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Everything posted by Fiddle

  1. You start to feel sleepy. At this rate, you'll pass out on the street.
  2. I haven't quite thought about it, but now that you mention it... No.
  3. Thief has: 1700 yen, badass cloak, stiletto. Chance of successfully taking each item: 99.9%.
  4. Welcome to the forums! Have a blast!
  5. Kurosawa imposingly motions you out the door. It's even later than before. Considering that you'll want to be in top shape for the mission soon, you should probably get some sleep. Work: None Criminal Activities: Steal Visit: West Edo Inn, Muromachi Inn.
  6. $30 or more? Naw, I quite doubt that. Sekai Project is clearly very generous in that area so far. Their most expensive game is World End Economica at $12.99. Planetarian, another Key game, was recently announced to cost no more than $10. And they released Narcissu and some other game for free. I'm not an expert on this matter, but if you sell what the average gamer will construe as some reading game at any more than $20, the only people who will buy it are those who are already in the presently niche VN community. Sekai Project is evidently popularizing VNs in the west at a very rapid pace, and I'm sure that they intend to broaden the market. I don't anticipate Japan-level overpriced shizzle any time soon.
  7. This might not be the type of visual novel that you're looking for, but the protagonist from Wanko to Kurasou is indeed that type.
  8. Because your multiple personalities seem to randomly forget things, you think you should recall why Kurosawa is important.
  9. Excellent news! I'll be sure to buy it. Good thing I haven't played it yet.
  10. Just as she says that, you spot a familiar face. You have some business with him, and it seems that he can tell, because he tries to scurry off after being seen in such a place.
  11. I'm not into pale white skin, oval faces, and big bundles of hair either, but apparently 19th century Japanese guys were. Well, to be fair, hookers aren't very attractive these days, are they.
  12. Vetoed because I spent a lot of 5 minutes on that sprite and background. -_-
  13. I don't mean to brag, but I've realized that I've become too good at Civ 5 for it to be enjoyable -_-. And multiplayer is unfortunately a mess.
  14. You go to the brothel, equipped with your whopping 1300 yen. You meet some sort of person in charge as soon as you enter, and she puts on a smile that looks ingrained into her face.
  15. But I was going to show off my collection of human skulls... Oh, that says "skills".
  16. Kanra moves off in whatever direction, looking like she's had enough of her daily dosage of you. It seems to be about midnight; too late to do anything productive. As mentioned, you can't do your quest until Saturday, and today is Thursday (or Friday because midnight durr hurr). Work: None Criminal Activities: Steal Visit: Kawakami Brothel, Kabuki District, West Edo Inn, Muromachi Inn.
  17. Come to think of it, you do remember being bad at sneaking one time...
  18. I hope they aren't too... cheesy... After all, all the good H-scenes have been... milked dry... something something butter as lube
  19. Kanra's forceful blow from the blunt end of her kodachi leaves the thief unconscious after a few seconds. It looks like she didn't believe your excuse, even though it had some elements of truth to it.
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