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The deck has a higher win-rate against those aggressive decks than the normal control list does. 


Hearthstone's midrange decks are weird. They're waaaay too agressive for midrange, mostly because creatures are so OP in HS and you don't have to worry about mana. 


A control deck doesn't care about when it wins- it works on the premise that, if it stalls long enough, it'll normally win against anything it faces. This deck isn't quite like that. In exchange for having a higher win-rate against aggressive decks, it will not beat control decks if it turns into a value game. Which is why it can't turn into a value game. 


Against control, its midranginess truly shines- it has just enough to overwhelm them before they can beat you with their superior lategame. Varian is ridiculously important in those matchups, because it allows you to draw cards right when you're about to run out of steam, which lets you continue to put pressure- I find it ironic that you say that Varian "won't pull anything good"- great! It's purpose is not to put a bunch of lategame on the board- sometimes it's bad when that happens. It's purpose is to let me draw spells and weapons to keep pressure going and bring forth the rest of my midrange crap like piloted shredders to overwhelm them like that without quite overextending.


Against aggro, it just straight up has better early game, board presence and removal. Which is why I believe this to be a superior version of warrior compared to control lists. 

Well if that's what you believe and you have the stats to reinforce your opinion then there's nothing more we should argue about. Ysera is not needed. I kinda disagree with what you have said but I haven't seen that deck in play. Sadly you can't judge a deck by seeing its list but you have to test it out to see its true worth. 

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Well if that's what you believe and you have the stats to reinforce your opinion then there's nothing more we should argue about. Ysera is not needed. I kinda disagree with what you have said but I haven't seen that deck in play. Sadly you can't judge a deck by seeing its list but you have to test it out to see its true worth. 


Cross was the deck's creator. I think he may have gotten the deck up to top 20 (and stayed there). I do know he reached top 1 legend a few times, though I don't know if this was the list he was using. Neirea from team liquid then popularized it, also reaching pretty damn high legend rankings with it, though I don't know exactly which rank he ended up in. 


I definitely suggest checking those streams out. Maybe you'll find them playing the deck, or at least some highlights. 

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So, I've been playing a bunch of midrange secret paladin today after getting sick of facing them with my control warrior.

Went alright, but then I ran into a bunch of tempo mages and patrons for the last 15 or so games. So, about par for the course of the average laddering experience.  :salt:


As an aside, I've also been playing just a regular midrange paladin list too. I haven't seen it discussed too much, but it seems regular midrange paladin is favored in the secret paladin matchup. You can handily diffuse christmas trees with aldor/equality/consecrates. Am I wrong in thinking this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, this thread sure is rather ded lel.

Anyways, I've been playing dragon priest since it became a thing, and have recently crafted ysera to perfect it. Needless to say, it's preeeeeeeeeeeetty good in the current super aggro meta, and doesn't do too bad against control either. I've mainly been climbing with that and freeze mage and it's been working out pretty well. I'm also surprised that not more people are playing dragon priest considering it's only real counter, handlock, is almost non-existent. imo it's the best thing to play atm, I favour it over secret pally because it's not as faggoty doesn't get hard countered by freeze mage which is rather popular atm.


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After playing it to r5 I can only recommend aggro rogue for climbing. Nothing else really did it for me, though maybe I sucked a bit too much at midrange druid or teched wrong and my dragon priest was yseraless with a sad replacement in Nefarian. The upside is that it's really cheap and requires no adventures. The downside is that you need some skill and knowledge of the deck to perform even adequately at times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The next expansion was announced yesterday. It's an exploration-themed adventure set, and it's already coming out next week. All of the cards were revealed already: http://www.hearthpwn.com/news/1082-every-card-from-the-league-of-explorers-adventure

Many of the cards are kind of underwhelming, but this is how it usually goes. I  think they'll be several playable additions, and I think it might be good for arena which is what I mainly play anyways. Overall though, it actually feels like a goofy funtimes expansion, and many of the cards aren't actually meant to be taken seriously. They're releasing this on an accelerated schedule and there's a lot of really weird cards in here. I expect some awfully strange decks to be built with them.

Also 45 cards in 4 wings, so the value proposition is much higher than before. Probably specifically because they realize that some of these are joke cards. I happen to have enough gold saved to buy the whole thing as it comes out, so that's nice. A lot of people wait until an announcement to save gold though, sucks for them since they'll have no time to do so.

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This is by far the most disappointing adventure yet. The theme, the cards, and OMG THE CARDS. The lameness is simply unparalleled. No secret pally counters. No meta changing cards. No considerable control tools... :c

The only card I'm really interested in testing out is this dude http://media-hearth.cursecdn.com/avatars/271/32/635824370580576052.png



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Reno Jackson has the potential to be a hugely meta-warping card. He's being experimented with pretty heavily right now, and the results are pretty good. And he's only going to get better as more expansions are released and there are more viable alternate cards to ease the pain of running nothing but one-ofs. And many decks can afford to run Reno and a handful of two-ofs if they're good at stalling, like Freeze Mage. I mean, think about it, if you can mitigate its downside, a 6 mana 4/6 that fully heals your hero is pretty much the most insane thing ever. I'm not saying every deck will run Reno, but if enough Reno decks stick on the ladder, it will pretty much completely kill any face-rush aggro decks.

There are a lot of other pretty neat looking cards, in my opinion. Discover is turning out to be a bit better than people expected because there's actually a 4x bonus for class cards to be an option, something Blizzard didn't previously disclose. I think slower control or midrange rogues could finally become a thing. Maybe Shaman Murloc decks can be viable with their new, possibly more consistent finisher? Brann Bronzebeard looks like a fun card that could be really powerful. So far, the expansion seems pretty alright to me.

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I'm liking dark peddler in warlock and reno's making me want to kill myself vs control... otherwise, business as usual I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/

Discover was the one mechanic I liked in the adventure, but the class card frequency increse is really interesting. I guess we'll see how things go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this week's tavern brawl is really cool. It's basically a deck building game not entirely dissimilar to something like Dominions. Basically, at the start of each turn you discover a random card. Every time you play a card or end a turn with cards in your hand, copies of those cards are placed into your deck and you draw a new hand of four cards each turn. This creates some really interesting dynamics and strategies. It's sort of like arena but you build your deck over time in each game, and can see what your opponent plays and can choose counters to those cards in case they draw them again. There's also some weird stuff like bounce-backs adding duplicates to your deck or discards removing cards from your deck entirely, if you want to manipulate the value of your deck. 

It's also slow. And most of the players are too dumb to understand what's going on, but if you get a good opponent it's super fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My goal this month was to get rank 5 on day 10, and I succeeded (I was 1 star away on day 8 twice and actually played against Savjz, lol - I kept running into (murloc otk) control paladin, mech mage of all things, aggro shaman, and even a mill druid - utterly terrible since like half the deck is cycle - that I had 50% of winning at last draw I had and lost to.) I kinda feel like playing something like floodzoo without gormok to actually learn how to play the game properly, but aggro freeze mage is really tempting (and what I climbed with, too.) I also beat a tempo mage that counterqueued with control warrior after I rekt him with aggro freeze.

At least now that I have all the wings of the adventure, I can start playing arena again. I actually had like 1640 by the time it unlocked because I have no life (edit: f2p btw), though my first run was a disappointing 4-2 with mage and current rogue run is 1-1 with me not too confident about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had one of the saltiest nights in my life. I really wanna cry. On the bright side, I finally got two wings of LOE so I can finally play deathrattle rogue , time to make people dc :holo: 

On the other hand, only 9 days remaining and so I need to start to rush my way to rank 5 like I always do, finding the time to do that is a big problem since I have other things to do , but with my faith in the secret pally light , I can probably get it. It's kinda sad how I ended up depending on secret pally to get to rank 5 , p. depressing. But hey I need the dust >_>

I have to say that from the people who say Reno is a good or cancer, I tbh like its existence. Even thou I lost a match today because a guy got reno from portal :salt: . It was even a tempo mage deck and after he used all of his steam and we were nearing fatigue , he just played reno :salt: . My feelings towards reno are like my feelings towards deathwing, I like their existence and get reky by them every now and then but they aren't really a problem. Aggro shaman on the other hand ;_; 

I would actually play it if I wasn't saving my dust for Boom , but I might just give up and start going on a dust spree again.

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  • 1 month later...

So this is happening. What classes will benefit the most? Which will get bitchslapped? I think aggro and zooi decks in general will get pretty nerfed without a lot of the popular aggro tools, like mad scientist and haunted creeper. I wonder if rogue will see the light of day without loatheb and sludge everywhere. Guess we'll have to wait and see

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We can't say for sure which classes are affected most until we know the nerfs to the classic/basic set that are happening, and what the next expansion's cards look like. This is a HUGE change, though. I suspect "standard" will be the main mode of play for most people, and so many cards are being removed. People are complaining about Healbot, Sludge Belcher, and Zombie Chow going, but of course cards like Haunted Creeper are getting the cut, too, so that side of things will mostly balance out. If anything, this is the opportunity Blizzard needed to really drastically slow the meta down if they add some good anti-aggro tools in the next expansion.

Druid seems barely affected, but it's pretty certain that some Druid cards are getting nerfed. I wouldn't be surprised if Ancient of Lore and Savage Roar both get hit. Blizzard is mainly worried about the Druid class being stagnant, and no new cards are ever better than their original Classic cards. That said, there's no real room to nerf Swipe or Wrath so those are sticking around in every druid deck ever.

But probably the most important thing they need to do in the next expansion is to release some strong Warrior cards, because I believe they're being hit the hardest by this. Maybe they could transition Warrior to being more aggressive? It would be kind of boring if they released Shieldmaiden 2.0 so Warrior could continue being the turtling class.

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Well I am still happy some broken cards will be gone from the game that were just seen everywhere like shredders and DR Boom , I am happy I didn't craft DR boom. Thou I gotta say I will miss loathen and nerubian eggs ;w; , that's why I have decided I will try to get legend this month with zoolock ... hopefully I succeed to. I hope many new archetypes will come out to existence and I also hope the meta won't shape around a certain deck like how it did with patron and secret. It was like any deck that can pull some wins from paladin can get many wins in ranked aka almost all meta decks. 

For the last two seasons, Druid has been the deck I see in higher ranks during the last twenty days (aka rank 5 and above) along with secret paladin, they both seem to me like the strongest decks atm thou I still suck at midrange druid and I never wanted to craft war or boom so there's that. And aggro druid might be rip without fel reaver (I think it's gvg if I remember correctly). Standard will probably nerf secret paladin a lot but they really need a 3 drop if muster is gone.... I think there's so much potential in wild format but people will probably go to standard format which can be nice and all. The only people left in the wild format will be the people who love their cancer decks so much they can't live without them. I don't really think this will slow down the meta at all. They will probably release more dumb early game minions in the new expansion , I just want the druid combo to be nerfed , I don't care how. 

I miss patron

I also wanna congratulate the winner of fuwa 2015 hearthstone championship (EU version) : @Zakamutt who has lost only two sets, one against me because of an awesome pyromancer that fucked up his combo and one against @Jptje I think , he was able to win the whole tournament thou. Congratz, zaka! *pachi pachi pachi* 


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There's a neat event today that's still ongoing, a sealed deck tournament: http://www.twitch.tv/redbullesports/v/41442600

This is something I'd like to see officially supported but I don't think it ever will be. The idea was really cool, but the production on the event was awful with some terrible casters and really bad production issues. If you don't know what the sealed deck format is, basically players open up something like 50 packs in a simulated environment and then build three decks out of those packs (plus basic cards in this event, I think?). The simulated pack opening included adventure cards as well. It's like something in-between Arena and Ranked.

I'd like to see a sealed tournament from a crew who actually knows how to put on an event. It's a super popular format in MtG and I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to attempt it in Hearthstone.

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