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Help Write Rin's Mysteries!

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Hey, you there. Got a moment? Good, sit down and listen. You sitting? Weird, I would never take orders from a random dude on the internet, unless of course he has Hachikuji as his avatar.

Now then, on to the main topic here. About a month ago, I had the honor of announcing Rin's Mysteries. Much progress has been made and we are ready to announce that we will be implementing Day 1 DLC! We are also ready to ask for your help.

As you may have guessed by the title of our project, Rin's Mysteries will have mysteries in it. Go figure huh? This is where you come in. We want the community to be a part of creating this visual novel, so as a team, we decided to ask you for help in crafting these mysteries. It doesn't matter what kind of mystery idea you have, it doesn't matter how long of a mystery it is. If you have an idea, reply to your hearts content.


Here are a couple of things to note though. Project Rin Studios reserves the right to modify any idea posted here in order to serve the needs of the story we have planned and written everything around. By posting your idea, you give up any rights or claims to the idea, or to Rin's Mysteries as a whole. If Project Rin Studios decides to use your idea, you will be credited as a contributor to Rin's Mysteries. While there are no limits to what sort of mystery idea you have, remember that we will more than likely edit and modify it to suit the story.

So, post your mysteries here, and if we decide to use and/or modify your idea, we will certainly let you know. If you have any questions, feel free to message Tay, Ryoji, Down, or myself and we will do our best to answer your questions. I look forward to seeing the creative muscle of Fuwanovel at work!

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Mystery in what sort of scenario...?

Who killed who?

A rumor at school?

Whether or not the world you are in is the "real" world?

A secret identity?

It's completely open. No rules. Though as a hint, our main characters are high school students.

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* Suddenly getting thrown into a strange dimension where the hallway or road you're on repeats without end, unable to escape until some random thing you do lets you.

* A mysterious forest allegedly filled with monsters.

* A conspiracy to regulate people with superpowers...

I promise these are all original

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Hey everybody, just wanted to say that I'm excited to see what we can come up with! Batman did a great job with the initial announcement and this call for creativity. I'm really looking forward to more of the fun times we all had a few weeks ago brainstorming VN ideas together. As the project's producer, I'm available and happy to answer any questions you have about the idea implementation and claim to rights/attribution, etc. If you have questions about this, please PM me. I may or may not get back to you immediately (I'm leaving in a few days for an extended research trip, but will be back near the end of May), but I'll respond as soon as my data connection allows!

Rin's Mysteries (working title) is gonna be GREAT! Thanks again, Batman, for your great work, and to everybody who wants to help us brainstorm some awesome mysteries!

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High school setting...

Imagining a scene like this

"Hey, have you heard of the guy that stands at the front of the school and sings to passerbys??"

"I think I've heard something like that. He posts the videos on youtube or something right?"

"Yeah, what was his name again?"

"How would I know?"

"Hmm... Ah! Tomoya! That was his name. Hey, do you want to go check it out?"

"Not really."

[some event in future in which they need the persons skill] underlined portions are things you can easily swap in with whatever you like. Something like, IDK, ninja assassination skills would be pretty cool. But you'd need to change a lot of stuff for that, so yeah it's flexible.]

[ this is more to introduce a new character really... lul]

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That might be a little larger in scope than what we can do this time... or afford. But I shall do my best!


you don't need to take my request anyways :P, it's just cause it's interesting to read whole bunch of information about it sometimes (like I did on that wikia)

(aka waste my life ;;) XD

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So... People see this weird girl with a dagger walking around the school at night.

Seemingly, whenever someone sees her, weird things start happening with said observer, and within a month, the person goes mad and kill themselves.

It should be just a typical school ghost story, but in the last two months, four students committed suicide.

Well, it's quite cliche but I think this sort of story is nice though. Hope it helped.

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There's an urban legend in town that has recently resurfaced about a strange man. He //wears a grey hat, but his face is incredibly difficult to remember//. The man is very pleasant, but when you part with him you will invariably realize your pockets have been picked, with //white stones// placed there instead. It's said that he only appears during //whenever your vn is timewise// for some reason. Who could this man be, if he's not just a legend?

//extra flexible//

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Corpse Party!!!

just kidding

I would love to see a Higurashi/Umineko style murder mystery (but without the magic)

1. Something (seemingly small) happens blah blah. Drugs, damn kids, Mafia

2. Investigation. Police Police corruption

3. This may be bigger then what we thought! The one cop on the force that wants to do good. Turns out that cop is at odds with the Mafia from long ago.

3. Only witness killed (escalating violence). Lets say this witness had talked to the police anonymously and agreed to enter protective custody, Which means the culprit either is a good hacker/wiretapper or is close to the police

- Unreliable narrator(?)

4. All suspects have good alibis. People who are likely to be the culprit. Too bad none of them are.

5. In depth storyline into the suspects daily lives. Add some aspect of romance or something?

6. Those alibis aren't that good after all. Ties to Mafia/police/drugs

7. More murders happen over the course of the focus. Treated as background events. Subtle hints here and there.

8. Murderer strikes close to Rin. Now it's personal.

9. turns out those killings were connected in some obscure but important way. More ties to Mafia/police/drugs I can elaborate on this part if you need me to, making this up as I go.

10. But the killer made a grave mistake!

11. Culprit identified But thats... It can't be!

12. Showdown

13. Motives of culprit

- Turns out he/she isn't a bad person, just took extreme methods to get rid of a problem.

Red are facts that become clear in the middle of the story, blue are facts that become clear in the end part

Green is whatever...

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Knowing absolutely nothing of the game or its' characters, I humbly present a Mystery that can take place at your local Library.

The premise at a glance: When a slew of <insert genre, I'm going with romance> books are stolen from the library, one would simply believe the surveillance cameras would catch on tape the criminal, right? What if the tapes from the previous day were replayed so that nobody would ever know what was going on? You can't catch what you can't see, right?

That's almost true, but what if the person left some evidence that's invisible to the eye without assistance? Say...a fingerprint, or a strand of hair, maybe a pair of spectacles? Perhaps they stole only novels from a certain author? Maybe they only stole novels that had <suggestive themes, mecha, cupcake recipes> in them? How do we even know only one person stole them?

It's up to the scientific forensics team to discover just what happened - how the person or people managed to replace the security tapes (where did those go anyways?), why did they take what they took, and most importantly, where did they go wrong and slip up?

The actual plot:

This Mystery assumes there is a potential love interest between two characters. They don't necessarily have to be the main characters, but a main character does need to be involved.

What happens is "Character A" (I'll call him/her Hope, a relatively androgynous name) learns a valuable tidbit of information: "Character B" (I'll call him/her Charlie, because that's also a relatively androgynous name) is secretly hopelessly in love with <something> (I'll be using romance novels, as a fairly cliche example). Charlie absolutely loves cheesy romance novels, the kind of non-erotic love tales that are designed to make Teenagers desire love. Except for Twilight, because that novel sucked. Charlie is so obsessed with them that she has read virtually every book in the romance section twice over, and she's always biting at the bit for more.

Hope decides that, in a desperate attempt to get closer to Charlie, he should read and learn from as many of these novels as he possibly can. The problem is that the Library has a strict checkout limit of two books, and research materials aren't allowed out of the Library, period. That puts a damper on the fact that Hope needs to know this stuff NOW. So, he decides to put his thievery skills to the test, by pilfering the Library's entire Romance section.

He formulates an elaborate plan.

The primary part of the plan requires him to have access to the tapes that the surveillance cameras record to. That's nothing fifty bucks and a bottle of booze can't fix, right? He'll just slip those to the security guard, and nobody will be the wiser.

Next, he waits until dark, sneaks into the school Library, and begins clearing the shelves of anything that is even remotely romantic. He makes a few key errors though:

1) He didn't wear gloves while he was clearing the last shelf of books. Who knows why.

2) He cut his finger (damn papercuts) and left a drop of blood on a shelf. Luminol testing, anybody?

3) He only took the Library Camera tapes, and forgot to change the tape of the Entrance Camera. Thankfully he wore a mask.

4) The janitor on duty saw movement and chased after it. During the pursuit, a book manages to find it's way out of the bag and onto the floor.

The day after the burglary, Charlie is distraught by the news. If she doesn't have her cheesy romance novels to read, what will she do? She'd be force to read...History books? OH THE HUMANITY. Until she happens to stumble across one of her beloved titles on the floor, far away from its' bookfriends in the home for books, and with the help of a resident Science nerd (because all mysterious have some sort of science junkie with access to insane amounts of probably illegal equipment), decides to find out who the booknapper is.

After locating all of the clues in the Library, she arrives at a dead end. The fingerprints were too smudged to get a good read, and the blood hadn't provided any leads yet, so the Science nerd went to his laboratory of evil to do tests. In the meantime, our Romance-loving Charlie begins to ask around, and discovers the surveillance cameras, as well as the security guard who was manning them.

After some good cop/bad cop work, she manages to pry some information about the thief, but couldn't get an identity.

As if on cue, science nerd comes back in with the blood test results, and they now know who the criminal is.

When they bust down the criminal's door to find him reading romance novels, he defends himself by saying something insanely cheesy: "I did it because I wanted to be closer to you." Charlie of course falls for this, and the case is solved and everybody lives happily ever after. Well, except for Hope - he'll be working that Library fee debt off for years.

----Variations of this-----

Mecha-titles because Hope wants to create his own mecha and rule the world with an iron fist.

Cooking titles, because Hope wants to create food so appetizing the cafeteria would go out of business and he'd become a millionaire.

Comedy titles, because he wants to be a comedian, but in reality is a complete moron.

Health titles, because he wants to sell your kidneys. Not his, yours.

True Crime, because he is starting up the Arizuka Mafia, whose intent is to make that one teacher's life absolutely miserabe.

True Crime, because he wants to know the cleanest way to kill a person...

etc etc etc.

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make the villain character as obscure as possible. don't even mention them at first, make tiny refrences to them as the game progresses, ones that make the player barely notice their existence. but don't just do it with them, do it with a few other characters as well. do it in such a way that the player is all "woah, wait, seriously?" when you finally reveal whodunnit. also, throw them on the track of suspecting someone completely different the entire game. maybe a quiet kid who's never done wrong his/her entire life, who just wants to be left alone but everyone else suspects because it's always the quiet kid.

the kind of game you have to play twice and pay attention to detail to figure it all out.

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  • 1 month later...

Here's an idea.

Rin usually blinks like a normal person.

She blinks when her eyes are too dry or when the wind is strong.

But one day, she blinked and it feels unusual. Her eyes were not too dry and there was no wind.

She didn't blink at her will; it's somehow uncontrollable. And random.

And after such blink, nothing changes.

She first thought it was just her. She was tired after all.

The strange blinking continues, although not very frequent.

Sometimes she blinked twice or thrice. And it took a while.

But still, nothing changes.

The fast car didn't seem to change position when she blinked. The rocket remained at the same height just before and just after blinking.

Although blinking twice or thrice took maybe half a second, it didn't seem to even take a millisecond.

It was as if, time stopped whenever she blinked this way.

Just a mystery. Doesn't really have explanation, though.

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