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D.S. Dal Segno (Now Available)


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I need some people to verify this for me.

After beating the game, you get an alternative version of Pleasure Garden on the ending credits screen, and what struck me is that the pitch of the voice in this version is a bit smoother and higher than the Opening version or full version. Am I imagining things or is this actually sang by someone else, or just sang by the same person, but in a higher pitch?

Would be nice if someone could provide the title of song as well, shuold this be an alternative version. Thanks in advance!

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Finished 3 of 5 heroine route, my opinion:



Her route is so-so.. i can't tell that it's bad, but well yeah it's just average.. at least Himari is sexy
From her route we can tell Himari's loneliness, as she need to let go of her friend (Iris) to become truly happy, some foreshadowing of her past, etc
Also liked her personality after letting go Iris, as she finally became cheerful girls that she always want to



Hazuki route is great, maybe this is bias as she's my type because i liked Haruhi personality so much
I always thought that Hazuki is copying Haruhi personality because she can't run from past/accident or  she always think that herself is boring so she's using Haruhi personality or  i think Hazuki real personality was like that (cheerful, enjoy date together) and she just sealed away that personality because her father/family expectation. Never think that herself is Haruhi and live as Hazuki for ~10 years
Too bad, unlike Himari route, she don't tell other student about her relationship with protag in the end (if got her as my girlfriend ofc i want to brag)

It would nice if she can become Haruhi completely again (my expectation) but as revealing her identity will cause confusion to school/her father company, i think she will only act as Haruhi when alone with mc



not so much to tell man, this route is plain and disgustingly weak
the only saving grace is Noeri VA
that's all


Edited by Dizzy
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