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Angel Beats English Translation Discussion

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1 hour ago, Kelebek1 said:

Nah not the word wrapping, I got the decryption keys so I can even run the game, looking at wordwrap now. No promises though. I can't re-crypt the thing though, it's giving me problems, can I have a re-crypted Scene.pck? Otherwise I can't really test it. Only need a few lines at the start changed.

I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have a older version, and I don't have my windows with me at school, so if you don't mind, Here is the Scene folder. You just have to delete the - Kale part, and here are the tools to pack it. You have to drag the folder into the tools folder, set your UNICODE option to Japanese, and click on the packscene-compressed batch file. If you can't be bothered, I can create the scene.pck file when I get home, which is in about 6 hours. Sorry, and thank you so much for volunteering.

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Well luckily I had it figured out before you linked me the scripts, was just a pain to test as I had to edit the string in memory  (and find one big enough so it wouldn't crash to begin with). The game doesn't use any VWF so that's not supported, so if you have other exe hacks that add in VWF or something then this won't work too well.










Looks fine to me, but as with everything like this, it needs testing. One thing that *may* cause problems, is that I just skip trying to wrap on non-ascii characters, just because otherwise it breaks the original entirely. You've left non-ascii in as the opening/closing speech marks and triple dots etc, so the line counting maaaaay go out in some places because of that. I don't know if it'd actually make a visible difference anywhere though.


Here's the patch: https://www.mediafire.com/?4c8i5yr5384zi7n

The kdays dll is required, since it's part of the crack... The exe doesn't need you to run it through AlphaRom or anything, just run it as is.

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I found an issue with it just after, caused by exactly what I said I think. Went back and re-did it, should be pretty solid now. It did end up pushing "making," of the first page onto the next, but that's not really a down-side. I found some lines where words were still cut in half, and those are fixed. Updated the download link.


kDays is made by the same guy (or people) who made alpharom. Shame it's required, but the original exe is encrypted/compressed, meaning I can't edit it. Hell, I can't even debug or look at any of it. I cant edit the exe without a properly decrypted/decompressed version that I can save stuff to.

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The exe isn't starting up for me, for some reason. When I click on the exe to start it up, the only thing I get is an hourglass next to my cursor. It'll also refuse to be deleted, moved or interacted. Seeing how my regular siglusengine works, I think it's a problem of the modified siglusengine. Can you help me out? I can't even kill the process using process explorer. It comes up with "Error terminating process: Access denied"...

EDIT: One of my QC's are saying that it's working for him, so it might just be me. Do you have any idea why it might not be working for me?

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Weird. Maybe try unblocking the DLL or something? No idea, always just worked fine for me. Are you running Windows 10? I'm on 7.


This is based on one of the older exes from retail though, maybe that's a part of it. To use a newer one would require someone else to go and dump the unpacked exe, which I can't do. Maybe binaryfail can.

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Update on the project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hNQ-u36mto5xgYT_zPGikLGbu95XwrF5fx9m0KnGJac/edit?usp=drive_web


Hey, another week, another update. This time, I have a question as well. I'll start off with the status update. I'm 40% done TL'ing the game. I've also currently put a pause to day 7, and currently working on the baseball script, as following the storyline makes the TL'ing easier for me. Also, thank you Kelebek1 for creating the wordwrap SiglusEngine for us. You've helped us so much by doing this. That's all for this week. Nothing much, really.

Now, here's the main reason why I posted this thread. From my demo video, there was somebody who talked about ellipses looking funny, so our team talked about it for a bit. I decided to gather your opinions, because I'm an indecisive little boy. Here're the two examples: A(plain ...) B(Japanese style ellipses, in the middle) I want to hear your opinions. Do you like A? B? Do you not care? Do you hate ellipses? I made a strawpoll, because I didn't really want duplicate answers. Although it's not mandatory, I would also like it if you could expand on your opinions either on this comment thread, or through PM. As for the people on Fuwanovel reading this through the discussion thread created by Arcadeotic, you can PM the user Natsume Kyousuke, and I'll read your messages.

As usual, thank you so much for the support, and I'm looking forward to reading your opinions and criticism. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, and I'll answer it the best I can.

The translator wants your input on ellipses. Should he keep them normal or Japanese?


Japanese version

You can give your feedback here: http://strawpoll.me/7331963

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Update #3: 177109/434217 (40.79%)


Hey, another week, another update. Thanks for your feedback on the ellipses last week. This week was busy irl, so I couldn't get much progress in. Sorry about that. I'm probably going to be busy for about 2~3 weeks, thanks to an AP exam and tests/assignments. So, nothing much to talk about, other than the fact my school changed the 6-year old macbooks they lent us into the 2013 models.

So, it's been a boring and busy week for me, so the update this week is also pretty short and boring. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, and I'll answer them the best I can. Sorry for not getting much progress this week. See you guys next week.


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Update #4: Angel Beats 1st Beat - 181061/434217 (41.70%)


Hey, another week... you know the rest. This week was a bit less demanding compared to last week, and I managed to translate a whopping 1 percent of the game! sorry for being so incompetent Anyway, the discussion last week regarding AP and IB was interesting, to say the least. I honestly don't know how we got there, but it was fun, so whatever. I've still got AP to study, and I have a mandarin test tomorrow, and something called a service week as well. As for AP: Brothers studying AP, we have 1 week left. ofuck After the AP exams, what awaits us is the end of the year exam... I don't know what I'm talking about, but anyways, next week is AP exams, and a month later from today is the end of the year semester exams. It'll keep me busy, so I can't promise a lot of progress, but I'll continue working on it, and hopefully it'll be done soon. As like always, thanks for bearing with this incompetent high school brat. Feel free to ask any questions, and see you next week.


Edited by Arcadeotic
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Update #5: 182486/434217 (42.03%) 


Hello Procrastination my old friend~♪

I've come to talk with you again~♪

Hello, and welcome back to jis33785's Weekly Angel Beats Translation Update. Why am I talking like a show host? I don't know, don't ask me. I did a bit more than what I did last week, because, well... procrastination. Why is it that whenever I open my Calc book, put my earphones on, and turn on my SPYAIR(amazing band by the way, give them a listen. I suggest 0 GAME, Winding Road, 16 and Life... Screw that, all of their songs. I listen to BEAUTIFUL LIFE before I go to sleep everyday, the lyrics are so soothing.) playlist that every single thing in the world seems so interesting? I literally spent 1 hour staring at a dead mosquito 2 days ago. I'm currently 92% through the baseball script, and I think it may be finished tomorrow, or on tuesday. Also, I updated the sheet about an hour ago, and it's currently on 42.44% completed.

Tomorrow's the day AP and IB exams start. Good luck to checkerpeck and potterfan434 and everyone else who's taking the AP exams. Let's all have a big AP hug. I leave to Bali after my Calc exam on Thursday, but I promise I'll continue working on it whenever I can.

As usual, thanks for the support, feel free to ask any questions that are on your mind, and I'll try to answer them to the best of my capabilities. See you guys next week, wish me luck on my exam!


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Another update, albeit a little late: 187017/434217 (43.07%)


Hey, another week another update. I FINALLY finished the baseball part the day 7 string.

It took a while, but it's done :D. So is my AP Exams, and guess what? It went to shit :Dfuck me I'm getting back on course for the remaining part of day 7, and I have about 6300 lines of code to go through. After that, the remaining strings are relatively short, so I might be able to speed through them. Other than that, there's really nothing else.

Feel free to ask any questions you have, and I'll try to answer them the best I can. See you next week.



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Update: 188799/434217 (43.48%)


Before I start - Sorry. I really haven't translated much this week because of a lot of projects, labs, tests, etc. Hell, I'm even working on one right now, and I have to make a Psychology Case Study about Donald Trump and his followers. I can proudly say that I got a 63% on the Stats&Probability Math test, and I have 2 more labs to complete by 8PM today(6 hours left). I also passed out for 12 hours from excess stress and currently suffering from a cold. Kill me please...

I don't remember how much I translated this week, and I'm currently trying to write this as fast as possible so that I can get back to the project. I have exams in 2 weeks, so the progress will probably be the same next week. Sorry for not being able to live up to your expectations... Feel free to throw me into the recyclable non recyclable trash bin.

Again sorry for not doing much this week, and sorry in advance as it'll probably be the same next week. Thanks for the support(I hope), and see you guys next week!


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Minor update before the tomorrow's weekly one

As you probably know by now, there's going to be an official localization for Angel Beats

However, the translator has expressed that he'll continue the translation until the project gets a DMCA claim


I'm going to try to get in contact with them, but I don't think I'll jump the gun. I'll wait for them to actually make an announcement before I actually contact them, because if I contact them right now, they'll hit me up with a DMCA claim.

So, I will be continuing to make these weekly translation updates, just as I said I would to the translator

Best of luck @Natsume Kyousuke

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Another update: 190165/434217 (43.80%) 


Hey guys. I'm back with the weekly update. There was some great news yesterday. If you're not aware of what I'm talking about, please take a look at the VisualArts section of the OP created by demeteloaf. I'm not going to say much because I'm busy preparing for exams and I still have a splitting headache, along with a inflammation in my neck to make things shittier for me. I(and some mods from here and there) consider this as a reddit community project, and therefore, I want to do what you want me to do. As usual, it'll be a survey, since that's the only thing I can do properly. Here are the links for the strawpoll.

Should we quit here?

What kind of partial patch?

Jokes aside, this may be the last time I post updates, so I want to say words of thanks to this reddit community. Thanks for the support for the last 4-5 months. I don't remember the first time I posted an update, but I think I first posted screenshots in the weekly questions thread to get some QCs, and that's where I met Ressha, who has been a great guy to be with. He's also the master of puns, and has helped me a lot in translating puns. After about 1~2 months, I started another search for QCs, which got me linked with Samo8412 and superange128. I feel like Samo's the actual leader of this translation group, since he was quite pushy sometimes giving me advice on what to do and was often the guy with the leadership. As for superange, he put himself in charge of Iwasawa's routes, and got the job done quick and cleanly. About a month ago, I went for another search for QCs, and got in contact with qhp, and ziztark. qhp had a lot of complications, and therefore couldn't do much, but he was amazing at his job. As for ziztark, he was the one who commented every time I posted updates, and he was stalking keeping an eye out for my updates and various news. He was also amazing at his job, and had an extremely high proficiency in English. Thank you to all these 5 people who volunteered for QC and stuck with the shitty translator that I am. Thank you, /r/visualnovels who supported me along the way and gave me the motivation to come this far. Thank you, Acadeotic for posting the updates every week on to the fuwanovel thread that you made. And thank you VisualArts for taking away the only thing I was having fun in for creating the game Angel Beats which offered me a chance to improve my Japanese greatly, and creating the game Little Busters which changed both my life, personality, and my opinions regarding life and friends. Thank you to all of you, and please know that I fucking love you guys.


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Final update, in all likelihood

So, the team behind the translation has decided to edit their progress thus far and are preparing to release the patch, which will cover little over half, or around 44 percent of the VN


I'm pretty sure they already translated what I've translated. They probably won't start from the end of the VN after all. I'm secretly hoping that they would contact me, but I don't have any contact information anywhere, and I don't want things to get possibly sticky when I send them an email myself. I'm currently changing the tenses to present, applying the edits that my amazing team has done for me, and getting ready for a partial patch, since 55% of the people from the survey voted for the "Whatever you have when your team disperses" option.

It's been great working with you, and all the other members of the QC. Thanks for everything, and remember that you guys were the only best QC team. I'll contact you guys if I get another chance to start another project, this time on something more minor.



That's that, folks

There probably won't be any more updates regarding the fan project, so this will be changed to the official translation and discussion thread

Good riddance, and until we meet again.

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If anything we'll just make a thread about the patch when we have it ready. Other than that yeah, probably the last update.


Just one favor, if anyone knows, how do people usually get in touch with these companies to talk about the translation? (as in, some fan TL groups have sold/worked on the official TL).

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Just now, Ziztark said:

If anything we'll just make a thread about the patch when we have it ready. Other than that yeah, probably the last update.


Just one favor, if anyone knows, how do people usually get in touch with these companies to talk about the translation? (as in, some fan TL groups have sold/worked on the official TL).


Usually with emailing, unless there's something they specify on contacting them

Also, I can just update this thread when the patch launches, so there isn't any need for a new thread

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10 minutes ago, Stormwolf said:

Emm.. Of course, thanks for all the work you've done, and i'm sad to see you quit... BUT.. Should you not wait until there is something official? I can't see anywhere that Key is getting this localized.

actually it is been made official during key´s q&a session + them having told their audience that work on said project has already passed the 50% mark. admitted it didnt come up during some super-flashy announcement as one might have expected, but a key-official saying so is still a key-official and not some random dude. so that´s that.

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On 5/22/2016 at 10:11 PM, Kelebek1 said:

Hope you end it somewhere sensible, like not right in the middle of a scene.

I'm going to finish day 7 of the scene and create the patch. I forgot to mention your name in the thank yous. Sorry about that. Thank you for creating the wordwrap patch, you've done heaps for us.

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