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  1. TL;DR: Fetishes like NTR show what kind of influence SoCiEtY has on humans. I think NTR is an interesting concept in general, because it is testament of how we as Humans have become comfortable in our safe society. Humans are social beings, we can't survive in solitude and we only really work as a species. For us humans the concept of "alpha" or "strongest is the leader" doesn't apply, because by nature every single individual would be capable to kill someone of similar age. No muscles will safe you if 10 weaker guys gang up on you. No alpha personality can stop a bullet or an arrow. Because of this fact, humans depend on the trust that everyone in a community trusts each other and works together. Things like empathy and solidarity are result of this nature, because it makes it easier for us to maintain society. But the existence of NTR (and many other fetishes) proves that in the past few centuries and decades this human nature has changed fundamentally. We can now safely say, that human society is established to a point where the individual doesn't really need to care about others as much as before. We don't really need empathy to safely survive, so it is declining in the general population. The mindset of "mind your own business" and "i can do what i want, this is my freedom" is spreading very rapidly. Because of this, it is easier to imagine scenarios of absolute despair caused by another human, because it is now more plausible than ever. I like to imagine any NTR doujin or VN taking place in a near or distant future, where the decline of empathy has led to society just not giving a f*ck anymore, so there isn't really any consequence to action. This is the only possible explanation I can give to why no NTR'd MC ever took any action except for crying or killing themselves, or why nobody generally cares for the failed MC. All of this becomes pretty reasonable if you realize this dystopian future is the only possible setting for a realistic NTR story. And because NTR is dependant on this sinister truth, I don't really approve of it myself. Fetishes like NTR show how there is a growning disconnect between humans and life, a growing laziness. Because we feel so safe in the nations we live in, the human mind flares and reaches out to new concepts it can think about. Over time, these concepts gradually get more obscene so that our mind never runs out of things to fantasize about. The mind also adapts to this growing obscenity to not take a toll on itself, normalizing it on the way. The first time people tried anal sex, it was the craziest shit for them. But soon the next thing was the craziest shit and 'oh so shameful'. The human mind got more and more creative with its sexual fantasies, until it ran out of things that could be practiced in real life. But its creativity never stopped. It thought of new things and adapted again. It sterilized itself. Today we call it fetishes, and we have accepted them as something normal, something everyone just kinda has. ("What ever gets you hard") But it is truly interesting to see how this came to be and how it is, technically speaking, something very not normal, something very abnormal in fact. No species, that fantasizes in a sexual way about their co-specimen getting dismembered (gore) or swallowed alive (vore) or betrayed and left behind (Netorare), can be considered "normal" by any measures. The argument, that matters of empathy and the sorts aren't valid here because it is fiction, doesn't work, because the human mind wasn't made to differenciate between fiction and reality, at least in the sense that real human empathy connects with anything that shows even the slightest amount of personality, fictional or real. The fact that people are apparently able to make this distinction is proof that the need for empathy has been almost completely eliminated already, because in a natural environment humans cannot choose whether to emphasize or not. Luckily, we have not reached the state of absolute apathy yet. There are already humans who only pursue their own interest in a selfish way, but they are oftentimes cowards when it comes to real confrontation. People, who ominously plan the stealing of one's girlfriend and execute the plan perfectly without any emotional vulnerability or wavering, don't exist. Deep down we all are nothing but sore losers trying to keep it a secret.
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