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Japanese chat game (for language learners)


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Each post should contain the following elements:

1. Discuss something in Japanese.

2. Translate the post above your's from Japanese to English.

3. (Optional) Point out an error in the Japanese or English translation of another post, or clarify a misunderstanding resulting from one of your posts if you can't address it in Japanese.


Please put all English in spoilers.





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Translation: I am sanahtlig. The English writing of my name is strange, so I don't mind if you call me "sana". Do you want to know the origin of my name? The opposite spelling of my name is gilthanas. It's very original, so calling me "SEO" is another recommend online nickname you can call me.





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Each post should contain the following elements:

1. Discuss something in Japanese.

2. Translate the post above your's from Japanese to English.

3. (Optional) Point out an error in the Japanese or English translation of another post, or clarify a misunderstanding resulting from one of your posts if you can't address it in Japanese.



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I'm sanahtlig. Since using english characters (switching to english just to type his name) is tiresome, "サナ" is ok too. Do you want to know the

background/origin behind my name? It's the reverse spelling of "gilthanas". Being very much original, it's convenient to web search, and also has good SEO.



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I think you wanted to say something like: "Since Zalor's Japanese-to-English translation is a bit inaccurate, could someone else translate my original post?"

Couple of issues, I think, with your sentence (but I'm also kind of a beginner myself so...):

日英 means Japanese-English and I don't think you can use it standalone like that; you probably want 英訳 (English translation) or plain old 翻訳

違いますです is incorrect; no です after ます

誰さん litterally "miss/mister 誰" is strange; you probably mean 誰か他の人 or 他の誰か

訳す貰います is incorrect; it's -te + morau, so 訳してもらいます

But a bigger problem is that 誰かは…もらう would mean "someone receives" so you are saying "would someone receive the fact that (I) translate my original post?" or something like that; you probably want くれる or you can phrase your sentence differently with に:








自分のあだ名がMLPファンの頃から残ったが、一昨年の秋でアニメとエロゲーに興味が替わった。しかし結構オリジナルですから、まだ使ってるよ。新 しいあだ名のことについてまだ考えなかった。それに、その過去は別にあんなに恥ずかしくないと思う。(forgive my Japanese)


"My own nickname is a leftover from when I was a MLP fan, but [i'm guessing] by last fall my hobbies had switched from anime to erogames. However, since it's pretty unique, I still use it. I haven't (really) thought about a new nickname. Besides, I think that legacy isn't that embarassing."

I had some trouble with the 「アニメとエロゲーに興味が替わった」 part, so I guessed. As far as I know, Xに替わる generally means "to replace X;" besides here it sounds to me as if 興味 is replacing that something. I'd suggest splitting the clause and using なる:


(Litterally, "Erogames completely replaced anime and became my hobby".)

Or maybe more simply:


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"My own nickname is a leftover from when I was a MLP fan, but [i'm guessing] by last fall my interests had switched from anime to erogames. However, since it's pretty unique, I still use it. I haven't (really) thought about a new nickname. Besides, I think that legacy isn't that embarassing."

I had some trouble with the 「アニメとエロゲーに興味が替わった」 part, so I guessed. As far as I know, Xに替わる generally means "to replace X;" besides here it sounds to me as if 興味 is replacing that something. I'd suggest splitting the clause and using なる:


(Litterally, "Erogames completely replaced anime and became my hobby".)

Or maybe more simply:


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Well, the problem with Jparser is the parser aspect I think.  There are too many errors.


The EDICT dictionary isn't very good (either) but beginners can't use Japanese-Japanese dictionaries so there's no good alternative.




I recently restarted my Japanese studies, but my motivation has already died.




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@Funnerific Oh I see now; I think you wanted this 変わる (to change [to]) instead of 替わる (to replace). Both are read かわる. I got confused because Xと替わる also exists.





"Thanks for pointing out my mistakes.

Me too. Well, it's why I created this thread."



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I often used mecab and jparser before, but since I('ve) study(ied) a lot of grammar, I think it's better to do the parsing myself (without assistance).


Because it's still a little tough just to use a Japanese-Japanese dictionary, my preferred dictionary is currently EIJIRO.  However, sometimes the example sentences in EIJIRO are insufficient (number or quality?).  In those cases I look up the words using goo or yahoo.








I'm a slacker so I put off my homework til 9pm.

I really do want to study Japanese but my laziness is too strong.

I'm going to regret it later.


Grammar is so boring.

Sigh, I don't know what I'm saying.




Check out my translations of the posts you've translated.


Note to everyone: If someone else translates the same post as you did, make sure you read their translation!  They may be pointing out a mistake you made!

The translations are part of this game to make sure everyone's on the same page.  It's very important that comprehension mistakes get noticed and pointed out, and this is the only way to make sure that happens.  In general, the original poster can't point out translation mistakes because while he knows what he wanted to say, what he wrote may not actually say that.  Therefore it's up to others to point out translation issues (with a focus on comprehension and not so much the details).

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@Elairiahさん、文法を勉強して頑張ってくださいね! 実に私としては文法が楽しいんです。文法を勉強すればするほどビジュアルノベルを読めるんですよ。そして、既知の文法構成を見つけたら、「なるほど!」って言って満足するでしょう

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Too lazy to correct everything, but the things that bugged me most:












書くのは無理だ(わ = very feminine marker lol)

自分のあだ名がMLPファンだった頃から残った(word choice)が、一昨年の秋からそう言う趣味はアニメとエロゲーと替わった(替わる = Intransitive, which usually don't take particle に for a -> b)。しかし結構オリジナルですから、まだ使ってるよ。新しいあだ名のことについてまだ考えなかった。それに、その過去(??nan- to the nani?)は別にあんなに恥ずかしくないと思う。(forgive my Japanese)

結果的にあんまり勧めません。小学者(not a word)ですから。



Jparserは結構便利はずなのに、自分の場合(word choice)では嫌。邪魔とか、悪目立ち(makes little sense in this context)とか、そういうことだから。















@Elairiahさん、文法を勉強して頑張ってくださいね! 実にとって文法が楽しいんです。文法を勉強すれば(勉強を)するほどビジュアルノベルを読めるんですよ。そして、既知の文法構成を見つけたら、「なるほど!」って言って満足されるでしょう

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Yeah, I've been looking over the stuff you've translated and it feels terrible. Back to Tae Kim, I suppose.


Your writing is (なかなか(I don't know this word's meaning in English)), but be careful when you read, okay? I think it'll be good if you look at my English translations. My reading is strong because I read Eroge's in Japanese.






I forgot to leave a Japanese message before (this edit).  Sorry about that.


Now, this is a badly written word/sentence. (The following sentence contains an error or other problem?)

If the chicken crossing (crossing as a noun) the street, what is the meaning of the "chicken crossing" (crossing is a noun)"?




@Elairiahさん、文法を勉強して頑張ってくださいね! 実に私としては文法が楽しいんです。文法を勉強すればするほどビジュアルノベルを読めるんですよ。そして、既知の文法構成を見つけたら、「なるほど!」って言って満足するでしょう

@sanahtlig: Sorry if this sounds rude, but while -masu and ~desu indicate politeness, "kimi" and "ore" are casual.  While the (literal) meaning is quite clear, it's a little odd to use both together (in the same sentence) in my opinion.  This being a thread to practice (Japanese), while it's not always necessary to use the polite form, it's probably best to at least be consistent (use only polite forms or only casual forms in a given sentence).


@Elairiash: Good luck on studying (Japanese) grammar, I'm rooting for you!  I actually enjoy studying grammar.  The more effort you put into grammar study, the more you can read visual novels.  When you come across a grammar pattern you know, you'll say "Aha, I know this!" and that's a satisfying feeling.




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