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Everything posted by wyldstrykr

  1. this vn is the fastest VN to get to the route.... i mean prologue -> OP -> girls route.. maybe i only view 1 route so far
  2. Well good for Majikoi's big fan I guess. but the hype is died out because fans wait for too long maybe. thats why i dont get hype when mangagamer,kickstarter project, nekonyan, and others announced something but i get hype when its 1 week or less before they release it. original and S is more than enough because theres wanko in there
  3. finished reading. also if you can see the condition in the flowchart (the diamond thingy) that would be great. its like that one vn with OP sung by fripside. the best part is the common route
  4. well im using google translate so the word maybe wrong
  5. idk.... have you click the video??? have you click the link in the description of the video?? have you google translate the japanese characters in the link if you cant read japanese?? idk man... it looks like a action game to me??? can anyone verify it?
  6. i like h-scenes in vn if it isnt rape or something else. you know what i dont like??? all of them are NSFW beware
  7. wait!!! okay thats good news but what happen to the fan translation of dracu-riot that apparently gotten by sekai project?
  8. as a person whos still using GT 210.. i will probably play that once the transation of A-5 is out
  9. i think you dont need to read grisaia. you will only miss some references
  10. finished reading aokana. its good not the best but its close to. i think chiru chiru michiru does a better job at making it "anime episode format" intro->op->reading portion->transition (commercial) ->reading portion->ending transition. so is princess evangile but without the OP and ED song. aokana has too many transitions that you wouldnt know if your halfway there. the chibi transition was good tho so this is another VN where too bad im reading this despite of my lack of sleep so i keep switching baldr sky and aokana in order for me to stay awake. misaki's route was the best IMO because they focus on trauma part. others are not bad either. characters are cute and too bad theres no minamo route... or maybe satoin route too. i went into asuka first because the choice is "accept her" or "refuse her". rika will be my first route if her choice comes first but that happened and i dont see myself refusing to those 2. question: good read
  11. anyone knows where to find that hidden item?
  12. that sakura <insert word here> that is released on 2019
  13. forgot that one... that plays almost every "game" day. Fate stay night
  14. are we talking about vn release on 2019 or vn that is translated/localiZed in 2019?
  15. let me try: Kanon HoshiZora no memoria to heart 2
  16. finised sora's route... this game is hard in normal mode if you focused on leveling weapons. even with very easy, you cant win if you have chaff, barrier, anti air weapons and few weapons equiped. the old reliable rifle->machine gun->gatling carry me to the end. the only problem i have is on nanoha route where: other than that, i can beat stages in 1-3 tries using long range combo guns even tho its nerfed my issue in the game was the skip read where the game didnt skip read the teXt you already read... especially on the past scene where you need to read it all again. another issue is how you use long range weapons. if you equip a weapon in move slot, you trigger the weapon by moving regardless of distance. however if you dont have any weapons in move slot, you cant use close or long range weapons while moving. you need to complete stop to use close range and long range weapon. regardless. its a good read and nullifies my sleepiness when im reading aokana if i lack hours of sleep. might go for youtube for very hard mode of some certain battles. also question: do i get anything if i clear some routes that is not the best ending to them??? sorry for my english
  17. because of gameplay???? i have the same vibe as you. i find the story boring maybe because it keeps switching between past and present
  18. I wish you a happy Christmas. I wish you a happy Christmas! Ai wiiiisshhh youuu a happpppppppy Chriiiiiiistmaaaas! and a merry new year. (still loads of effort)
  19. wait!!! every ending doesnt leads in a happy ending??? including the true end???? should i be depressed about a vn that leads to a depressing end?
  20. - Restored a small number of lines that were cut or modified outside of sex scenes. ehmmmm how did they found the small things in the small amount of time??? this patch is questionable... i guess someone from the SP is responsible for that or someone hack SP and get the game before even releasing
  21. looking forward to 2050 where that is now translated to english and a someguy from reddit will say A20 when?
  22. first of all... some good part imo issues and i forgot another one: some characters says fuck. some are censored some arent.... edit: it appears the i forgot to screenshot other issues... oops
  23. finished reading it. even more random than Suki to Suki to de Sankaku Ren'ai. i think the vn selling point isnt the story nor the h-scene but its random scenes and jokes that made on the way. the story is less than Suki to Suki to de Sankaku Ren'ai and h-scene is just a fan service (chapter 1-5 is common and 6-10/11 just lock you in the route which 3 of them is h-scenes.) and after story is still a fan service (7 chapters where 6 of them is h-scenes). (maybe graphics and sound too but still) if has moments, a lot or jokes, reference and 4th wall joke. at the low price with 10-11 hour or reading??? (i finished reading it within 6 days) it is worth it even with reduced functions during the original. my favorite moment was there are minor issues tho (can someone verify this?): 1. chapter select is available from the start and it appears that you can view every chapter from the start, even the after story. and without using "full open" 2. you cant toggle skip unread or skip read teXt. skip at the bottom skips read teXt and "ctrl" skips read teXt but scene skip at the top skips read teXt. 3. once you reach the route/character selection. if you select a route/character, eXit then go to the route/character selection, the neXt scene is unlocked. fully skipping the scene. 4. few teXt isnt translated mostly character name and a image that looks like a line (someone on discord says its in chinese lol). also a character teXt is in the body of the message boX. and at one point (when luna pulls lamune), you can see a piece of code maybe its her rotation. 5. a few lines doesnt sync with what they saying... maybe its translated differently but at one point the voice says lamunation but the line says a long line composed of 2 sentences. 6. i cant unlock BGM mode even with full open. anyone knows how??? 7. theres no narrator route,witch and solaris still a good read. might post images later for more information from discord
  24. i play blind for the first time then look for a walkthrough regardless of what ending i get (usually no girl ending) i usually use tatsumaki bot for the route im going for if i cant find suggested route order.
  25. then what features is cut from the original version then??? im curious. also theres a narration in there huh.
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