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Everything posted by Nahichun

  1. Hard to believe we actually have consistent updates nowadays. Gotta give my thanks to dowolf and Ouraibaa. You guys are great!
  2. It's not horrible, but it certainly isn't good either. Just try it for yourself and see if you like it.
  3. If everyone could pretend to have a pair of balls and not bitch about Ouraibaa´s spoilers, that´d be great. Seriously though, if he wanted us to suffer, he could do that, I can assure that much.
  4. IQ doesn´t mean shit tough. It only somewhat measures potential, bit you can still be a total dork. I for an example have an IQ of 137, but I still nearly failed school twice ( though I visited a rather difficult school).
  5. Well maybe he likes creepy bears. I don´t judge ... as long as they make it otherwise obvious.
  6. Not sure if just pretending or actual child rapist...
  7. Why do I feel the need to annoy Tiago? Hey! Hey! Listen!
  8. I´m in favor! No pressure though <- me being a hypocrite
  9. I just witnessed a burn of such magnificence that could only be delivered by a true Flamefucker. Sorry Nero you never stood a chance. I mean you even burnt down your city back in the old days.
  10. That doesn´t change anything from the fact that his plan was foolish, but it´s still useful information.
  11. The thing that actually tipped me over was this: Kirito knows that this guy called Deathgun only needs one shot to kill someone for real. He and the PTSD chick go to hunt him so that he wouldn´t kill more people and while Kirito plays bait/ tries to defeat him the chick is supposed to shoot Deathgun. Problem is Deathgun has a fucking Tranquilizer Sniper Rifle that is silenced and keeps one stunned for some time. While stunned he shoots you. And Kirito is just like " If he tranquilizes me just shoot him! " Oh yeah that would be reasonable IF HE HADN´T ALREADY DODGED HER SHOT ONCE! I mean I wouldn´t even be opposed to seeing Kirito dead, but I still facepalmed troughout the whole episode. Oh and I knew what the nickneame of Deathgun was since the episode before. Seriously you can´t make it any more obvious that you´re some kind of weirdo if you call yourself Sterben (german for dying)
  12. Okay it´s official SAO II is pretty much dead to me. This episode was horrible ... I find it hilarious that some guy commented you could pretty much give any of those episodes a 5 out of 5. It might have improved in some ways and the gunplay is good but the writing got even worse and the logic those characters sometimes show is horrifying.
  13. My guess is, that it´s going to follow Amane´s route since that is also the route it follows in the manga. http://www.mangahere.co/manga/grisaia_no_kajitsu_le_fruit_de_la_grisaia/ All credits to the link go to Rapid motion :3
  14. Before I go off to work I´ll just quickly add my two cents about Grisaia. Anyways I´m off.
  15. I also read that it will have additional scenes and other extra stuff, so I wouldn´t completely neglect it. Well I´ll buy it in any case, since I want to support a VN like this any way I can.
  16. No problem ;D Also the link for Grisaia coming to steam (maybe) : http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2014/07/03-1/sekai-project-announces-grisaia-no-kajitsu-and-planetarian-visual-novels
  17. It might not be as bad as it seems. First of all there seems to be a project trying to localise Grisia for the western world and it will probably even be released on steam. I dare say, that if it sells good enough the localisation of the sequel is just a matter of time. Also some other guy might take up Grisia no Meikyuu in the meantime. http://tlwiki.org/index.php?title=Talk:Grisaia_no_Meikyuu
  18. Yeah they maybe quadcores but the thing I was trying to get at was hyperthreading.
  19. If you use video editing programs an I7 4770K might be worth it, since the extra cores and the hyperthreading is certainly profitable for such porgrams. I can say with certainty that an I5 lacks multi threading and as such is less qualified for such heavy work.
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