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Everything posted by Exteminator

  1. About to attempt it again, but this time on my sister's iPad. Don't have much practice with index fingers yet. Using my perfect lock team this time. Still risky.
  2. There's no limit to transfers of Love Live accounts right? I kinda want to switch back and forth between my phone and my sister's iPad since my phone sucks at running this game at times.
  3. I attempted Binetsu EX just now. I'm not ready. More importantly, my phone is not ready. As soon as I got to the ladders, I started getting a few bads. My frame rate suddenly dropped and within 4 or 5 seconds, 75 amulets went down the drain. Will attempt again with a safer team and a new phone that I'm hopefully gonna get soon.
  4. I ended up picking Umi. It seems a good chunk of players are getting way better at this game. I get S ranks on songs and still get thrown in 3rd and fourth place pretty often. And so far I wasted at least 10 LP. I was running a fever and didn't play the game until I got better. Good thing I used up most of my LP before I took my long nap that day.
  5. So after that last event, they still haven't decided to increase the rankings? Alright then. Are any of you guys going to try to get idolized Nico this event? I prefer her unidolized one, so I'm just going to save up my Love Gems for another 10+1 draw in the future.
  6. I'm pretty sure I lost this event. I finished at probably around 41200 (I didn't want to waste time checking). Last I saw it was at 40600. Bye Umi.
  7. What kind of score do I have to get for the event expert song to have a higher and efficient output than the hard song?
  8. I could get so much sleep with this. That time will come.
  9. I've had a bunch of teachers piled up for the past few months. What do they do again? Are they just like the alpacas?
  10. Did he just reach that goal? If so, that was really close to the deadline.
  11. So, where do you guys think the cutoff for rank 1000 will be at when this event ends? I don't want to cut it close like last time.
  12. So when is KLab going to increase the rank cutoffs? We have plenty of players now don't we?
  13. Font size affects the performance of the game?
  14. It was like around 25700. About half an hour before the event ended. I might be screwed.
  15. I am really scared. Should've spent more gems earlier.
  16. I didn't get the points for the event song I just played because the event just ended. Finished at around 26500. I'm cutting this way too close. Thanks dad.
  17. My dad decided to call me during the 4x hard event song. Missed some notes. Game restarted. So much lost.
  18. This is amazing! How many attempts did this all take? Mine's not as cool, but it'll grow.
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