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Jeremiah Sand

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Jeremiah Sand last won the day on August 9 2021

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  • Japanese language
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    Jeremiah Sand #4446

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  1. Hey man. I actually worked on this game's translation for a while before real life fucked me. Was actually curious because someone actually completing the game appeared, and I wanted to see what's up. After looking into stuff for a bit though I'm left with no choice but to make a post. You claim that you translated the entire base game and the fandisk "in a matter of weeks" working for 16 hours a day each day. Sorry, but this is impossible. No one, and I say no one, can work for 16 hours straight in translation for several days and not deliver a below par result. Also, honestly I can't believe that between the time you asked for the tools in another thread saying that "you were looking forward to translate this" exactly 2 months ago before releasing this https://forums.fuwanovel.net/topic/24092-help-working-with-a-bgi-game/ you were able to translate over 2 Million characters and over 100k lines of text. So yeah, I'm sorry to whoever was excited for this, but this 100% completion is entirely either machine translated or god knows fucking what. As a last word, before anyone claims that idk what I'm talking about, I tried to fan translate this some years ago, one year of approximately daily 1.5-2h of work ended up with me having done only 20k lines out of the 80k lines of the MAIN GAME. I'm slower than your average fan translator, but I just simply can't believe someone is able to translate just the main game in less than a year, let alone in 2 months. No matter the amount of time you sink in each day. Take my words however you want, since I assume you'll want to release your stuff anyway. PS: The main game has roughly 80k lines, fandisk no clue but definitely more than 20k. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, is able to even remotely come close to do more than 100k lines equivalent to what this game has in 2 months. We're talking about more than 1.5 MILLION CHARACTERS for just the first game ALONE. The fastest guy I know can pull off 1 M charas in a year btw, and he no lifes it 6-8 hours a day because he has infinite time. Take this as you will. Have a nice day.
  2. Used to like them a lot, but as the years passed and the more I got into them the more I despised them, and I still do. Nowadays I only read the ones everyone calls kamiges and move on because everything else is absolute trash.
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