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Monobeno -Happy End- Translation Project


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They actually poll people about what kinds of H-scenes they want and then they make DLC with that stuff. They have a current contest up on their site for people to pick among some new characters they just announced  so when they make their next game they will have the proper ratio of H-scenes given to the characters that were the most popular in the polls. From a writer's perspective it seems kind of insincere, but from a corporate perspective these guys are geniuses and I'm surprised more H-game companies aren't doing this stuff.

I have some mixed feelings about that, on the one hand that is some cool community interaction. However on the other hand, that is nearly the definition of "putting the cart before the horse". For example when I played through the common route of "If my heart had wings" my favorite character was Ageha, than I got to her route and learned what a bitch she was and wanted her route to end asap. I assume they have a short summary of each character, but in the end It's more or less a vote on what body-type people want to fuck the most.

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I have some mixed feelings about that, on the one hand that is some cool community interaction. However on the other hand, that is nearly the definition of "putting the cart before the horse". For example when I played through the common route of "If my heart had wings" my favorite character was Ageha, than I got to her route and learned what a bitch she was and wanted her route to end asap. I assume they have a short summary of each character, but in the end It's more or less a vote on what body-type people want to fuck the most.

Well, Hibiki work makes those H-scene DLCs all the time, so I'm used to it already.

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 I assume they have a short summary of each character, but in the end It's more or less a vote on what body-type people want to fuck the most.

Nope. They didn't even give the girls names. They literally just have a few images and then a list of the girls from tallest to shortest. In the poll they are listed by height alone, no name, no description or anything. So yes literally just which body would you want to see the most H-scenes with. That said, the character designs are really cute, and if the new game is anything like Monobeno I'm sure what they'll do is give it a nice, deep compelling story and then when the dramatic part is over they'll just go 'and then everyone had sex a WHOLE BUNCH' and dump a ton of h-scenes with each girl at the end. The poll will probably only decide who gets the most post-game H-scenes.

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124, 160, 148cm.  I didn't vote because it required an e-mail address, and it'd be kind of silly to pose as a potential customer for an upcoming title when I'm not.


I entered my email, because I am interested in the results of the survey ^^

And I voted 130, 148, 124 (in this order).

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I entered my email, because I am interested in the results of the survey ^^

And I voted 130, 148, 124 (in this order).

What a coincidence, I voted the same. Teeku


Also, thank you so much for starting this project. I've been looking forward to it for a very long time, and seeing your announcement really made my day. :mare:

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There's nothing wrong with voting for 114, I just thought the 124cm tall one looks better.


Here's the lines I counted so far, it is everything except the after stories (another ~20000 lines or so)...

Common Route / Prologue: 447/8381 (5.33%)
Alice Route: 0/9995 (0.00%)
Natsuha Route: 0/11512 (0.00%)
Sumi Route: 0/15292 (0.00%)
Others: 0/1642 (0.00%)
After Stories: not yet counted


Oh and I found this figure of Natsuha (and pre-ordered it): http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-011384

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I guess my last post hurt someone's feelings, so I went through the video for the first scene. Here are some problems:

4:10 変だな、車なんてもう、バス一台しか残ってない "There aren't any cars or buses left around" - There's one bus left.
9:12 よかった、わざわざ飛行機に乗ったかいがあった "That's good, even after we took the plane" - Saying there was merit in going out of his way to take the plane
10:24 秩父以外は山じゃないから。丘がいいとこ "Chichibuigai is not a mountain, but a hill" - It's a hilly area. A place with a lot of hills. Not just one.
10:44 本当に小さなころには、この緑の中、夏葉も元気に遊んでたのに "She also played in this greenness before." - Cut out half the original sentence.
11:43 You didn't translate this hoihoi/cockroach joke into anything anyone's going to understand in English. I can't wait to see the ごくろう part.
14:15 たまに庭先で見かける姿も揺らいで見えて "I can sometimes spot her figure in the garden" - Dropped 揺らいで which comes up later in the conversation with Sumi.
15:11 あんなに泣いてた夏葉が今は "Being such a crybaby" - She was a crybaby, back during the aforementioned period when she was afraid of returning to Monobeno.
20:18 時計の針が一気に戻る。体の全部が、理解する。 "The clock went back and I felt it in my body" - What is this I don't even
21:40 僕を怒るときの生き生きした目が教えてくれる。 "Trying to upset me with those lively eyes" - 僕を怒るとき At the times she's upset with me 生き生きした目が vivid eyes 教えてくれる tell me. When Sumi's upset with Tooru it's clear from the look in her eyes.
24:56 あのまま言葉につまったら、さすがにちょっと悪かった。 "Alice saved me from spouting ill chosen words" - It was his inability to speak that was the problem.
31:03 近頃は飛車角も物忘れが激しいからの。身につまされる一言であろ "He gets sentimental easily" - Sumi is suggesting that due to Hishakaku's forgetfulness, he should be able to sympathize with Natsuha

These are just the translation problems I found. If I were to list all the English problems that exist I would have to post the entire script. Things like (15:30) もうすぐ。準備して "Prepare yourself" are just out of this world. It's not surprising though, considering the translator's not a native English speaker.


There are two translators listed in this thread, but I can't find projects by either of them, save for the video by Zakudono. If this is everyone's first project things are looking even more bleak. The box for Happy End says the script is 5.2MB in length. The last guy who attempted translation was criticized for going too fast and even he estimated it would take him three years to complete. A more reasonable pace could honestly take you half a decade.

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So why don't you sign up as another translator, or as a translation checker? Obviously you have the Japanese skills, and you apparently care about this project considering that you registered and beelined for this thread. I don't get why your attitude is 'lol it's hopeless' when this project is barely two weeks old. Down the road there may be more translators added, along with editors and TLCers who can comb back through what's already translated to touch it up.


If people like you would roll up your sleeves and help out instead of... I'm not really sure what you're trying to do... then maybe the project would become more impressive.

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I registered almost a year ago when I posted the Albatross translation project that no one took seriously.


This project looks pretty hopeless, all things considered. I'm not helping because I am no where near altruistic enough to spend years translating for others. More importantly, I don't consider my translation ability to be capable enough to work on any project. I abstain from translation so that I don't ruin something I enjoy with my poor writing. It's a shame that people who are obviously less skilled than I am don't feel they should do the same. No one should ever translate into a language that they do not natively speak.

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I admit that we will probably not be able to complete the project this year even if we have more translators and also it will not be perfect.
But everyone who watched the video will know that it is playable and the translation is better than in any IdeaFactory game ^^


Also we will release partial patches whenever a route is translated and edited.

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Remember. Me, aka Petty English Pleb, will never get the opportunity to play Japanese VN's. They either have to get get translated or licensed in order for me to be able to play them.

  • If they are licensed, a level of quality is to be expected. This guarantees I will get a product.
  • If they are Fan Translated, they will either be readable or completely messed up.
  1. If it's the first, I get another Japanese game I can finally read.
  2. If it's the latter, then it's yet another Japanese title which will never get translated.

Personally, I will take my chances with bad fan TL's. There's so many Japanese VN's that me losing one or three hundred over a bad TL will not damage me terribly. 


Either way these are my thoughts and I hope you chaps continue with this, no matter how it turns out.

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I guess my last post hurt someone's feelings, so I went through the video for the first scene. Here are some problems:

4:10 変だな、車なんてもう、バス一台しか残ってない "There aren't any cars or buses left around" - There's one bus left.

9:12 よかった、わざわざ飛行機に乗ったかいがあった "That's good, even after we took the plane" - Saying there was merit in going out of his way to take the plane

10:24 秩父以外は山じゃないから。丘がいいとこ "Chichibuigai is not a mountain, but a hill" - It's a hilly area. A place with a lot of hills. Not just one.

10:44 本当に小さなころには、この緑の中、夏葉も元気に遊んでたのに "She also played in this greenness before." - Cut out half the original sentence.

11:43 You didn't translate this hoihoi/cockroach joke into anything anyone's going to understand in English. I can't wait to see the ごくろう part.

14:15 たまに庭先で見かける姿も揺らいで見えて "I can sometimes spot her figure in the garden" - Dropped 揺らいで which comes up later in the conversation with Sumi.

15:11 あんなに泣いてた夏葉が今は "Being such a crybaby" - She was a crybaby, back during the aforementioned period when she was afraid of returning to Monobeno.

20:18 時計の針が一気に戻る。体の全部が、理解する。 "The clock went back and I felt it in my body" - What is this I don't even

21:40 僕を怒るときの生き生きした目が教えてくれる。 "Trying to upset me with those lively eyes" - 僕を怒るとき At the times she's upset with me 生き生きした目が vivid eyes 教えてくれる tell me. When Sumi's upset with Tooru it's clear from the look in her eyes.

24:56 あのまま言葉につまったら、さすがにちょっと悪かった。 "Alice saved me from spouting ill chosen words" - It was his inability to speak that was the problem.

31:03 近頃は飛車角も物忘れが激しいからの。身につまされる一言であろ "He gets sentimental easily" - Sumi is suggesting that due to Hishakaku's forgetfulness, he should be able to sympathize with Natsuha

These are just the translation problems I found. If I were to list all the English problems that exist I would have to post the entire script. Things like (15:30) もうすぐ。準備して "Prepare yourself" are just out of this world. It's not surprising though, considering the translator's not a native English speaker.


There are two translators listed in this thread, but I can't find projects by either of them, save for the video by Zakudono. If this is everyone's first project things are looking even more bleak. The box for Happy End says the script is 5.2MB in length. The last guy who attempted translation was criticized for going too fast and even he estimated it would take him three years to complete. A more reasonable pace could honestly take you half a decade.


Yeah I can attest to the fact that the guy doesn't know Japanese that well. If you're going to do this, you'd need to run a TL check over everything he's done to make sure there aren't any errors like these left in. 

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