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PAK repacking

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So I'm trying to repack PAK files that I took apart using Crass. The game is  堕淫フォーカス~パック~, from Heat-Soft / Eroro /2009

The only 2 real tools i've found with potential chances are ACpack32 and Filepack32,  but I can't seem to get ACpack to work from some reason and Filepack32 is as far as I can tell,
extinct from the internet (all links are rapidshare = dead) .

The other tool I've tried is createSRPak, but the files made though it are unreadable by the game.


I posted a similar question on the Data Extraction thread, and as of now the only leads i've got are the Crass code Nanashi3 got me:

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <crass_types.h>
#include <acui.h>
#include <cui.h>
#include <package.h>
#include <resource.h>
#include <cui_error.h>
#include <utility.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* 接口数据结构: 表示cui插件的一般信息 */
struct acui_information IPAC_cui_information = {
	NULL,					/* copyright */
	NULL,					/* system */
	_T(".PAK .WST"),		/* package */
	_T("1.0.3"),			/* revision */
	_T("痴汉公贼"),			/* author */
	_T("2009-3-29 23:09"),	/* date */
	NULL,					/* notion */

/* 所有的封包特定的数据结构都要放在这个#pragma段里 */

#pragma pack (1)
typedef struct {
	s8 magic[4];		/* "IPAC" */
	u16 index_entries;
	u16 unknown;
} PAK_header_t;

typedef struct {
	s8 name[32];
	u32 unknown;
	u32 offset;
	u32 length;
} PAK_entry_t;

typedef struct {
	s8 magic[4];		/* "IEL1" */
	u32 length;
} iel1_header_t;

20 bytes header
1024 bytes palette
width * height * 3 dib data
width * height alpha
typedef struct {
	s8 magic[4];		/* "IES2" */
	u32 unknown;		/* "IES2" */
	u32 width;
	u32 height;
	u32 bits_count;
	u32 reserved[3];
} ies2_header_t;

struct key {
	s32 low;
	s32 high;

typedef struct {
	s8 magic[4];		/* "WST2" */
	u32 reserved[2];
	u16 adpcm_fmt_parameter[14];
} wst_header_t;
#pragma pack ()

static void *my_malloc(DWORD len)
	return malloc(len);

static inline unsigned char getbit_le(unsigned char byte, unsigned int pos)
	return !!(byte & (1 << pos));

static DWORD lzss_decompress(unsigned char *uncompr, DWORD uncomprlen, 
							unsigned char *compr, DWORD comprlen)
	unsigned int act_uncomprlen = 0;
	/* compr中的当前字节中的下一个扫描位的位置 */
	unsigned int curbit = 0;
	/* compr中的当前扫描字节 */
	unsigned int curbyte = 0;
	unsigned int nCurWindowByte = 0xfee;
	unsigned int win_size = 4096;
	BYTE win[4096];
	memset(win, ' ', nCurWindowByte);
	while (1) {
		/* 如果为0, 表示接下来的1个字节原样输出 */
		BYTE flag;

		if (curbyte >= comprlen)

		flag = compr[curbyte++];
		for (curbit = 0; curbit < 8; curbit++) {
			if (getbit_le(flag, curbit)) {
				unsigned char data;
				if (curbyte >= comprlen)
					goto out;

				if (act_uncomprlen >= uncomprlen)
					goto out;

				data = compr[curbyte++];
				uncompr[act_uncomprlen++] = data;
				/* 输出的1字节放入滑动窗口 */
				win[nCurWindowByte++] = data;
				nCurWindowByte &= win_size - 1;
			} else {
				unsigned int copy_bytes, win_offset;
				unsigned int i;

				if (curbyte >= comprlen)
					goto out;

				win_offset = compr[curbyte++];

				if (curbyte >= comprlen)
					goto out;
				copy_bytes = compr[curbyte++];
				win_offset |= (copy_bytes >> 4) << 8;
				copy_bytes &= 0x0f;
				copy_bytes += 3;

				for (i = 0; i < copy_bytes; i++) {	
					unsigned char data;

					if (act_uncomprlen >= uncomprlen)
						goto out;

					data = win[(win_offset + i) & (win_size - 1)];
					uncompr[act_uncomprlen++] = data;		
					/* 输出的1字节放入滑动窗口 */
					win[nCurWindowByte++] = data;
					nCurWindowByte &= win_size - 1;	
	return act_uncomprlen;

static int ipac_decompress_iel1(iel1_header_t *iel1, DWORD iel1_len, 
						BYTE **ret_buf, DWORD *ret_len)
	BYTE *uncompr, *compr;
	DWORD uncomprLen, comprLen, actlen;

	uncomprLen = iel1->length;
	uncompr = (BYTE *)malloc(uncomprLen);
	if (!uncompr)
		return -1;

	compr = (BYTE *)(iel1 + 1);
	comprLen = iel1_len - sizeof(*iel1);
	actlen = lzss_decompress(uncompr, uncomprLen, compr, comprLen);
	if (actlen != uncomprLen) {
		return -1;
	*ret_buf = uncompr;
	*ret_len = actlen;

	return 0;

/********************* WST *********************/

/* 封包匹配回调函数 */
static int IPAC_WST_match(struct package *pkg)
	s8 magic[4];

	if (pkg->pio->open(pkg, IO_READONLY))
		return -CUI_EOPEN;

	if (pkg->pio->read(pkg, magic, sizeof(magic))) {
		return -CUI_EREAD;

	if (memcmp(magic, "WST2", 4)) {
		return -CUI_EMATCH;	

	return 0;	

/* 封包资源提取函数 */
static int IPAC_WST_extract_resource(struct package *pkg,
									 struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	BYTE *wst_buf;
	u32 wst_buf_len;

	if (pkg->pio->seek(pkg, 0, IO_SEEK_SET))
		return -CUI_ESEEK;

	if (pkg->pio->length_of(pkg, &wst_buf_len))
		return -CUI_ELEN;

	wst_buf = (BYTE *)malloc(wst_buf_len);
	if (!wst_buf)
		return -CUI_EMEM;

	if (pkg->pio->read(pkg, wst_buf, wst_buf_len)) {
		return -CUI_EREAD;

	pkg_res->raw_data = wst_buf;
	pkg_res->raw_data_length = wst_buf_len;

	return 0;

/* 资源保存函数 */
static int IPAC_WST_save_resource(struct resource *res, 
								  struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	WAVEFORMATEX wav_header;
	DWORD riff_chunk_len, fmt_chunk_len, data_chunk_len;
	char *riff = "RIFF";
	char *id = "WAVE"; 
	char *fmt_chunk_id = "fmt ";
	char *data_chunk_id = "data";
	char *hack_info = "Hacked By 痴汉公贼";
	WORD adpcm_para[16];
	BYTE *data_chunk; 
	wst_header_t *wst2;
	BYTE *wst_buf = (BYTE *)pkg_res->raw_data;
	DWORD wst_buf_len = pkg_res->raw_data_length;
	if (res->rio->create(res))
		return -CUI_ECREATE;

	wst2 = (wst_header_t *)wst_buf;
	/* 这个应该是还原为ADCM以后的结果 */
	/* 00441E00  01 00 02 00 44 AC 00 00 10 B1 02 00 04 00 10 00  ....D?..?..... */
	wav_header.wFormatTag = 2;	/* ADPCM */
	wav_header.nChannels = 2;
	wav_header.nSamplesPerSec = 0xac44;	
	wav_header.nAvgBytesPerSec = 0xac44;	/* ADPCM是4:1压缩,因此ac44的4倍就是0x2b110了 */
	wav_header.nBlockAlign = 0x800;
	wav_header.wBitsPerSample = 4;
	wav_header.cbSize = 32;

	adpcm_para[0] = 0x07f4;
	adpcm_para[1] = 0x0007;

	memcpy(&adpcm_para[2], wst2->adpcm_fmt_parameter, 
	data_chunk = (BYTE *)(wst2 + 1);

	data_chunk_len = wst_buf_len - sizeof(*wst2);
	data_chunk_len &= ~(wav_header.nBlockAlign - 1);
	fmt_chunk_len = 16 + 2 + wav_header.cbSize;
	riff_chunk_len = 4 + (8 + fmt_chunk_len) + (8 + data_chunk_len);

	if (res->rio->write(res, (char *)riff, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	if (res->rio->write(res, &riff_chunk_len, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;
	if (res->rio->write(res, id, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;
	if (res->rio->write(res, fmt_chunk_id, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	if (res->rio->write(res, &fmt_chunk_len, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;
	if (res->rio->write(res, &wav_header, sizeof(wav_header))) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	if (res->rio->write(res, adpcm_para, sizeof(adpcm_para))) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	if (res->rio->write(res, data_chunk_id, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;
	if (res->rio->write(res, &data_chunk_len, 4)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	if (res->rio->write(res, data_chunk, data_chunk_len)) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;
	if (res->rio->write(res, hack_info, strlen(hack_info))) {
		return -CUI_EWRITE;

	return 0;

/* 封包资源释放函数 */
static void IPAC_WST_release_resource(struct package *pkg, 
									  struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	if (pkg_res->raw_data) {
		pkg_res->raw_data = NULL;

/* 封包卸载函数 */
static void IPAC_WST_release(struct package *pkg, 
							 struct package_directory *pkg_dir)

/* 封包处理回调函数集合 */
static cui_ext_operation IPAC_WST_operation = {
	IPAC_WST_match,				/* match */
	NULL,						/* extract_directory */
	NULL,						/* parse_resource_info */
	IPAC_WST_extract_resource,	/* extract_resource */
	IPAC_WST_save_resource,		/* save_resource */
	IPAC_WST_release_resource,	/* release_resource */
	IPAC_WST_release			/* release */

/********************* PAK *********************/

/* 封包匹配回调函数 */
static int IPAC_PAK_match(struct package *pkg)
	s8 magic[4];

	if (pkg->pio->open(pkg, IO_READONLY))
		return -CUI_EOPEN;

	if (pkg->pio->read(pkg, magic, sizeof(magic))) {
		return -CUI_EREAD;

	if (memcmp(magic, "IPAC", 4)) {
		return -CUI_EMATCH;	

	return 0;	

/* 封包索引目录提取函数 */
static int IPAC_PAK_extract_directory(struct package *pkg,
									  struct package_directory *pkg_dir)
	PAK_header_t PAK_header;
	PAK_entry_t *index_buffer;
	unsigned int index_buffer_length;	

	if (pkg->pio->seek(pkg, 0, IO_SEEK_SET))
		return -CUI_ESEEK;

	if (pkg->pio->read(pkg, &PAK_header, sizeof(PAK_header)))
		return -CUI_EREAD;

	pkg_dir->index_entries = PAK_header.index_entries;
	index_buffer_length = pkg_dir->index_entries * sizeof(PAK_entry_t);
	index_buffer = (PAK_entry_t *)malloc(index_buffer_length);
	if (!index_buffer)
		return -CUI_EMEM;

	if (pkg->pio->read(pkg, index_buffer, index_buffer_length)) {
		return -CUI_EREAD;

	pkg_dir->directory = index_buffer;
	pkg_dir->directory_length = index_buffer_length;
	pkg_dir->index_entry_length = sizeof(PAK_entry_t);

	return 0;

/* 封包索引项解析函数 */
static int IPAC_PAK_parse_resource_info(struct package *pkg,
										struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	PAK_entry_t *PAK_entry;

	PAK_entry = (PAK_entry_t *)pkg_res->actual_index_entry;
	strcpy(pkg_res->name, PAK_entry->name);
	pkg_res->name_length = -1;			/* -1表示名称以NULL结尾 */
	pkg_res->raw_data_length = PAK_entry->length;
	pkg_res->actual_data_length = 0;	/* 数据都是明文 */
	pkg_res->offset = PAK_entry->offset;

	return 0;

/* 封包资源提取函数 */
static int IPAC_PAK_extract_resource(struct package *pkg,
									 struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	BYTE *compr, *uncompr, *actbuf;
	DWORD uncomprlen, comprlen, actlen;

	comprlen = pkg_res->raw_data_length;
	compr = (BYTE *)malloc(comprlen);
	if (!compr)
		return -CUI_EMEM;

	if (pkg->pio->readvec(pkg, compr, comprlen,	pkg_res->offset, IO_SEEK_SET)) {
		return -CUI_EREADVEC;

	if (pkg_res->flags & PKG_RES_FLAG_RAW) {
		pkg_res->raw_data = compr;
		return 0;

	if (!memcmp(compr, "IEL1", 4)) {
		if (ipac_decompress_iel1((iel1_header_t *)compr, comprlen, &uncompr, &uncomprlen)) {
			return -CUI_EUNCOMPR;
		compr = NULL;
		actbuf = uncompr;
		actlen = uncomprlen;
	} else {
		uncompr = NULL;
		uncomprlen = 0;
		actbuf = compr;
		actlen = comprlen;

	if (!memcmp(actbuf, "IES2", 4)) {
		ies2_header_t *ies2 = (ies2_header_t *)actbuf;
		BYTE *save_buf;
		DWORD save_len;

		if (ies2->bits_count == 24) {
			BYTE *rgba;

			actlen = ies2->width * ies2->height * 4;
			rgba = (BYTE *)malloc(actlen);
			if (!rgba) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;

			BYTE *rgb = actbuf + 0x420;
			BYTE *p_alpha = rgb + ies2->width * ies2->height * 3;
			BYTE *p_rgba = rgba;
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < ies2->height; y++) {
				for (unsigned int x = 0; x < ies2->width; x++) {
					BYTE alpha = *p_alpha++;					
					p_rgba[0] = (rgb[0] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;
					p_rgba[1] = (rgb[1] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;
					p_rgba[2] = (rgb[2] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;	
					p_rgba[3] = alpha;	
					rgb += 3;
					p_rgba += 4;

			if (MyBuildBMPFile(rgba, actlen, NULL, 0, ies2->width,
					0 - ies2->height, 32, &save_buf, &save_len, my_malloc)) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;				
		} else {
			if (MyBuildBMPFile(actbuf + 0x420, actlen - 0x420, (BYTE *)(ies2 + 1), 0x400, ies2->width,
					0 - ies2->height, ies2->bits_count, &save_buf, &save_len, my_malloc)) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;				
		uncompr = save_buf;
		uncomprlen = save_len;
		pkg_res->replace_extension = _T(".IES2.bmp");
		pkg_res->flags |= PKG_RES_FLAG_REEXT;
//	} else if (!lstrcmpi(pkg->extension, _T(".IES"))) {
	} else if (strstr(pkg_res->name, ".IES")) {
		BYTE *save_buf;
		DWORD save_len;

#if 0
//		if (MyBuildBMPFile(actbuf + 0x420, actlen - 0x420, actbuf + 0x20, 0x400, *(DWORD *)actbuf,
		if (MyBuildBMPFile(actbuf + 0x414, actlen - 0x414, NULL, 0, *(DWORD *)actbuf,
				0 - *(DWORD *)(actbuf + 4), *(DWORD *)(actbuf + 8), &save_buf, &save_len, my_malloc)) {
			return -CUI_EMEM;			
		if (!memcmp(actbuf, "BM", 2)) {
			pkg_res->raw_data = compr;
			pkg_res->raw_data_length = comprlen;
			pkg_res->actual_data = actbuf;
			pkg_res->actual_data_length = actlen;
			return 0;
		} else if (*(DWORD *)(actbuf + 8) == 24) {
			DWORD width = *(DWORD *)actbuf;
			DWORD height = *(DWORD *)(actbuf + 4);
			BYTE *rgba;

			actlen = width * height * 4;
			rgba = (BYTE *)malloc(actlen);
			if (!rgba) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;

			BYTE *rgb = actbuf + 0x414;
			BYTE *p_alpha = rgb + width * height * 3;
			BYTE *p_rgba = rgba;
			for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
				for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
					BYTE alpha = *p_alpha++;					
					p_rgba[0] = (rgb[0] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;
					p_rgba[1] = (rgb[1] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;
					p_rgba[2] = (rgb[2] * alpha + 0xff * ~alpha) / 255;	
					p_rgba[3] = alpha;	
					rgb += 3;
					p_rgba += 4;

			if (MyBuildBMPFile(rgba, actlen, NULL, 0, width,
					0 - height, 32, &save_buf, &save_len, my_malloc)) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;				
		} else {
			if (MyBuildBMPFile(actbuf + 0x414, actlen - 0x414, NULL, 0, *(DWORD *)actbuf,
					0 - *(DWORD *)(actbuf + 4), *(DWORD *)(actbuf + 8), &save_buf, &save_len, my_malloc)) {
				return -CUI_EMEM;			
		uncompr = save_buf;
		uncomprlen = save_len;
		pkg_res->replace_extension = _T(".IES.bmp");
		pkg_res->flags |= PKG_RES_FLAG_REEXT;

	pkg_res->raw_data = compr;
	pkg_res->raw_data_length = comprlen;
	pkg_res->actual_data = uncompr;
	pkg_res->actual_data_length = uncomprlen;

	return 0;

/* 资源保存函数 */
static int IPAC_PAK_save_resource(struct resource *res, 
								  struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	if (res->rio->create(res))
		return -CUI_ECREATE;

	if (pkg_res->actual_data && pkg_res->actual_data_length) {
		if (res->rio->write(res, pkg_res->actual_data, pkg_res->actual_data_length)) {
			return -CUI_EWRITE;
	} else if (pkg_res->raw_data && pkg_res->raw_data_length) {
		if (res->rio->write(res, pkg_res->raw_data, pkg_res->raw_data_length)) {
			return -CUI_EWRITE;


	return 0;

/* 封包资源释放函数 */
static void IPAC_PAK_release_resource(struct package *pkg, 
									  struct package_resource *pkg_res)
	if (pkg_res->actual_data) {
		pkg_res->actual_data = NULL;
	if (pkg_res->raw_data) {
		pkg_res->raw_data = NULL;

/* 封包卸载函数 */
static void IPAC_PAK_release(struct package *pkg, 
							 struct package_directory *pkg_dir)
	if (pkg_dir->directory) {
		pkg_dir->directory = NULL;


/* 封包处理回调函数集合 */
static cui_ext_operation IPAC_PAK_operation = {
	IPAC_PAK_match,					/* match */
	IPAC_PAK_extract_directory,		/* extract_directory */
	IPAC_PAK_parse_resource_info,	/* parse_resource_info */
	IPAC_PAK_extract_resource,		/* extract_resource */
	IPAC_PAK_save_resource,			/* save_resource */
	IPAC_PAK_release_resource,		/* release_resource */
	IPAC_PAK_release				/* release */

/* 接口函数: 向cui_core注册支持的封包类型 */
int CALLBACK IPAC_register_cui(struct cui_register_callback *callback)
	/* 注册cui插件支持的扩展名、资源放入扩展名、处理回调函数和封包属性 */
	if (callback->add_extension(callback->cui, _T(".PAK"), NULL, 
			return -1;

	if (callback->add_extension(callback->cui, _T(".WST"), _T(".wav"), 
			return -1;	

	return 0;


For starters, If anyone happens to have a copy of Filepack32.exe please re-upload it to someplace.

Edit: I got adpack32 to work, and it doesn't support this specific type of PAK. I'm really lost now.

If anyone has suggestions or tips I would appreciate it greatly, these PAK and Noa archives have been driving me crazy for a few days now.

Edited by Mutank
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On 6/20/2019 at 1:32 PM, uyjulian said:

Can GARbro extract the archives? If so, source code is available, and the file format seems simple enough, so you may be able to write a packer from GARbro's extraction code: https://github.com/morkt/GARbro/blob/e384ec2ef7542fa3e8a5489a98b5ea127cd7e1a2/ArcFormats/Ipac/ArcIPAC.cs

That's something I would really like to do, but I'm a complete novice when it comes to coding as in 'doesn't even know the basics' kind of novice.

I've actually taken to looking up source codes for packers on github to try and make sense of the scripts, but so far I'm at a complete loss for how to implement

the source for this particular format into a individual packer.

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