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Everything posted by Keaton

  1. Oh will definitely pick this up it looks really interesting
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIRNdveLnJI&index=4&list=PL5Nvx5IsLUZ7S44N2uyqBRjxyTwWIesz5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w7OgIMMRc4 heres the whole playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5Nvx5IsLUZ7S44N2uyqBRjxyTwWIesz5
  3. no 0? 0/10 dissapointed
  4. The (View Awarded) button isn't working on the page. Not sure if it is not set up yet or a mistake so I thought I would point it out.
  5. lol its ok kaoru isn't consistent
  6. Wish me and my team good luck in the OCWT tournament https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/3908224
  7. I didnt eat today lmao but I usually eat out for lunch something new everyday
  8. So I bought Atelier Rorona Plus and so far it has been a good game. Its my first time seeing a game have this time management idea with quests which is definitely cool. So far it has been a pretty good game and I would consider playing others in the series.
  9. Sounds like a really cool idea I would be happy too help out and be a mentor.
  10. So we decided that we would make a fuwanovel team on league ( Just for fun ) tell me if you want to join and I will add you. Remember its all a fun thing no commitment, saltiness over losing etc. Your rank does not matter we would be happy for anyone to join regardless of ranking.
  11. Ah yeah it actually is kind of a problem. Hasn't it been tied as one of the reasons for japans population decrease?
  12. Yeah making a team would be a kind of cool idea because honestly it would probably help the lower elo players learn how to play better. Everyone add me if you havent btw Summoner Name: Annie Bot Junior (I will create the team if people are interested)
  13. Interesting maybe I will have to use something that uploads to imgur now instead of puush.
  14. Welcome to the forums hope you enjoy it here!
  15. Well at least his new hobby is healthier... I think?
  16. Hey as long as you don't buy turtle beaches you should be fine lmao.
  17. Definitely thank you guys for the guides!
  18. I looked at your profile -Shizuku- and a lot of your stuff is really farmy maps... :I I am really against people farming easy maps like Dai Dai etc. It ruins the point of the game.
  19. Thats why i think that using HD for any map you play at a later level is more of an advantage and it acts less as a mod but more of a playstyle.
  20. someone map this pls Lyrics by mephisto
  21. So I have a bunch of these gem things saved up from not playing for like 4 months and I am just starting out whats the best thing to do with these?
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