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  1. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Hanny in I'm at a lost for words... (HuniePop discussion)   
    ...Nope, too real for me, I`ll stick to my japanese speaking lolis, thanks.
  2. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Hanako in Two Years here on Fuwa, Change, Evolution and Many Thanks   
    Hana... making me post for the first time in months!
    I still remember when I became your romaji teacher.
    Fucking measly romaji! And now you can even Kanji!
    Haha, I'm happy to have been the one to influence you to learn Japanese. (I always thought you just wanted to read all the yuri VNs )
  3. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Hanako in Two Years here on Fuwa, Change, Evolution and Many Thanks   
    Hana... making me post for the first time in months!
    I still remember when I became your romaji teacher.
    Fucking measly romaji! And now you can even Kanji!
    Haha, I'm happy to have been the one to influence you to learn Japanese. (I always thought you just wanted to read all the yuri VNs )
  4. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Shinobu Nyan in Rewrite 2nd PV + Info   
    I don't care if the anime is shit, I don't care if they change the plot...
  5. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Amano Sora in A good Machine Translator?   
    I also created a Machine Translation thread, veeeery long ago...
    I gave up on that, and went down the "Learn Japanese" way. Trust me, very worth it.
  6. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Funyarinpa in unforgettable skype quotes   
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Hanako in unforgettable skype quotes   
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from madvanced in unforgettable skype quotes   
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Funyarinpa in unforgettable skype quotes   
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Vokoca in unforgettable skype quotes   
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Hanako in Fuwanovel Confessions   
    Confession: I never thought translating was so hard like this >_<, it seemed so easy when it was just reading with no worries... I envy natural english speakers now.
  13. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from SpiduhBMX in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    I got trolled so hard... *facepalm*

  14. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from SpiduhBMX in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    Suffering? Are you joking?
    Being a lolicon is like ultimate bliss, it's just overload of cuteness everywhere you look in my laptop.
  15. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from SpiduhBMX in Hapymaher Fan TL   
    I like how I was assigned to this without even knowing
    I don't mind helping though ^^
  16. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes reacted to Satsuki in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
    Let the waifu war begin.

  17. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from heavenlysf in VN with incest.   
    Why are you guys considering non-blood related siblings as incest? Like in G-senjou and Da Capo?
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  19. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from yvetox in H-scene clichés   
    MC: Don't swallow that!
    Girl: It's okay, it's from <MC name> after all.
    Girl after the MC orgasm: Ippai... atsui...
  20. Like
  21. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Rabbit in I'm at a lost for words... (HuniePop discussion)   
    ...Nope, too real for me, I`ll stick to my japanese speaking lolis, thanks.
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    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Mr Poltroon in Spring 2015 Anime Discussion   
    You think so? IMO, a great flaw in Romcoms is the fact that it ends when the protag couples with a girl, and then they lived happy forever after, and we can only hope for one OVA or two. It'd be nice to see them as a couple more.
  24. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Kenshin_sama in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
  25. Like
    Nagisa_Fawkes got a reaction from Deep Blue in Post pics you like (Powered by Jun Inoue™)   
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