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What's so special about a birth day?


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All right, let's take this from a logical perspective, regardless of whether it is valid to say that a birthday's traditional aspects make it rightfully important.


I like cake. You like cake. I prefer pie, but cake is still good. If you don't like cake, then I'll just eat my hat and we'll be on our (separate) ways. We all appreciate days when we can sit back, eat cake, and have fun, setting aside entirely whether there's some symbolic shizzle behind it.


Why do these days fall on certain, uh, days? Why don't we arrange them on some other days? Why do I touch myself at night?


The answer is: Why not? There's five weekdays and two weekend days (the asymmetry of those phrases makes me want to punch something), and we keep things that way because it improves work efficiency and stuff. Why must the weekend days fall on Saturday and Sunday, in accordance with the Jewish and Christian faiths? Doesn't that violate the separation of church and state? Why are you asking so many questions? The reason is that it doesn't matter whether you're a Jew or Christian, because having the weekend days on those two days benefits the largest portion of the population and harms nobody else. Having them on Tuesday and Wednesday wouldn't make anything better for a nonreligious person, but it would inconvenience a lot of other people, so there's no point in changing it.


If we lived in a state that's officially secular, but in which the majority of the population happens to follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who commands that the sabbath lie on Thursday, then the all-secular, nonreligious state would put one of the official off-days on Thursday for merely practical purposes.


Birthdays work the same way. If birthdays didn't exist (which doesn't make sense, but shut up), then we'd celebrate those days some other time to make up for it. But there's some people who do follow the tradition of birthdays, and getting rid of them would only inconvenience them and do nothing to a birthday-heathen, and I love cake, so deal with it.

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Obviously because x years ago, this day was the day when u came to existence. This was the day which was the very reason that now everyone know about me and my awesomeness.

And anyways if you are going to look at it from the angle that says it's a normal day, why do people celebrate it? Then u are just telling all day celebrations to go away which is really bad for all these workers out there (National Holidays and stuffz). So yeah Birthdays are awesome. Even more awesome when they are the birthdays of the people you care about and hold dear to your heart!

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Cause humans like celebrating noteworthy events. You have the major holidays that're celebrated almost worldwide and some events that're only celebrated in the city you live in. Its a way to gather friends and family together to have a good time, its to remember sacrifices, its to celebrate praiseworthy events like your birth etc.


I'm not a festive person and adamantly avoid any family reunion, and I try to avoid having a birthday celebration, with that said it'd be a bit sad if no one said happy bday to me.

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I try not to expect anything, but to be honest, it's nice to know when people are thinking about you on that one day out of the year.  It's special because it's almost an appreciation day for the you being born into the world kind of thing.  The ones that care will want to celebrate you.

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A lot of people (most people maybe) celebrates their birthday once a year. Uhh, for those born on 29th of February, once each four years. But really, what's so special about it? It's just one of the 365 days.


Nothing in particular. The common folk copied the practices of the rich, like they tend to do. 


People do tend to enjoy the cake and presents that come with the day, though.

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^Do you enjoy the cake and presents Rooke :kosame:


Pls don't say "I did... 30 years ago"



I actually don't celebrate my birthday anymore ie. no cake + candles + sing happy birthday. Just going through the day having people say happy birthday if they feel like it is good enough

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Objectively speaking, a year is just a arbitrary measuring unit. Move to the next Planet and a earth-year makes no sense anymore.

"A year" is just a handy tool for having a reasonable rhythm to celebrate something. Why celebrate? Because we want to. We value whatever is being celebrated.


Well, but I don't give a crap about any celebration, including my own birthday, because I don't like celebrating for no good reason. And "just for the sake of it" deems stupid, at least for me. No wonder, my mindset is that of a cynical grouch and I abandoned as good as every real social contact.


Celebrating birth also requires to have a life-affirming world-view. Since I've read through the whole Schopenhauer, I'm probably more life-denying than most Buddhists (Fun fact: The real christianity is also pure life-denial. Todays christianity is, just as many other things, altered beyond recognition). Life-denying from a philosophical reflection, not some emo "Uhh, I hate the world, I want to die" stuff. But that's another story.

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