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  1. Sorry to necropost, but I'm back on this once again, and I'd rather keep existing information in one place than reference two/three threads. Two of the major issues I am having right now are with Nscripter's name command ($name1) on a line around the middle of the common route, line 5168: 学校では“才色兼備で非の打ち所のない生徒会副会長”と周知されている私、姉崎$name1は、実際には三度の飯よりアニメやゲーム(特に乙女ゲーム)が大好物なただのオタクである。\ The game crashes when that line comes out. I counted the bytes and all, and it fit. I even broke the line into two blocks in case it was crashing because it was too long, but didn't seem to help. The other issue is with soft line breaks; I can't use the backslash to keep actual text on the same line. It either has to do a hard line break (text goes on the line below) or it just frizzes out. Some of this is a big issue since between soft breaks, there's sometimes delay and/or graphics commands, like so: #FF7c7b【姉崎$name1】#574031 「えっ。/ delay 200 mov %Nozomi,0 : mov %Ase,0 : mov %C,0 : gosub *nozomi_a62 print 1 mov %Nozomi,0 : mov %Ase,1 : mov %C,0 : gosub *nozomi_b43 print 7 うわ」\ mov %Nozomi,0 : mov %Ase,1 : mov %C,0 : gosub *nozomi_b42 print 7 しまった。スカートのプリーツがとれかかっている。\ As we've established, soft break commands don't work when using the English designation (>line), and removing it like you do for name command lines doesn't work either. So...
  2. It does not. It uses NScripter. Not every visual novel is Ren'Py.
  3. Right. There are a couple more issues I've run into. Every so often, there is a double-coloured line, which doesn't work with the text commands being on a separate line. It also causes the speaker parts to be on different lines. Then the choices seem to have some length limit. Not character-wise, but how long it is. It cuts off, even with the spaces before altered and if I make the choices single words. "Spaces before" being that the choice texts look like this: ;選択肢------------------------------------------------------------------- csel"      I'll wait for you",*c_sel01a,"    I'll be leaving",*c_sel01b Lastly for now, the save/load screen doesn't register the colours, which is strange because it did before. Yesterday, it wouldn't even let me open the save screen, though that issue was resolved by adding a colour code onto a different line (albeit one that didn't have a code originally.) But anyway, the save titles are white when they are supposed to be pink. Again, these worked before, and I didn't add any white colour codes. edit: I've fixed this. On an unrelated note, I wonder if anyone knows how to repack the arc.nsa file. I tried, but it corrupted and crashed pretty quickly.
  4. I'm honestly shocked that the solution was right under my nose. If I had known it was that easy, I wouldn't have led myself on this needless goose chase. Maybe this (apparently) little-known tweak is the reason ONScripter-en development halted. Thank you so much! Though I wonder if the name restrictions, being that it only lets you type in full-width, can be lifted. edit: The coding sort of messes up, like the colour commands are unusable and the name command ($name1) shows as-is.
  5. Hello, I am translating Watajuu, but it was written in NScripter. It doesn't accept single-byte characters as dialogue, and using ONScripter (as well as the -En ver) and PONScripter have some problems, such as crashing, not playing music, using an incorrect resolution, not being able to use text colour commands, and others. I was told this is because the latest ONScripter version doesn't have the flag for 1-byte text enabled, and that I should email Ogapee to ask for a recompiled version, but someone already suggested him to include it, so I'm not sure where that is going. Maybe I'm just overlooking something. I've never used NScripter before, so someone else might be more familiar with it.
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