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Honest anime synopsis: zankyou no terror

bilguun alix

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The following is written for pure entertainment purposes. Spoilers below.


Directed by the infamous Shinichiro Watanabe who gave us shows like Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo comes an anime original that will save the modern anime industry, ZANKYOU NO TERROR.

An anime that has an amazing original premise about terrorism, it would have stayed original if they didn't try to copy Death note.

A show that has a deep hidden messages like: America is evil, blowing buildings are good unless you kill someone, cops are freakin bad at their job.

Meet the most memorable cast that you will never forget Like:

Nine- a generic genius who doesn't really talk a lot.

Twelve- a generic bad boy who fells in love with a wuss

Lisa- a generic damsel in distress who is only good for being cute

Shibazaki- a generic detective who knows way too much about greek mythology.

Five- a generic antagonist whose engurish will make your ears bleed.

Get ready for MAPPA production's almost unlimited budget works. They will make you beg for more cause they can make falling buildings look astonishingly beautiful, they can make driving a motorcycle look even more hardcore. But they have problems on animating a walking person.

Beware of thousands of angry Watanabe fans as they shout out why he directed such a shitty anime when other shows that are airing in 2014 are even shitier.

Behold a soundtrack so fantastic, so eargasming you will ask yourself: why am i still listening to K pop.




Osama bin Ladin junior as Nine 

Male Nice from Baccano as Twelve

Elise from sonic 06 as Lisa

IQlock greekmes as Shibazaki

hououin kyouma + Daru as Five








I always knew Brack Obama was up to something.






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I thought Zankyou no Terror was amazing, probably the best anime of its season.  I love the opening, and the show was a refreshing change of pace from the usual moeblob comedies that infest every season nowadays.  It actually had a story worth telling, with a nihilistic bent that I found intriguing from a philosophical perspective.  The moral greyness of the actions of the main actors is what made it interesting.


Keep in mind: from the perspective of terrorists, their actions to throw off the shackles of corruption and oppression are just.

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I thought Zankyou no Terror was amazing, probably the best anime of its season.  I love the opening, and the show was a refreshing change of pace from the usual moeblob comedies that infest every season nowadays.  It actually had a story worth telling, with a nihilistic bent that I found intriguing from a philosophical perspective.  The moral greyness of the actions of the main actors is what made it interesting.


Keep in mind: from the perspective of terrorists, their actions to throw off the shackles of corruption and oppression are just.

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This is always a sort of double-edged humor, haha. When it's a show you don't know or don't care about it can be very funny, but when it's something you like it's a much bitter smile... Since it's mostly based, paradoxically, on dishonesty and decontextualization.


As for ZnT, it's one of the biggest waste of potential of those last few years imo. It's a well directed show with a very interesting premise and a lot of ambition but the lack of a good writer pretty much ruined it. Lack of skilled scenario writers is the bane of most serious/ambitious anime of those last years.

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This show had SUCH a great potential, it was completely wasted, wasted away.


Amazing artstyle and unlimited budget works didnt gave us a great anime.


And Risa is probably the WORST, WORST protagonist ever made for an anime (yes, the anime is clearely centered around Risa and her encountering with the cool terrorists, because terrorists are cool lol ) 

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I don't think she was the protagonist at all.  


She's an observer.  One of two, in fact.  Shibazaki is the other, though he's harder to spot since he also has greater actual participation in the story.  Twelve and Nine are the protagonists.  Shibazaki's role is to observe the crime committed against the children(which the clues left by the protagonists lead him to discover), and Lisa's role is to observe their lives, as she is the only one who will remember them after they are gone.  Her actual actions in the show are of little consequence, as are Shibazaki's(despite the fact that he is the one that figures everything out, the only lasting consequences of his actions are related to his role as an observer).

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