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Grisaia no kajitsu anime


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Yeah, I think I heard that it was to air in the summer a month ago?


Some info since the chart doesn't have it.

The director's the guy who animated Rewrite's 2nd opening. The character designer/main animator(?) is Watanabe, who did character designs for Yumiko, Michiru, and Chizuru. Studio's 8-bit.

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Yeah, I just created this one to confirm, you have no idea how surprised I was seeing that chart! I shouted, then my mom goes: "What's wrong with you!?". Any mods reading this, you can erase the thread now, sorry for this... I was really REALLY surprised

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Wow, this summer is going to be interesting- the Otoge fans are going to have their Dramatical Murder anime, and the Eroge fans are getting Grisaia. Both have pretty popular English translations too, so I'm guessing they'll both be all over the internet when they come out. Personally, though, I'm actually pretty excited for the Grisaia adaptation. I'm not expecting perfection- Little Busters taught me never to expect TOO much- but even if it's not a scene-for-scene copy of the game, it'll still be interesting to see the characters animated, and to see the story unfold in a different format.

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people are caring too much that if it'll be a flop or not. Come on man even if it cant match up to a VN,for a huge fan of the VN like me this is awesome.We can finally see Yuuji in action animated and ofc his philosophical words and jokes will also be nice to see ;d. Hopefully we see a bit of Kazuki animated too :D

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But half of the most interesting this about Yuuji are his inner mologue and toughts. Everytime a scene begins he always say something regarding a random situation or how it applies to a present one. I'm just worrying if we can really see Yuuji's badassery in his 100% form >.>

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Maybe the anime will resolve the problem of Grisaia : getting rid of all the nothingness I that VN.

40 hours of game in how many episodes ?

They should make it something like 2 or 3+5*3 episodes, that would do the trick.

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But half of the most interesting this about Yuuji are his inner mologue and toughts. Everytime a scene begins he always say something regarding a random situation or how it applies to a present one. I'm just worrying if we can really see Yuuji's badassery in his 100% form >.>

yea kind of but things can be done about that,i wasnt talking about u specifically but seeing so many people saying 'oh no' 'they'll ruin it' was getting annoying. Ruin wat? The VN wont be effected if the anime is bad ;s


40 hours? i think it was well above 50 hours xD common route itself was 15-20 hours and first choice came after 5 hours...

24 episodes minimum would be need to adapt the first novel(obviously cutting out some of the less important parts) and 2 more cours after that for the rest of the trilogy

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Are you talking about the long common route or something more specific? Either way  I think this game is an important development towards the next games. Regarding heirones of course



yea kind of but things can be done about that,i wasnt talking about u specifically but seeing so many people saying 'oh no' 'they'll ruin it' was getting annoying. Ruin wat? The VN wont be effected if the anime is bad ;s

Yeah it's getting pretty redundant and I'm too. It's just that I want to see a good anime adaptation of this VN.
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I think 3 episodes is more than enoguh for the common route if they don't want to lose 80% of their audience because of nothing happening (let's face it, nothing happens in the common route).

Then 4 or 5 episodes per herione is more than enough in my opinion, maybe 6 for Yumiko, Sachi and Michuri.


I don't want to go through the pain of waiting for the story to get started again. (*cough* Makina *cough* Amane *cough*)

That's why I'm praying they make it short.

Then it has potential to be good.

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They will probably start going through the heroine stories early in (after a few eps) and mix in a lot of common route content as filler alongside all of the heroine specific stuff. I have pretty low hopes for this show overall. I just don't think it can really adapt well to anime, and the staff on it seems pretty weak so far.


If they leave out Michiru's and Makina's engrish dialogue I'll be very disappointed :angry:


That's up to the fansubbers, really. The true test of a fansubber's worth is how they translate Makina. Thinking on it, we are so lucky Koestle is such a good TLer, because there were so many ways Grisaia could have been completely screwed up.

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if they make it 'short' they will leave out a huge portion of the vn


'nothing happens' ehm without the common route we wont even know the basic premise of this title,we wont get to know the 5 girls' behaviour,habits etc and its not as boring as u claim infact this was one of the best common routes i've ever read and if adapt it with 3 episodes it'll be really stupid (and not possible)

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