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Sengoku Rance Extra Notes & Advice


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Hi, new member here. Been searching around forums and on the net for some extra notes and advice on Sengoku Rance. I would like to share some notes and cheats related to better enjoy the game without any limitations and just trying to break the game.

Go : https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/936089-sengoku-rance/faqs/58210

This is a manageable walkthrough guide by nalmar but with some tweaks from Spoiler AL or Cheat Engine, you'll run the turns better and maybe hasten the turns. Full CG accomplishment guides and character clears. Credits to nalmar!

Go : https://alicesoft.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Sengoku_Rance_guides

For further assists on character clears and game mechanics developments. The game works on some trigger options, so reading alot, helps alot in the game.

Go :

Not to forget, I've found this when searching. Credits to Tom!

And the best parts

1. Spoiler AL


Basically we can download Spoiler AL from various sites but this one gives a simple guide on how to start on it instead of guessing and pressing everything.
Note: Currently tested on [Fuwanovel] version. Mangagamer version is not tested.
Note: Use Microsoft Applocale to execute Spoiler AL (without it, Spoiler AL will spit out basic unicode) : https://microsoft-applocale.software.informer.com/1.3/
Translations from someone (sorry I don't recall where I got it).



Basic Options

固定 : Fixation (always remember and automatically applies the specified changes)

実行 : Execute (it is like an accept option)


基本データ : Foundation Data

ターン数 [#] : Turn Number

基本点 [#] : Foundation Points

満足度 [#] : Satisfaction Scale

金 [#] : Gold

合戦準備効率 [#] : Battle Preparation Efficiency

行動回数 [#] : Mobilization Frequency (available)

行動回数最大値 [#] : Maximum Mobilization Frequency

行動回数維持 : Preservation for the Mobilization Frequency (restores the mobilization frequency)

成功値=必要成功値化 : Success Variable = Necessary Success Value Conversion ***DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES

全所属武将の好感度一律7化 : All the Captains Have a Relationship of 7 (7 smiling faces for each captain) ( )

全所属武将の行動済状態解除 : All the Captains Mobilization Status Available (removes all the captains inability to battle)


戦闘補助 : Combat Assistance

経過時間 [#] : Expires Time (0 = no turn used. 24 = used all turns)

味方全軍兵力維持 : (Ally) Maintain All Military Force (heals the troops of your captains and can prevent death)

味方全武将体力維持 : (Ally) Maintain All Captains (heals captains during dungeon battles)

味方全軍瀕死状態 : (Ally) Maintain All Troops in Near Condition Death (have one troop left, if fixated they don't die)

味方全武将瀕死状態 : (Ally) Maintain All Captains from Death (same above for dungeon battles)

味方に強力全付与効果 : (Ally) Grant All the Status Effects (activate the arrows of attack, defense, intelligence and speed)

味方行動回数リセット : (Ally) Resets Mobilization Frequency (reset the flags used)

敵全軍瀕死状態 : (Enemy) Maintain All Troops in Near Condition Death (have one troop left, if fixated they don't die)

敵全武将瀕死状態 : (Enemy) Maintain All Captains in Near Condition Death (same above for dungeon battles)

敵速攻壊滅 : (Enemy) Instant Annihilation

敵全員捕獲 : (Enemy) Capture All Captains


武将ステータス : Military Status

通常 : Common (for the ones found in the captains menu)

その他 : Others (can find シィル's status here)

現在体力 [#] : Current Strength (HP on the left for dungeon battles)

最大体力 [#] : Maximum Strength (HP on right for dungeon battles)

現在兵力 [#] : Current Military Force (HP on the left for territorial battles)

最大兵力 [#] : Current Military Force (HP on the right territorial battles)

現在LV [#] : Current Level

最大LV [#] : Maximum Level

関係 [] : Relationship

好感度 [#] : Relationship Scale (smiling faces)

職種 [] : Occupation

兵科 [] : Soldier Branch (the type of soldier the captain controls)

兵科所属 [] : Soldier Branch Belongs to (which house does the captain is from)

装備 [] : Equipment

基礎コスト [#] : Foundation Cost (how much do the group occupy in the nation power)

コスト [#] : Cost (same thing in different display)

スキル : Skills *First five are territorial skills while the last 5 are dudgeon skills [スキル無し] = (empty slot or no skill)

基礎能力 : Ability Basis (for permanent records and cannot be seen)

現在能力 : Current Abilities (for display only and will be overridden by the ability basis after one turn)

> 行動 [#] : Mobilization (number of flags, real maximum is 6)

> 攻撃回数 [#] : Count is Strikes (0 = all flags are used; # = # flags used; if all used, can't use the character in dungeons)

> 攻 [#] : Attack

> 防 [#] : Defense

> 知 [#] : Intelligence

> 速 [#] : Speed

> 探索 [#] : Navigation

> 交渉 [#] : Negotiation

> 建設 [#] : Establishment (AliceWiki says construction but in the game means establishment)

> 一括 : Batch (max out everything to SpoilerAL's maximum)

解雇禁止フラグ : Layoff prohibition flag ***DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE

行動済状態解除 : Remove Mobilized Status (allow to use the group to be used for territorial battles again)


地域ステータス : Regional Status

国力 [#] : Nation Power

迷宮踏破階数 [#] : Dungeon Level Traveled

合戦の準備 [#] : Battle Preparation



アイテムエディタ : Item Editor

収納箱の状況 : Circumstances for Hunting Treasures (green are for navigation events and red inside dudgeons)

>収納箱 : Hunted Treasures

>収納箱[青] : Hunted Treasures [Green]

>収納箱[赤] : Hunted Treasures [Red]

アイテム所持数 : Item Possession (the ones you can see in the item menu)


CGモード関連 : CG Mode and Related Options

周回特典 : Going Around Special Favors

>クリアフラ : Completely Clear Special Favors (completed the favors you were asked)

>グクリア特典全出現 : Clear Flag (enables you to choose set of character when starting a new game)

>最高点 [#] : Highest Score (with how much score did you beat the game)

>使用可能ポイント [#] : Points Available(point you can use for cheating when starting a new game)

CGモードALL : CG Mode All

音楽モードALL : Musical Mode All


2. Cheat Engine

You can check their forums on how to use. Its very easy and fast to learn. Original made by habeeb, reposted on https://fearlessrevolution.com/threads/2086/
Note: habeeb's version works on [Fuwanowel] version. Not tested on Mangagamer version.


Since I've tested it on [Fuwanovel] version instead of Mangagamer version, maybe someone could update here for future notes and advice.

PS: I'll help as much as I can for Spoiler AL since I've tested out some of the functions. Some are not applicable and the game could revert to their original value/figures when ending turn. CE is mostly self-explanatory since it could be useful for items especially and timed battles.

PS2: Would like to keep this post to help others who struggle with the game. Enjoy!


Edited by JesmondL
Some mistakes on putting the spoiler. Sorry. Newb.
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As for Nalmar guide it's not possible to follow it step by step seeing that the event is randomized, although of course it's still useful to a degree in that you may need some help on some situation. Alicesoft's guide is pretty comprehensive, so I had nothing to add here.

I never use cheat in any gameplay VN here, and yeah I already beat this once back when Mangagamer still not translate this (Duh). As for my tips, you should beat Ashikaga, Uesugi, Akashi, and Houjou in that order if you want some easier time. As to avoid Takeda beat Houjou and Uesugi (And therefore screwed the gourd order), declare war to both of them (Not Takeda obviously). Of course you shouldn't beat Houjou after Akashi fall, but instead I would say that you should beat Masamune after Akashi (Don't forget to recruit Kazemaru and clear his event). Note that by the time you finished Houjou, you should be ready for the war against the fiend. Lastly if you wonder on what bonus that you should take in character events, then you should take 'Level +2' bonus because level is REALLY matter for the final boss and that Alicesoft here didn't give level up each time after commander battle. At least they give us level each time you clear dungeon so exploit it as much as possible, and KEEP using level up item that you get each time you free five prisoners to Rance, and only Rance.

PS - I don't know if some of those are still apply to Mangagamer version, but hopefully it still apply.

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