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Everything posted by gieh

  1. Are you calling me a cuck? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that? As for being hot or not - as someone above said really well, I prefer when characters in VNs make love instead of performing porn for the audience. I don't really use VNs as fap material (waiting 20+ hours until a sex scene kinda defeats the purpose...) - to me sex scenes in VNs are just part of the story, so I judge them solely based on whether they make sense in the context of the story or not - this one was extremely out-of-character (in my opinion), used what I believe to be a cheap writing shortcut to justify the out-of-character behavior, and ruined a great setup (again: in my opinion) for a very well-written character (you could take it in any number of directions, and I would have been fine with a lot of non-vanilla options too, such as Reina suggesting being FWBs instead of dating because she had commitment issues, to give just one example - that would introduce a lot of interesting drama into the story while still being believable; but the writer went for pure fanservice and threw just too many things into a single scene, out of frickin' nowhere). If you actually play VNs (mainly) for porn (which is totally valid and no less legitimate than my approach), then I can totally see why you would love that scene. No need to call me names just because I have different preferences - I respect yours. Yeah, like I said above: I'm not depressed because of a fictional story, if that's what you're suggesting. I was just disappointed a fictional story took a turn I strongly disliked and thus I wasn't able to enjoy it anymore. Pretty normal thing that happens to everyone, I think? I've seen bits of Chrono Clock and the entirety of Happymaher; saw nothing wrong with them. Or do you mean a different company? Also, if you're suggesting I can't handle extreme stuff - I played Subarashiki Hibi and was fine. You know why? (spoiler for Subahibi below) Basically, I like it when a story sticks to the genre it communicates early on. I know a lot of people love to be surprised by sudden genre changes, and that's a perfectly valid preference too. Personally, I really don't like mood whiplashes. So, if Kinkoi hadn't established itself as a moege during my first +50 hours of playing it, I wouldn't have been upset by that scene because it wouldn't be unusual for the game. But if you meant that Purplesoft does mood whiplashes / sudden genre changes like that, then thank you for the warning, I'll try not to buy their stuff, then. Definitely not on purpose, but thank you for pointing that out. I was kinda assuming people actually read questions? Too late to change that now, but don't worry, people on different forums made it quite clear that I'm in the minority. Not sure what I would be trying to accomplish if I was actually trying to be underhanded, though? It's a poll to tell me whether my opinion is popular or not, so why would I be trying to manipulate its results? To lie to myself? That would defeat the entire point of this thread.
  2. Even then, I was mostly just disappointed. Maybe a little bit angry at the writer (but only regarding his writing, nothing personal), but I had enough common sense to realize he didn't owe me anything and he had the right to have his own artistic vision (which I have the right to criticize, but I'm not entitled to demand how he writes his stories). I think everyone can empathize with how I felt - we all had some moments when a fictional story took a turn we really didn't like and felt the need to vent a little to feel better, right? I see stuff like that on MyAnimeList all the time. That's all I did, really. I'm good now. Still dropping the game, but I feel refreshed thanks to talking to you guys here and to other people on other forums. I really like discussing stuff like this both with people who agree with me and with those who don't. It's not only cathartic (because it helps me process my negative feelings), but also enlightening (because I get to see where the other side is coming from and learn something).
  3. Not sure how I would check that. Vndb has a tag for 'sex under the influence of drugs' or something like that, I think, but Kinkoi was missing it (I just checked). Also, I don't know whether I'll like a character or not until I actually buy and play the game, so that doesn't help either... but yeah, I will probably at least check for that specific tag in the future, or even just the threesome tag to be safe (though I'm not specifically against threesomes; it's just this specific combination of plot points that happened to converge in a way that was very unfortunate for me... and even then I wouldn't really care if it wasn't a character archetype I was so looking forward to seeing in a VN). Also, 'disappointed' is a better way to describe how I felt than 'angry', imo. I don't think I was ever rude or confrontational in any of those forums. Yes, people on Reddit explained it to me, so I might also check the writers of any VNs I buy in the future (though that might make me miss on some stuff, too. For example, the writer of the very extreme Subarashiki Hibi also wrote the very vanilla Sakura no Uta).
  4. That's actually what makes it so bad to me. They didn't even make a conscious decision to get high. They were under the influence of a substance that was forced upon them by some wacky contrived circumstance. It's very unfair to the development between the characters, from a meta standpoint, imo, as it shakes things up for no real reason than shock value and fanservice. Like I said in my first post, Basically, the game led me to believe it's a moege/nakige. A scene like that is a genre shift and a mood whiplash. I know some people are fond of them, but I personally prefer when a story stays true to the genre(s) it communicated for the majority of its screentime. Plus, whether it's realistic or not depends on the personalities of the characters involved. And the game didn't make me believe any of the three might have made that decision when sober. As for Sylvie, at least the threesome in her route was optional, whereas here, it is forced upon the audience and an important part of the plot.
  5. Me personally, I'm very uncomfortable with the 'high/drunk sex' trope in general. I can stomach it if it's between an established couple, but as a way to bring two people together, I find it a cheap trick and a waste of something that could potentially be much more interesting development.
  6. Sorry, I should have clarified, but it was obviously short for 'in my opinion, the writing is horrible'. Or, more accurately, 'in my opinion, it was a cheap writing trick to bring them together while depriving them of any agency and making them act out-of-character for the sake of having a hot sex scene, also ruining the important moment of a couple's first time'.
  7. For me, 'vanilla' doesn't imply 'people without hardcore kinks'. It just implies 'couple who are in love with each other and have a healthy romantic & sex life'. So if they're established as liking to experiment in bed, then I have no issue with that. It's a tough sell to convince me on that, sure, but people have different kinks - it's not impossible to believe. And if the author is 'planning' to add such a sex scene from the start, then it's his job to establish the characters as ones who would reasonably do that early in the story. No cheap shortcuts. Honestly, while I'm unsure about the idea of 'trigger warnings', they could be really useful here - having a database of stories that can be tagged with tags such as 'cheating', 'NTR', 'imouto', 'loli', 'out-of-character perviness', etc. and you being able to filter them out by those tags would be a nice solution. There are still plenty of amazing anime/manga/VNs/LNs that do relationships (not just romantic ones) between people wonderfully (Fruits Basket and Violet Evergarden immediately come to mind). Also, sometimes stories that make really creepy sex jokes can treat sex in a very mature way when they actually take it seriously - Mushoku Tensei has a lot of creepy pervy jokes, but when it has an actual sex scene, it's one of the most beautiful and tasteful sex scenes I've ever seen in an anime, taken very seriously by the show, without any cheap pervy jokes whatsoever.
  8. I've processed my thoughts better and summarized them somewhere else already, so I think I'll try to copypaste them here as well: 1. People seem to care a lot about whether a sex scene in an eroge is hot... which shouldn't surprise me, as it's an EROge, but still, I'm a bit surprised that I seem to be in the minority that thinks it's just something that demonstrates the feelings a couple have for each other. That might be one of the reasons why I don't care about fanservice-y or "hot" scenes if they make no narrative sense because I never, erm, 'use' eroge in a way people 'use' porn (I never fap to it, basically). 2. I seem to really care about agency in fictional relationships. Anything that deprives characters of their ability to make conscious decisions about their relationship is an incredibly huge turnoff for me (and very upsetting to boot). In this particular situation, I would have been fine if they made a conscious DECISION as a COUPLE to have their first time be a threesome. I hate the fact that the writer forced their hand and took away such a special moment from them. 3. Making your audience care about your characters is a big double-edged sword as a writer, but doubly so for the audience whom you've made care about said characters. If the writer makes them go in a direction the audience wants, it's an absolutely euphoric feeling. But if they go in the direction the audience specifically doesn't want them to go, it's gonna hurt a lot. Like I said, lack of agency in a relationship is a huge problem for me AND the writer did an amazing job making me like Reina. Those things combined made me quite upset in the end. Especially since I hate mind-altering substances IRL, so I already dislike seeing them in fiction in general (and 'drunk/high sex' is an overdone trope that you use when you want to force the characters together without having to think too hard about making it plausible and natural; also, it's part of the real world that I don't want to see in my escapist fiction). That's kind of exactly the problem. To me, sex in VNs should be lovemaking, something that a couple does together, like adamstan said. They can totally go crazily kinky if they're into it, they can invite other people if they're into it. But it has to make me believe this is who they are and this is what they're into. Don't get them high/drunk and do whatever to move your plot forward because you can't think of a way to make them a couple; there's enough of that sh*t in real life.
  9. The problem here is that the problematic H scene is what brings them together, so it is still part of the plot, even when not shown (I presume). You make a good point about 'performing porn' instead of 'making love', but there are plenty of VNs where a scene can be both romantic and porn-y (I like 9-nine for that, especially since the scenes are actually short and to the point instead of lasting a frickin' hour).
  10. First of all, I'm posting this in several forums online because I'm interested in hearing the opinion of as many people as possible, so if you've seen this rant somewhere else already, please ignore it and don't waste any more time on my silly tantrum. Now, on to the actual rant: I dunno, I was expecting something more wholesome from this kind of game than That was absolutely horrible writing and super off-putting. Reina is a really awesome and fun character so I was really excited to see some wholesome romance between her and the MC, but the way they 'got together' was so horribly written and such a stupid copout I don't want to continue with her route... or this game anymore. I just want to see wholesome romance between the protagonist and the characters, man (plus some drama and sadness, that's fine). But I really despise this kind of stuff. At least in Sylvie's route, I guess this wasn't the right game to choose. Anyone else thought that or just me? It reaaaaallly cheapens the romance IMO (like they couldn't think of a way to get them together without stripping away their ability to become a couple consciously) because it deprives the couple of their agency, but I might be in the minority, so I'm interested in your guys' thoughts. Yes, I know this kind of thing happens a lot in real life, but it's not what I seek from my escapist moege/nakige fiction. I want wholesome teens experiencing love for the first time, not... this. Sorry for ranting, and I'm not saying anyone who actually enjoyed that scene is wrong - I just personally hated it. I'm curious to see how many people agree with me.
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