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  1. I fond this: http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/details.php?room=%23Tokidan&net=Rizon but that is all in irc about him I could find but then again don't understand irc to well so there might be more.
  2. no you got it wrong, I am to afraid to fuck it up to try myself, but it seemed like others in the discussion were pretty keen on trying. so gave them that bit of information to help them on the way.
  3. actually, how would you know? no one has tried yet (at least to my knowledge)
  4. ....................................................

  5. I think I might have fond him. I fond an archive of tokidan.com (I have forgot from whom if I remember I would give them credit) where it stands that tokidan has also an alias as Yipo123 and I search for yipo123 on google and it seems like there are an steam account with the same name that was only accessed for some hours ago. I can't say that it defiantly him but it might be a lead.
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