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  1. kittithatj


    longtime for my last visit Fuwanovel feel good that i still can read your opinion about VN Clephas-San. I'm not a hard fan of VN but i'm a fan of Purple software last night i read this VN to the ending of true route for me I have a bit disappointed if I compare Amatsusumi to HapyMaher and Chronoclock HapyMaher have extreme emotional impact for me it is best VN that i ever read and Chonoclock story flow is more exciting. I like first part about Kororo's family the most and bad ending made me sleepless after reading it . . . for me I'm sympathetic to Minazuki Hotaru so I don't agree with MC about his choice but if I choose between bad or good ending route to fit this Vn bad one should be. I still don't understand what is Amatsusumi meaning although i searching its mean on Google and found that it is Japanese Legend and the word mean "Heaven's sin" next thing is I expect more in Aoi tori to satisfy me and hope NekoNyan still can release it although stream don't want it.
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