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  1. Or the 4th grader in asu no yoichi or w/e
  2. Well for one, I've cut anime out of my life. (no flame plz). I don't work so that helps. I don't play any games cause everyone I played with now lives on the other side of the world. Turn your otakuism in your study. Play games (VNs) only to realize that you really suck at the language and are only good at reading, but even then you still suck. long story short, life sucks and theres not enough time in the world. You will have to cut something to make time for others (for most of us thats probably sleep).
  3. (For those that didn't already know) http://www.yuzu-soft.com/new/product/sothewitch/index.html (The site makes it sound like the dumbest plot in the world. Magazine slightly tells you more what its about.
  4. I'm sure steve would be happy... and maybe jealous. Didn't exactly buy this one but couldnt hurt.
  5. Hm i made a mistake dumb brain lol. I meant to type Karumaruka Circle and Amakase Natsuki.
  6. I have no idea what that is but it doesn't matter how you learn it as long as you learn it.
  7. If your goal is to just read / play games you don't need to learn how to write anything. Dictionaries are your friends. For more subtle nuiansnces between words google is your friend. Friends are also your friends so ask your friends to be friendly.
  8. Kamakura Circle - Amakase Natsume (I think, Black hair) has a route with those elements. Pretty generic so you probably wont find anything new.
  9. I think Dracu was ranked #2 in it's year falling behind Majikoi S(pretty sure but not 100% sure according to getchu, cant check right now). Without a doubt it's Yuzusoft's most sucessful but by no means does that mean the others were failures. Also the best girl's route is translated so what more could you guys want =P. We can live without girl #2. My thought on art
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080409029/ ill post and edit my previous topic cause i forgot the info for that account. don't be shy i wont bash on your play unless you want me to or youre just better than me, meaning i cant anyway.
  11. Sharin no Kuni himawari no shoujo
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