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Everything posted by TexasDice

  1. I have no idea. Just thought I should speak up, in case something is wrong.
  2. Unless the fat cat just rolls around not doing anything. Similiar to Kud and Strelka. I found the balloons to be pretty insane. During the final number 1 fight, you-know-who tripped over 20 balloons at once and lost.
  3. Google Chrome redirects the thread "Osananajimi/childhood friend stories in visual novels" to a malware warning, similar to this one on the right: It warns specifically about s14.directupload.net. I know google chrome overreacts a lot and my backup firefox hasn't picked up on anything, but I thought I might as well mention it. My firewall and anti-virus also say everything is fine at the moment.
  4. You know the world is going to end, as soon as nobody files lawsuits against everything anymore.
  5. I have beaten Little Busters (or atleast the gallery says so). It might have ascended to the best text based experience I've ever had. The incapability to cry can be a double edged sword at times...
  6. Eroge-rule Number 81 says: That might be another thing people could like. I don't know.
  7. Tweeking tips: The GrisaiaCustom font, (from Grisaia no Kajitsu,) goes really well with Little Busters. No broken words, excluding naturally flawed line wraps.
  8. Wait a minute... We have cool guys? Teach me, sensei!
  9. I have come to the conclusion, that the following track is one of the most fitting pieces of soundtrack I've ever came across; Everytime it showed up so far, I was either creeped out, my brain started to bend itself or both. Perfection. To contribute to the current discussion; I don't know who my favorite girl is. I love them all characterwise and I'd feel bad for ranking girls based on their appearance. #whiteknight My favorite route is Mio's, though I'm not done with Little Busters yet. Quickfix:
  10. Aye, what a shame. My old 360 is still crawling. I have to open the disk drive with a knife or Screwdriver though.
  11. If there's nothing to dislike about the character or her appearance (or the translation, looking at you, Ageha...), I predictably fall for the childhood friend first. Without a doubt my fetish of choice (before kneesocks). My guess why? Probably because I had a lot of female childhood friends, who aren't around anymore. Sometimes I wonder what could happen, if one of them suddenly stands before my door. Welcome to the forums, by the way. I hope you enjoy yourself.
  12. At some point in the future, I too will be important/known/despised enough to be shipped. Just you wait, dear community!
  13. It doesn't matter how I roll. One person is... Wait, we did this already. Are we time-traveling right now?!
  14. Count me out, if you're going to time travel. I hate time travel, it hurts my brain.
  15. I love Little Busters more and more. Harukas route was a tiny bit too long, but really good. (Sadly, I predicted all twists correctly and beforehand. Curse my trope detection skills.) Pretty amazing how much the common route morphed. Waaaay more novels should adopt this. Look back a page. I was wrong and got confused by a key and then I confused you guys with the english language, due to misleading context.
  16. Well, I don't think these 08/15 matchup-rules are true anymore, since magic became so fast and creatures so good over the last few years. Control is now able to put down aggro consistently, while midrange decks get a lot of disruption and value creatures to keep up with the control decks permission game. That doesn't mean it's always like this, the stereotypical land and 4 goblin guide hand is still able to steal games in ~3 turns. Magic became a game, that supports every archetype enough to beat others (granted, you won't see combo decks in standard very often). It all depends on the card pool, deckbuilder, player and sideboard. Not that I was complaining about combo decks in the first place, I just don't want to play them myself. Anyway, I can't tell a hat from a car in legacy. I'm slowly dipping into modern, but mainly focus on Standard, Limited and Commander.
  17. Not a fan of combo decks, they generally win too fast and aren't interactive enough for my tastes. I need to dictate the game into a perfect gamestate, before initiating the victory: Empty handed opponent, empty board and a full seven in the grip. Being a griefer control player feels really good.
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