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Everything posted by sirjabberwock

  1. Sorry not sorry for teh trolling but the first figurine looks like "she" has two massive, iron dicks.
  2. I just checked my imgur and realized I've been missing a lot of my old pictures because of the cap, oops xD
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it Nosebleed and Kendjin I just tried mimicking the BB codes Nayleen's GIFV had attached to it in the full editor
  4. Hype train. Posting the .gifv URL is enough since the forums are set to auto-convert, otherwise wrap them in the tag. Thanks for that hype train fer days Wait, why didn't this work for me? ^this.
  5. I was aware of this but like Kendjin mentioned the filesize is smaller (& if I'm not mistaken they play more smoothly among other benefits)
  6. I was actually considering making a thread for this very purpose a couple days after imgur lauched the GIFV format but never did >.> I think it'd be a great idea because http://i.imgur.com/DfbZclK.gifv
  7. 8.5, I've always wondered who your avatar was but I like the fact that he's in deep thought. It is a great pose
  8. This thread can't die ;_; It'd be awesome if more people were comfortable posting here~
  9. Idk why everyone has to include "confession" before their posts. It seems overly redundant in a thread about making confessions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Katawa Shoujo will likely always be my favorite Visual Novel because of its impact on me as a person. It has some flaws, yes, but that won't keep me from reserving a special place for it in my heart.
  10. I did 3 full playthroughs of DkS2 before the DLCs came out.. It was terribly fun I'm thinking I may have to go back through it again so I can play the DLCs as it's been a few months since I last played vanilla DkS2 And yes, the masochism is strong with this game (at least initially )
  11. ;_; why must this happen to us of all people ;_;
  12. Dito is back~ wait, I talk to him in FSG all the time... I'm confused
  13. In the vein of not trying to make this too serious:
  14. Quotes, eh? "You're a beautiful person, Hisao. Please, don't ever apologize for that." "I merely have a healthy adolescent sex drive." Idk why but I always seem to come back to KS when it comes to memorable things like this ^^
  15. Palas are you trying to make me doki-doki to death?! Bun/Run
  16. Ho-ly Shit. Tatsu I thank you for those links Now I just gotta go torrent some peachy butts~
  17. This is from a month or maybe two ago, but I seriously doubt it's changed much..
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