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World Renown Billy Mitchell, World Record Holder of Donkey Kong Has Been Banned from Twin Galaxies.


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for those out of the loop, billy mitchell has been in the spot light for his world record breaking records for donkey kong, the original 1981 arcade game and ms pac-man. including his famous feat of being the first to reach the kill screen in ms pacman, a screen that not even the devs knew about. the man has continued to break records for years at the twin galaxies, an american organized video game record tracking company. back in 2007 there was a documentary called King of Kong that mostly took place in twin galaxies and followed billy mitchel and Steve Weibe as they went head to head for the world record of donkey kong of over 1 million points. Steve came out of nowhere and achieved this feat on both video and in person at twin galaxies and was the first person to ever break a million points. less than a week later, billy mitchel brings in a video he claimed to tape a long time ago that was questionable at best and said that he in fact got over a million points first. twin galaxies took the questionable tape as evidence and declared billy was the first to reach this feat.


well now the tables have turned as billy mitchell, years later for continues questionable scores and tapes, twin galaxies has declared that the tapes billy has used were in fact doctored and that his scores would be wiped from twin galaxies record and he is now banned from the establishment.




the videos include those of footage from emulators which arent against the rules but billy has stated that hes never used an emulator before, despite all evidence saying otherwise. also audio in his footage that seems to be tampered with. apollo legend has a youtube channel with all the details and was probably one of the head people responsible for calling out another cheater in the video game world record breaking community, todd rogers. rogers achieved a score in dragster, a 1980 game released for the atari, that was found out later to literally be impossible to make. like, there have been people trying and trying and cheating to see if this score is possible and it isnt. the only it could be is if the evidence todd had brought forth was in fact false. todd was later striped of the world record from guiness and twin galaxies and was also banned from tg. todd was also the coach who verified billy mitchells scores for donkey kong and, come on. we know we can take his word for that, right?



so there you go. two legends of the gaming industry brought down by their own ego. they couldnt handle been the best at one point and had to go for always being the best.


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It's sad when apparently apparently good people go bad, but it's not the first time and it's unlikely to be the last either. Moogy got banned from VNDB, despite being list as publisher and is apparently translating for official translations. Drog Black Tooth got banned from his own Arcanum patches, despite them being essential if you want to play the game today and the ban killed off the modding community for Arcanum. Both cases have one thing in common. It's about somebody being the best and so much better than everybody else that only he knows what is right. Not cheering for the person or even go as far as disagreeing on something would result in outbursts (I read something about Drog being banned for repeated usage of racism when speaking his mind about being disagreeing with him). Eventually such extreme outburst will result in a ban, regardless of how skilled you are. The same goes if you need to cheat to stay number one. It will eventually be exposed and then everything will collapse.

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12 hours ago, UnlimitedMoeWorks said:

It really baffles me why some people go to great lengths to perform underhanded tactics in order to be in the spotlight. I'm glad this guy is finally caught, and should set a reminder to everyone else that cheaters never prosper in the long run.

Didn’t you know?  Models find top scores in ‘80s video games extremely hot.

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