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Everything posted by Mephisto

  1. It's having difficulties reading the archive, and says that this error occurs when a normal file rather than an archive file, or when an incompatible archive file is selected, this error occurs. It appears to be the right type of archive file to me, so there's likely another reason why it isn't running properly. I don't remember exactly, but you likely need to have Japanese formatting in order for Dracu Riot to open properly. In the pictures Jeftai has above, under the "formats" tab, you see Format: English(United States). You want to change this to japan. Edit: Tried running it with format in English, and the game booted properly. Try the solution jeftai has in the previous post, as I don't think Dracu Riot needs Japanese formatting in order to run, but it should need the non-unicode option change. P.S. : Is patch.xp3 supposed to be an english patch or something? I don't see it in my files for the game.
  2. Aiyoku no Eustia is basically written as an anime... Although I guess there is a lot of talking/monologue/narrative/whatever rather than action, most of which can't be left out. I think G-senjou would be pretty bad as an anime without some big changes.
  3. Well done on summarizing the entire game in to a few lines.
  4. https://twitter.com/nekopara_pr/status/542320648043761665 Apparently you will be able to show multiple languages at once, so you can use Nekopara to assist in learning a new language.
  5. I don't believe a translation request anywhere for anything as long as VN has ever been fulfilled. It's a bit ludicrous to ask someone to put down a year or more of their life for a random request.
  6. What MeruP means by "Japanese time format", is that you need to change the "format" of your computer in to Japanese as well. It's located under control panel -> region and language -> formats. A different format will change how some programs read data, but for the most part it shouldn't affect you too much (any program that checks the format of your computer for default language to use will start using japanese though) A side effect of this is that your date/time will change in to Japanese.
  7. Uh... Alright, that is pretty difficult to follow in english. I'm going to assume that Neko = ネコ = 人型ネコ = humanoid cat, and neko = 猫 = normal cat. While that is definitely something one can distinguish between in japanese... in english I'm not so sure simply having a capital and non-capital as well as being inconsistent by using a "humanoid cat" instead of "humanoid neko", while using "neko" for everything else.
  8. From what I can tell of those four lines, it appears to be saying that in the past it wasn't unusual to see cats walking through the city. However now that people have started taking them in as pets, you only see them here and there now. The converse side of seeing less cats, is that there are less unfortunate cats. As a cat owner, I think that's a wonderful thing. Have to say the grammar usage there threw me off though, felt really awkward reading.
  9. In context, that line is supposed to be a fat joke. Didn't realize it when it was a single japanese line by itself, lol.
  10. Chronopolis pretty much mentioned everything that needs to be mentioned. Something that may be useful to note is that getting a "perfect" translation is more or less impossible, or at the very least not worth it, since that means that it'll never get done. If you go over it 100s of times to make sure there isn't a single thing wrong, then you'll never finish it. If you don't go over it 100s of times, someone is going to pick out a small part of the script and say the translation sucks.
  11. Ugh... the language used here is a bit heavy. Kind of just said "meh" at points. That was a bit long, please try to keep things to asking specific questions, rather than translating complete paragraphs with no questions. This isn't a particularly good translation, but should at least give an idea of what's going on. Feels quite heavy/tense reading it, couldn't quite capture that in english.
  12. Uh, this turned in to something weird pretty fast. I think the writing in kono oozora was pretty decent, but the subject was just rather boring (except when Amane started going off about planes and science, I learned Bernoulli's theorem in regards to aircraft from that shit), so I ended up dropping the game. It's definitely one of their better titles, so I wouldn't be surprised at them wanting to advertise it/get it out there. I haven't played through any of the english version to compare the translation, but based on excerpts I've seen, whoever was translating the game either didn't understand english at a basic level, or didn't understand japanese at a basic level. It's not really something nitpicky such as "oh my god why the fuck would you use a word like bower when nobody knows what the hell that is", but more of a like "okay we're going to transliterate this text instead of reading the entire sentence and reconstructing it in english, having inverted sentence structures and implied subjects won't affect us at all!".
  13. Heaven's feel route is the most obvious one. Sakura is lame, but was a pretty good read anyway. Clephas might disagree, but Aiyoku no Eustia comes to mind as well. Even though each chapter is essentially focused on one heroine each, I'd hardly call the events conveniently made so a heroine can shine.
  14. This was just linked in skype, should be added. http://www.imabi.net/ "expanded and awesome version of tae kim"
  15. Well, finished up the prologue. Not sure how many lines that was, probably around 500. Takeaways: There is rape in this game. Dungeons are done well. Least aggravating dungeon crawling experience I've had so far. 陵辱 -> new word, mhm. Don't have much difficulty following the text since it appears I'm familiar with this genre. Remember one part I was a bit confused about though. Quotes: Skipped the h-scene, so not entirely sure if anything that happened there is important. Protagonist doesn't like killing things, even if they're monsters. Kaya is kind of annoying. Music is nice.
  16. Euphoria was a word before someone made porn out of it . She somehow manages not to annoy me which is impressive for a young innocent energetic girl character.
  17. Glad to see it worked, thought the command was kind of weird. You need the py since you're running it from command prompt. The py is the command that you are running, and what you are running through it is the .py file, which is passed an argument <filename>.
  18. Not really familiar with using python, but are you sure the command line is correct? Seems kind of weird for the command to be a file name itself. ./bgi_dump.py <filename> or if there exists a python command or something py bgi_dump.py <filename> makes a bit more sense. Not familiar with what you're trying to do though sorry :<
  19. I'm playing 聖なるかな. So much text to read before getting to the gameplay. Gameplay is pretty much the same as Aselia's. Not really fond of the characters so far, preferred the ones in Aselia. Euphoria (yuuto and aselia's daughter) is nice, but she isn't part of the main story yet.
  20. Most good VNs have a strong male cast, so I don't think it's particularly uncommon to like a male character more than the heroines. In some games, like the Grisaia trilogy, the entire game is about Yuuji. Kazuki is pretty baller too though.
  21. Yumina was a bit of a disappointment since the story was kind of .... meh, especially considering Aselia. Kamidori got pretty boring too, didn't bother with more than 1 play through, due to a lot of repetitive grinding/kind of uninspired story. The rance games are some of the more fun, and has a pretty decent lore. (Rance 9 is a ton of fun, seriously) The combat system in madou koukaku pissed me off to no end, feels extremely clunky and was just all around annoying. The world is pretty interesting though. Baldr Sky is pretty cool, definitely has a better feel than most of the games listed here.
  22. Aselia's battle system is just a bit outdated, and the art is as well. The only grind in the game is if you want to full clear the game, since there's a lot of routes, and you need to pretty much start over for each route, and the battles are all more or less the same.
  23. It helps people cope with their own insignificance by turning away from insignificance itself and treating everything as more than it is. People who aren't able to develop a coping method usually don't last very long, so through natural selection those who have adopted a proper coping method tend to survive compared to those who don't. I believe a more technical answer would be "to relieve stress" or "distract oneself". This of course is not the only coping method that exists, but is an example of an applicable one.
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