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Difference between ITHVNR and VNR for studying Japanese?


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Hi, i want to start again my japanese learning because im now have a good schedule to let me actually learn.

I've got a working VNR with mecab unidict etc installed

Should i install/use ITHVNR or VNR to study reading japanese? What's the difference between them?

*If i can use VNR it's good because i don't need to setting another program

Thanks in advance

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ITHVNR is the program used to extract the text from the visual novels and it's the same one used on the software Visual novel reader.
Mecab is a parser and unidict is a dictionary. 

It's a bit hard to understand what you want to do. Do you want to read visual novels parsing the text? Then, you should use chiitrans with ith and use ithvnr if you cant hook the text with ITH and you dont have an h-code for the novel either.
Why use chiitrans? Because the parser is pretty good and you don't need to download anything else aside from the program itself, you can even hook the novels with chiitrans itself (I don't recommend it)
At the same time you can use Translation Aggregator as an alternative for parsing the text, since you can use mecab and jparser at the same time as parser (chiitrans uses its own parser I don't know if it's based on jparser or mecab but it works pretty well.) 

EDIT: I forgot to say, the parser of VNR is atrocious (it looks bad, it's clunky and worst of all the parser itself is pretty bad and inaccurate, don't use it, )

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Don't use VNR to parse.  VNR is optimized for machine translation.  Also last I heard VNR is no longer being maintained, while ITHVNR still gets occasional updates.

ITHVNR has the best compatibility of all the text hookers AFAIK.  There's still a few that require ITH, however (some H-codes don't seem to work with ITHVNR for whatever reason).

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