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Everything posted by WJHB

  1. Sorry, I haven't been seeing notifications for Fuwanovel lately for some reason. The development is currently happening on the "maiya" branch of my fork. I don't think there's been a merge in a while so that would be why you don't see anything upstream. https://gitgud.io/WJHB/saimin-yuugi-translation/-/tree/maiya?ref_type=heads I haven't been making patch files every update because 1. I didn't really feel like it 2. It's not unheard of for me to go back to old scripts and adjust my translation. I was going to make one once the first pass of Maiya's route was done because that seemed like a good milestone, but it's taken a while (at my current pace, I'll finish it sometime in late May-mid June.) In the meantime, HypnoConductor made a patch which was posted in the discord: https://discord.gg/mXCz9hGk That one doesn't have my latest update, though. Still, if you want to check out what I have so far, it works.
  2. Finished 080.s! This one was one of the longest scripts in Maiya's route, and I enjoyed writing the characterization for Yanagi. There's one more relatively large one, and then a couple small ending scenes, and then the first pass of her route is complete.
  3. 070.s done and pushed. Pretty happy with this one, let me know if there's any issues.
  4. 060 done and pushed. Might revisit the section about proverbs, that stuff is pretty impossible to translate.
  5. After being visited by the crash glitch from hell and taking a bit of a break for the holidays, 050.s is finally done and pushed. Unaware never gets old to me when done well.
  6. The command I use is earlier in the thread, but I'll post it again: arc_conv.exe --pack qlie [path to patch files] [path to saimin yuugi game folder]/GameData/data9.pack You can get arc_conv here, but it probably will flag your antivirus. You need to whitelist it. https://github.com/amayra/arc_conv
  7. 05mai_040.s done and pushed! Sorry for the delay; I didn't have as much free time this past semester. I should be able to get some good work done over winter break, though. Anyway, there's the first Maiya H-scene. I felt like a lot of the prose was pretty awkward, but that's also kind of inevitable with how the original was written I guess (and kind of inevitable for eroge H scene prose in general.) If you have any feedback, let me know!
  8. 05mai_020 pushed. Honestly I'm not too satisfied with this one. I feel inexperienced when it comes to translating banter. I'll probably take another look when I have more translated and begin editing. arc_conv flags my antivirus too. I just whitelisted it. Once I'm done with the route I'll pack a patch file.
  9. Finished 080.s (and the bad end) and pushed. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
  10. New update, weretiger edition. 02mai_070.s translated, edited and pushed. I pulled the 山月記 lines from Paul McCarthy's official English translation. @jengkelYou can download and build the patch here: https://gitgud.io/WJHB/saimin-yuugi-translation/-/tree/maiya?ref_type=heads. 060 (and now 070) are included in the repository. I explained how to use arc_conv to build a dataX.pack (make X some number greater than 7) earlier in this thread.
  11. 02mai_060.s finished and pushed. That took so long. It's a lot longer than the other files so it's entirely possible I missed something. Feedback appreciated as always.
  12. And now I'm done with 090.s, marking the end of my first pass of Rui's true route. While I have done some editing myself, I think it could use another look, and if anyone knows enough Japanese to work on TLC I'd appreciate it. Either way, I'll revisit it after I get through the other untranslated sections. The party ending of Rui's route will remain untranslated until I get through the other heroines and begin work on the party route. I'm looking at doing Maiya's route next, since Keika's seems more difficult with all the slang. Hopefully by the time I tackle it I'll be more familiar with that stuff. Rui's route was about 100 hours of work in my spare time over the past 6 months. I think I can maintain the same pace going forward, though if my workload increases I might shorten the amount of time I spend on it per day to avoid burnout. I'll make a pull request and release a patch soon. Hope all of you enjoy it
  13. Finished 080.s. This one has some wordplay that I have no idea how to localize because Yanagi presumably has hypnotized Rui to perceive everything he says about literature as a dirty joke. I ended up just giving up and pretty much directly translating the Japanese puns. I do wish I could've found English variations because it'd be a lot more fun, but I'm not quite creative enough for that. The end is in sight for my first pass of Rui route. Enjoy.
  14. Yeah, I don't know what to do about that. I've whitelisted arc_conv.exe on my machine, but if you aren't comfortable doing that I can release a prebuilt patch. I haven't changed anything other than the script files, so I assume the change is due to an antivirus update rather than a change on my end. I had to re-whitelist arc_conv.exe again too which probably supports that.
  15. Done with the mind break scene and made a merge request. @HypnoConductor I have to say Urakawa is doing some CRAZY mental acrobatics to assert that he never forced himself on Rui, but whatever. There isn't that much left of the route after this scene but I expect one of the next H scenes to require a lot of creativity, so it could take a while.
  16. New chapter done, bit of a shorter one this time. Sisyphus edition. Next one is a doozy because that's the mind break scene, so it'll probably be a bit longer.
  17. New chapter done (aside from the Kusamakura line) and pushed. Opposite day edition.
  18. New update, I Hate Transcribing Sex Noises Edition. 06rui_040.s done and pushed.
  19. Finished the first Rui sex scene (06rui_010.s, 06rui_020.s, and 06rui_030.s since last update). Good progress.
  20. We've just been using this thread. It might be more efficient to switch to Discord for the sake of asking other team members quick questions, but since we haven't done much TLC or anything yet everyone's been working pretty independently.
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