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Blog Comments posted by Chronopolis

  1. It's weird how this (of everything you said) is what most interests me about the VN. I like seeing the teacher/mentor archetype in VNs and anime, especially when it's done well, and it seems like you're saying it is. 

    Hmm. I haven't really thought about the teacher/mentor archtype, or seen it much. I don't know what I would call at all what to call well done in the archtype. I suppose if the teacher's character or viewpoint is interesting. 


    When you say "merely passable" how does that compare to the 'everyday' scenes in the more modern Key titles? If the school scenes are more like the ones in G-Senjou I could probably tolerate it though.


    They were just banter and small jokes stuff. There were less over the top gags and strange people than in G-senjou. It felt like everyday. There wasn't that much of it, there was a lot of hard-to-keep-up-with mystery in the common route. I didn't dislike it, it just I felt like there wasn't really a purpose.


    This kind of strikes home for me. Recently I graduated from HS, and the last couple of weeks with my group of friends was weird. (It was a lot like a VN). Everything was like it always was, but we all knew (but rarely spoke) about the impending graduation. It was like we didn't want to think about that big inevitable change that would end the monotonous cycle we grew accustomed to. So in this sense, I can understand the characters wanting to protect their everyday lives. It stems from a fear of involuntary change (I would guess, as I haven't read the VN).


    It's been a few years since I've been in highschool but I can really picture that scenario. No, I think what you are describing is very related to what the MC was feeling.

  2. There is also many other interesting themes in it. The morals of effecting people you are around I found rather troublesome as well. The story is extreme at parts, but none the less valid in its message.

    This. There are lots of other interesting thoughts. With regards to "moral effecting people".

    Human morals are full of holes that can leave you hanging. One must realize that the morality one tries to follow is one born of human culture, so is going to be inconsistent for sure. In one way of looking at it, there is no other option but to break down everything important, question everything including where your values come from and whether that is something you consciously still want to uphold, and make those case by case decisions for yourself.

  3. Too much expectations is probably not a good thing, but you know, perhaps there is meaning in fact that the scenario so far led you to that perfect image.

    Even if there's a plot hole, maybe you can rearrange the plot, and play with "what-ifs". Maybe your within excitement was a specific direction you wanted the plot to take.

    Recently, when I get really excited for a story, I can step back and think about what exactly are the items or possibilities that excite me. Then, it's no longer the story's fault if it lets me down later on. I still really like those elements the story had.


    As for being in the perfect mood...while I've put off VN's because I couldn't get in the mood for them, I've never thought about pursuing the perfect mood. Interesting.


    I am afraid that one day I will look at something once beloved and no longer will that passion burn.

    Wow...that's an interesting fear. It's scary because it feels like there's nothing you can do about it. But tbh there are quite many days where I feel totally apathetic towards most of everything. But I know since I've been doing them for a while, the interest and passion is probably stuck in some part of my head which my mind isn't circling around to just this second. Just go back to your hobby, without much expectations, do it seriously for an hour or so, and you'll probably remember why you like it so much.


    For hobbies that you are *done* with, there's usually a reason, like you finished nearly everything, or there was some negative event that made you lose the desire to continue. If it's the later, ask yourself if that event really is a reason to stop you can accept, and if it's not be brave and fight to reclaim your hobby.


    That was a very descriptive post. I felt connected and rather intrigued. It's nice occasionally to catch a glimpse into the minds of others.

  4. The issue is that gameplay eroge are going to be especially attractive on Steam.  If all such titles end up censored because Steam is simply a superior platform for selling these titles on (and JAST gives up on releasing them because they're too much work), then all my efforts to promote these titles in the West will have been in vain.  If VNs take off and don't take eroge along for the ride, then nothing will have been gained as far as I'm concerned.

    Hmm, yea, I think the H-scenes play a larger role in the identity of a gameplay eroge (even one with a good story) compared to a similar non-gameplay VN. I can see why you are fighting for that point.


    For the average VN (moege or story heavy), I think removing just the H-scenes is an acceptable form of censorship, the reason being is that the H-scenes aren't an important part of those game's identities, and from examination, meaningful character bonding doesn't often occur. If anything, the implied presence of (using a fade to black) those scenes is enough to align the reader to when the characters appear closer or act different afterwards.


    (Basically for those VN's I could replace each h-scene with a fade to black and recommend that to a friend while being able to say, you aren't missing anything story-wise).

  5. I found Shin Sekai Yori very interesting because it presents a compelling security dilemma: In a world where a single person can kill hundreds of thousands of innocents with a single thought, how does society respond?  Psycho Pass's solution (Psycho Pass aired the same season) is a police state, where crimes are prosecuted essentially before they are even conceived by measuring a person's temperament (their potential to commit a crime).  Shin Sekai Yori's solution is genetic manipulation and rigorous childhood brainwashing to suppress violent tendencies, with systematic elimination of deviants that these measures fail to control.


    I find this theme fascinating because it won't be long before we as a species face a similar dilemma.  Imagine a world where nuclear devices become concealable in a suitcase and fissionable material is as easy to come by as traditional explosives.  A single deranged individual could wipe out an entire city and make it uninhabitable for years more.  As a society, how will we deal with that threat?  My bets are on the police state solution.  Expect agencies like the US National Security Agency (NSA) to grow increasingly powerful as weaponry becomes increasingly advanced, to the point that even letting a single psychopath slip through could result in unacceptable economic damage and loss of human life.  And at that point--who will watch the Watchers?

    In the Shinsekai Yori case, I think it would be a possible solution if normal humans retained the ability to attack other humans. You could have the kishi mechanism without the aggression suppression.

     But the overall concept is a difficult one and I have little idea where to start.

  6. The problem is that it's wrong. そうであれば is just a bunch of grammar, and is in no way related to 壮.

    What??? I've never seen a blatant bug like that O.O.


    I don't like the way the newest one does conjugations... too much idiot hand-holding...

    I found it slightly useful when I had forgotten passive/potential conjugations for some type of verb after not reviewing them for a few years.


    Never touched the romanji, so no comment there.

  7. Oh wow, go nekosoft! I was 100% skeptical and even scoffing, but now that the seal of approval has been come out, well...in hindsight, nekosoft did have the record to show they could deliver an emotional story. One of the scenario staff: Kataoka Tomo did Giniro and Narcissu.

  8. Uguu that sounds like you hit something pretty bad. Unless a work does magic with it or only uses an archtype as a starting location, I feel the dreadful urge to vomit. If you can't find a way to fill in the early conversations with something interesting, that's ok, but charage without no character development? What do you think you are making?

    I recently read Bishoujo Mangekyou -Kami ga Tsukuritamouta Shoujo-tachi-, which was, to quote myself: "poo poo poo". It had a interesting premise/setting which could have been a lot more. To put it another way, if you read it as a nukige, it's a wonderful nukige that's surprisingly strong and unyielding in it's worldview.

  9. Although judging from your post, it would seem that even among the realm of Untranslated, there is a relative scarcity of great works.    

    Unless your clephas, there's enough good stuff to last a bunch of years. Just way more trash.


    But honestly, when I might get tired or run dry of the VN medium, I'll have (japanese) novels to go to. Going by other peoples' recommendations of course.


    People say the medium is very underused, but it's kinda hard for me to imagine what those VN's would look like. Well...putting experimental works aside, it would be awesome if VN's were more diverse in structure (pursing stories that are supported by structures other than route-herione).


    Clephas, do you have any ideas on what currently-underutilized constructions (plot+presentation+structure) would make for great VN's?

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