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Everything posted by Mephisto

  1. Listen to subbed dubbed anime. In all seriousness, watching english T.V would work a little bit, but you really have to talk with other people to actually gain any proficiency in actually speaking.
  2. It's harder to read than a lot of things, but it's also easier to read than a lot of things . It's not nearly as hard as Hello Lady/anything else by Akatsuki Works, yet it is definitely harder than stuff like Grisaia.
  3. So I just realized my name on the japanese server got changed to 正義感あふれる学院生 Did メフィスト break some rule or something? lol. The new name did make me laugh.
  4. Can there be an option to just use whatever banner you like? I really don't like the feathers in the shinku banner, and I'd rather not have to see it.
  5. Playing through some more Mahoyo and decided to post some pictures of best heroine ever. She has a shit ton of poses. It seems I forgot to take screencaps at most of her rage moments... the downcast/super rage ones are pretty awesome too Well anyways, Off to read more, need to remember to take more pictures ;_;.
  6. I don't believe it suggests that at all, since there are way too many random variables in the "votes" to take them as any serious form of data. All your phenomenon shows is that more people who have played Soul Link have put in a vote on VNDB, while players who have played Boob Wars have not. There is no implication that more people have played Soul Link at all, only that more people have voted for it. If you want to argue that since it has more votes, more people have played it, you would be assuming that players in general have around the same percentage chance of voting no matter what game it is they played. I think it's obvious this is inherently flawed, the voting is not even anonymous.
  7. Didn't really appeal to me as being "fuwanovel" I guess.
  8. I don't get it Down? I searched up lolicon and ロリコン and got a shit ton of hits? This sounds more like something that has to do with whoever is providing his internet, not google itself. On another note http://www.gamespot.com/articles/googles-deal-to-buy-twitch-confirmed-according-to-/1100-6421288/ Youtube + twitch, assimilate.
  9. Estimations seem a bit low . Figured it'd take at least 100-200 love gems to rank that high, based on experience with other phone game thingies.
  10. Google has denied it, quite quickly. Read on the web a bit, and there have been adsense bans or w.e events that have occurred, but it doesn't mean it's due to what this guy is posting. No proof of being a former google employee at all, which isn't very helpful. Probably someone whose adsense account was banned, or something, so they made up a huge conspiracy theory for why they were banned. (herp derp like ren got banned for streaming hentai)
  11. http://pastebin.com/qh6Tta3h P.S: Even if it's fake it was interesting to read. Edit: Yeah after thinking about it for a while, this definitely has to be fake. It just doesn't make any sense. If you keep "banning" publishers who are making you money through ads, then you lose these publishers. Where are you going to get ad money from now in the next year/future?
  12. The michiru one is by far the best, the shinku one is lame, and people are just following steve. It really isn't visually appealing at all and is actually difficult to look at.
  13. Sakura Spirit was in the top 10 for sales on Steam on the day it released. Is it bad? Yes. Did it still sell a ton of copies? Yes. You can argue that Grisaia is in every way better than Sakura Spirit, but there are a few elements that Sakura Spirit has that Grisaia doesn't. 1. monster girls (plays to a fetish) 2. rampant fan service (please, we all know this sells, or anime and VN producers would've stopped doing it) 3. moe 4. is short 5. is cheap All things that will sell. What does bringing in VNDB have to do with anything? Nobody said this game was any good.
  14. Finally beat expert of otomeshiki after failing like 3 times. All hail stamina recovery!
  15. I don't get some of the language they use here.... Pardon my english, this is some pretty bad translation to be honest lol. Nikishino Maki と、当然でしょう?私を誰だと思っているの? W-Well naturally of course? Just who do you think I am? 15歳。高校一年生。両親が大病院を経営しているお嬢様。歌が抜群に上手く、ピアノも弾ける待望の一年生。高飛車でプライドが高く、本心を見せるのが苦手。持ち前の度胸で上級生にも強気で渡り合う。実はさみしがいな一面も。 15 years old. First year middle school student. A high class lady whose parents manage a major hospital. A long awaited first year student who is exceedingly well skilled in singing and can also play the piano. She is extremely prideful and high-handed, but is unskilled in showing her true feelings. Characteristically brave and confident enough to compete with her upperclassmen, but she also has a lonely side. Q1: 2nd Seasonの見どころを教えてください Please tell [us?] the highlights of season 2. 2期の見どころと言ったらまず、一期ではまだまだ組解かれていなかったところが、クローズアップされていたり、お話の中でたくさん散らばって組み込まれていたりすることです。フワッとしていたことがしっかり組解かれていくので、一期を観直そうかな、とも思わせてくれるくらいもっともっと素敵な作品として帰ってきています!メンバーの成長も垣間見れます(*^^*) Although you said "second season", season one has still not been put together yet, but we are doing things like putting in things that have been close upped, and segments of dialogue. We are also certainly including the "fuwaa" moments, so we will be coming back with a wonderful product whose level of wonderfulness can revamp how you viewed season 1! You'll also be able to see a peek at the maturing of the members。(*^^*) Q2: 2nd Seasonで真姫を演じた印象は? What are your impressions of playing Maki in season 2? 一期では、最初は皆となかなか溶け込めていなかった真姫ちゃんが、メンバーと一緒にいる時は、どんどん本当の真姫自身を出して接するようになっているんだな、と。 そして、自分の将来に希望を閉ざしていた子が、今ではメンバーの背中を押していたりと、成長したな、と親心のように嬉しいです(*^^*) In season 1, at first, Maki did not really fit in with everyone, but in the time she spent together with the other members, it seemed as if the real Maki was gradually coming out. Now, the child who had shut up her own aspirations for the future, is now pushing the backs of the other members. It makes me feel really happy, with a parental-like feeling of "She's really matured huh". Q3 このBlu-rayをご覧のファンの皆さんへメッセージをお願いします A message please to all the fans who watch the Blu-ray version 「ラブライブ!」2nd SeasonのBlu-rayを手に取っていただいてありがとうございます。 これから青春をする方も、今青春の真っ只中の方も、昔青春を味わった方も全ての方に共通する何かが「ラブライブ!」に色々なシーンで沢山あります。 この作品を観ながら、皆さんを重ねつつ、彼女たちの成長を見守っていてください (*^^*) Thank you for acquiring a Blu-ray copy of Love Live! 2nd season. People still not in their adolescence, people in the middle of the adolescence, as well as people who have tasted adolescence in the past, there are many various scenes in Love Live that has something that all of these people can find in common. While watching this film, while getting everyone together, please watch over the maturing of these girls. I might look at the rest sometime later, that was kind of exhausting .
  16. The game pretty much sucked. Most MMOs suck anyway.
  17. I don't know about this long ass review thing, when I saw your title I was imagining a small like "comment" section users can leave their opinion of the game, and maybe a star rating. Grisaia no Kajitsu 0/5 game sucks no kazuki route Grisaia no Meikyuu 5/5 kazuki ect.
  18. If it's been done before there's likely instructions on the internet on how to do this.
  19. It's definitely arguable that it's even worse than a rare. It has 2760 cool at level 1,while a level 1 rare maki has 3320 cool.
  20. Wow you actually read the entire silmarillion? I remember trying to read that a couple years back, but returned the book to whoever I was borrowing it from since school was ending. Would be pretty interesting to look at again after having more perspective of creation stories through reading the Theogony as well as portions of the bible.
  21. The free UR kind of sucks, it has the same leader ability as a rare, and the stats of a rare(maybe even lower). It goes up to level 100, and 20 combo = 36% chance of 220 point increase.
  22. How did you get the probability of values? if b = 3 a = 1 then your possible values are 2^1, 2^2, 2^3 so the possibility of each would be 1/3 1/(a-b ) = 1/(1-3) = 1/(-2) = -1/2 if b = 3, a = -1 possible values are 2^-1, 2^0, 2^1, 2^2, 2^3 possibility = 1/5 1/(a- b ) = 1/(-1 - 3) = 1/(-4) = -1/4 maybe 1/(b-a + 1) ? if b = 5 a = 3 2^3 2^4 2^5 1/(5-3+1) = 1/3 so EX = sum from n=a to b of 2^n * (1/(b-a+1)) or something?
  23. I'd say the majority of the community that actually talks about visual novels may fall under the umbrella of liking a story, but I think the sales for something like Sakura Spirit speaks for itself. I don't think anyone entertains fantasies that Grisaia will sell nearly as much.
  24. The translators had not made much progress prior to the leak for a considerable amount of time, and given the leak, it's quite likely they'll make even less. There are definitely some considerable problems at some points with the leaked patch though (straight machine translation-level stuff)
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