using the post-rework Sona?  Not really sure how all of the changes affected her gameplay, so if I could get a few pointers that'd be great.  She's the only true support I can play decently, aside from Nami and Thresh, so I kinda need to keep basic knowledge of how to play her.

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Anyone got any tips on using the post-rework Sona?  Not really sure how all of the changes affected her gameplay, so if I could get a few pointers that'd be great.  She's the only true support I can play decently, aside from Nami and Thresh, so I kinda need to keep basic knowledge of how to play her.

Post-rework Sona emphasizes much more on having "moments of power" rather than her previous "hidden power" via her aura passives; they have essentially removed these passives and instead given them actives.

Her Power Chord passive mechanic stays the same though (Q bonus damage to Sona's auto attack, W reducing 20% enemy damage, E slowing enemy)

Here are some specifics:

Q: Instead of having that flat AD/AP boost, now empowers nearby ally's next auto-attack to deal bonus damage

W: Instead of flat Armor/MR boost, now shields and heals the most wounded nearby ally (heal is increased based on % missing health)

E: Instead of flat speed boost, now gives a bigger initial burst of speed and extends its duration for Sona the more allies you touch with the speed aura.

R: No change (I think :P)

Some tips

***Due to the nature of her active auras, positioning is key to post-rework Sona. The Q auto attack empower, W shield, E speed boost only apply when you touch your allies with your aura. Stay nearby your ADC/team to give them the aura actives whenever you use your abilities, but be careful not to be too close to them all the time when there's like an Orianna on the enemy team just waiting to use Shockwave


(Requires synergy + positioning): When you know your ADC is going to auto-attack harass the enemy champion (such as when enemy champion is moving in to last-hit a minion), position yourself so that you can Q the enemy while also giving your ADC the auto-attack empower. Sona Q + Sona Power Chord + Caitlyn Sona-Q-Empowered-Headshot = rekt'ed. Just don't get hooked by that darn Thresh when you move in to Q.


(Requires judgment): Use shield to prevent harass. Also the heal is now increased based on % missing health, so it is possible to bait the enemy to over commit. Be careful not to go OOM.


Pretty much the same as before, use it to chase/escape, just don't leave your teammates behind by not being in range to give them the speed boost.

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Post-rework Sona emphasizes much more on having "moments of power" rather than her previous "hidden power" via her aura passives; they have essentially removed these passives and instead given them actives.

Her Power Chord passive mechanic stays the same though (Q bonus damage to Sona's auto attack, W reducing 20% enemy damage, E slowing enemy)

Here are some specifics:

Q: Instead of having that flat AD/AP boost, now empowers nearby ally's next auto-attack to deal bonus damage

W: Instead of flat Armor/MR boost, now shields and heals the most wounded nearby ally (heal is increased based on % missing health)

E: Instead of flat speed boost, now gives a bigger initial burst of speed and extends its duration for Sona the more allies you touch with the speed aura.

R: No change (I think :P)

Some tips

***Due to the nature of her active auras, positioning is key to post-rework Sona. The Q auto attack empower, W shield, E speed boost only apply when you touch your allies with your aura. Stay nearby your ADC/team to give them the aura actives whenever you use your abilities, but be careful not to be too close to them all the time when there's like an Orianna on the enemy team just waiting to use Shockwave


(Requires synergy + positioning): When you know your ADC is going to auto-attack harass the enemy champion (such as when enemy champion is moving in to last-hit a minion), position yourself so that you can Q the enemy while also giving your ADC the auto-attack empower. Sona Q + Sona Power Chord + Caitlyn Sona-Q-Empowered-Headshot = rekt'ed. Just don't get hooked by that darn Thresh when you move in to Q.


(Requires judgment): Use shield to prevent harass. Also the heal is now increased based on % missing health, so it is possible to bait the enemy to over commit. Be careful not to go OOM.


Pretty much the same as before, use it to chase/escape, just don't leave your teammates behind by not being in range to give them the speed boost.

Wow, how did I miss this post?  Thanks for explaining the changes to me!  This is gonna take some getting used to.  Dunno if I like the changes yet, besides showing where the auras are.


Just went 17/3/13 as Jinx after a game with a DC and another one with a feeder .  It was funny, for about half the game things were looking really bad; their Yasuo had killed ours three times in a row, their Ryze had killed our Riven at least twice in a row, and they'd taken 4 of our turrets.  Then the ambushing began, and I got super fed.  Checked the stats afterwards, and I dealt over 27k damage to enemy champs.  Awwww yeah.

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Really.  Guess he doesn't fit into the meta that well now, since almost everyone in the current meta has some type of hard CC or dash that make it quite easy to get away from him if you know his skillset.

Yeah, all the champs that are based on movespeed like Singed, Garen, Hecarim, Volibear are so depressing to play at this time. 

All it takes is one simple slow (and everybody's kits have slows these days)/CC/dash for the enemy to disengage and you end up looking like a total noob xD

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IGN: AtherAngelus

Server: EUW

Gold V at the moment, might rush plat this season if I find the time to log on...

Roles: I switch around alot, for the moment MID

Champions: Any champ that riot breaks will be in my good care to smash unaware scrubbo's with, new viktor for example ... can outtrade all tier 1 mages at the moment ( gj rito )

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Yeah, all the champs that are based on movespeed like Singed, Garen, Hecarim, Volibear are so depressing to play at this time. 

All it takes is one simple slow (and everybody's kits have slows these days)/CC/dash for the enemy to disengage and you end up looking like a total noob xD

I still remember when people used to jungle with hecarim, volibear, yi and udyr all the time

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Well, I'm pretty damn happy right now.  Checked my LoLKing match history a few days ago, and it seems like my hidden Normals elo is now in Silver V.  No more Bronze for me  :D  Still gonna wait until Riot does whatever there going to do to the NA servers before I play ranked again; I got tired of losing ranked games because of server issues.

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Well, I'm pretty damn happy right now.  Checked my LoLKing match history a few days ago, and it seems like my hidden Normals elo is now in Silver V.  No more Bronze for me  :D  Still gonna wait until Riot does whatever there going to do to the NA servers before I play ranked again; I got tired of losing ranked games because of server issues.

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Jungle Yi was a terror if he ganked bot lane.  I have so many bad and good memories of being decimated and carried by jungle Yis...Udyr still is in a few of my games, though, surprisingly.  I guess people still want to use him.


Yeah I remember jungler yi ... you can't kite him ... you just can't ... and he just needs a few strikes to kill you

Well, I'm pretty damn happy right now.  Checked my LoLKing match history a few days ago, and it seems like my hidden Normals elo is now in Silver V.  No more Bronze for me  :D  Still gonna wait until Riot does whatever there going to do to the NA servers before I play ranked again; I got tired of losing ranked games because of server issues.

How do you know that in LoLKing? 

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