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Hapymaher CPZ extract and script edit

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Well, actually only the xmoe tools can repack but needs manually patch the engine to read the packget, if you don't know how to hack it, you can't use.

If you want edit just the script, In this case It's safe says is to translation, right? if this is the case you can try this: https://github.com/marcussacana/Specific-Games/blob/master/Hapymaher.rar

This is a 'mod' of the game to translate the text without modify the cpz...

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1 hour ago, marcus-beta said:

Well, actually only the xmoe tools can repack but needs manually patch the engine to read the packget, if you don't know how to hack it, you can't use.

If you want edit just the script, In this case It's safe says is to translation, right? if this is the case you can try this: https://github.com/marcussacana/Specific-Games/blob/master/Hapymaher.rar

This is a 'mod' of the game to translate the text without modify the cpz...

I have tried, but your tool can not handle some characters like ă ắ ằ ẳ ẵ ặ â ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ đ  è é ẻ ẽ ẹ ê ề ể ễ ệ  ì í ỉ ĩ ị ò ó ỏ õ ọ ô ồ ố ổ ỗ ộ ơ ờ ớ ở ỡ ợ ư ứ ừ ử ữ ự ù ú ủ ũ ụ ỳ ý ỷ ỹ ỵ

btw in SRL it read Shift jis but those character only work in unicode.

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Who one not handle the special characters is the game and not my mod, in the true my mod have a feature to force the game support the special character.

Since in the true the engine don't support characters like the á é í ç ê and etc, if you found a way to modify the script, this time, you can't put the accents, since the game uses sjis.

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