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Everything posted by limitseeker

  1. For me personally,I actually changed my studying style when I enter my uni. When I was still in High School, learning with textbooks and notes then trying to explain the whole thing as if I am Michael from Vsauce was actually rather effective since I also learn to improvise the subject I am studying while also burning it into my memories. Starting in Uni, where the book is thick enough to be used as Noble Phantasm for Berserker and the lecturer barely give me time to take notes forced me to start studying individually. Everyday I scheduled what i need to learn and which task i need to do because without prep time you are screwed in med school. I study with small break but pretty frequent schedule in order to prepare for tests and tutorial group. One thing i learn is that while you have to be independent in studying, it does not mean you have to be selfish. Always ask your friends and classmates and trade your notes and explanation. My butt was saved by my really genius friend explained and corrected me about biochemistry stuff. Without him my lecturer would probably insult my inability to grasp the concept lol.Study in groups and always be open to your peers.
  2. I agree lol. Interestingly, SG 0 patched many weakness of the previous SG which I was happy with. SG was one of my favorite but it has some problem (which are not that bad tbh) 1. Not much added in alternate routes (fixed by SG 0 turn off/on route which was very distinct and was quite distinct from each other) 2. Hard to get true end (fixed by more easier to see trigger in SG 0) 3. No flowchart (fixed by autoquick save each time a choice popped up) however it added some problem that did not present in the original SG 1. True end? More like true epilogue. The last SG True end spanned one full chapter. SG 0 not really delivered it to me. 2. Macguffin (aka get/drop plot device ). Amadeus and Kurisu's laptop is massive offender. There is actually many ways to expand the plot with them but they did not go far. 3. RINE app was underwhelming. Original SG mail with Kakeru story was actually very neat. 4. Some event cut short. Show us the plot, dont tell them. Worst offender here are Kurisu and True route. They skipped many scenes which if developed would be very amazing. 5. Safe/True end mechanic like in Zero Escape. This one though was....underwhelming, the route only unlock new chapter which resemble an epilogue. Original SG was amazing since the True End added so much in the chapter. 6. SPOILER A certain character turned out to be another character. Negating the whole interaction of said char and depleate any meaning in char dev. Interesting twist, but damn what a price to pay. I must agree, Chaos Head has very different tone and writing style. It is also very different in terms of how they implement the science. SG series seems to be more grounded, requiring minimum suspension of disbelief which makes it easier to swallow compared to Chaos Head. I still plan on completing it once I am done with Tsukihime fully lol.
  3. 1. Yeah, the information presented in certainly interesting, i like it very much and it is the reason why I liked steins gate lol. What I am having problem as of currently is that the interlude branch of as a subplot which the MC has no access. The reader has no ability to use that info either since the choice in the vn is quite miniscule. So it sometime end up, for me at least, waiting for explanation that the MC wont use each time a tense moment occured. A good sideplot interlude would be Fate Hollow Ataraxia since the info, while cannot be use by MC, is useable by reader to pick a choice latter one and then even sometime the MC pick up on the sideplot too. Probably they will pick it up later in this VN but man it is quite long time to reach it. 2.Hmm....i see. That is one way to put it. But if it is the case, the illusion is not executed well enough for me which make it kinda meh. MC instability sometime negated by MC admiting it is just an illusion in non-chalant way (Oh that thing is impossible, is just my daydream or no way she open her clothes, it was just my dream.) If MC is unstable the dellusion is supposed to be more interesting,harder to distinguish for the mc, and also longer. The trigger system, for me personally, sometime fall flat in doing the intended purposes.
  4. @cro-mag. Well I guess you were right. The D-Sword in building moment with the villain was actually pretty well executed. I am just gonna take your word for it and finish this up lol
  5. I was quite hyped when i finally got the chance to play Chaos;Head and I enjoyed the VN. However, there is couple of glaring flaw in the VN which became worse as the series goes Surprisingly, the whinny coward MC is not one of them. While I do hate him and would like him to be feed like Lancer in Carnival Phantasm to Seiba, it is rare to see this kind of MC so I don't really mind. What I want to rant is actually the narrative aspect of the VN Here are my issues. 1. Interludes that distrupt the flow of the VN. The VN seems to branch to MC story with confined point of view and the detective work. The thing is, at first I was happy the interlude was short, unlike Steins Gate 0 use unneeded character like Fubuki as interlude for too long and it did not pay off at all. However, as i read further chapter, the interlude cut in in tense moment and the pay off of the tense moment sometime is negated by different atmosphere of the previous interlude. Good example of interlude is a Fate Stay Night VN, it is relevant and also connects to the main storyline. I find most interlude here is bothersome since the information presented in interlude does not have any use since the MC does not know it and probably never gonna use it anyway. The story will go to halt mode and it is annoying to wait for the main story back. 2. The trigger system is totally useless. I was baffled when i opened up a guide and it showed me the trigger is only for B route. The True Ending according guide is AA route. Why would you make alternate route as hard as Zero Escape route while the true route is a breeze? 3. Hallucination is handled poorly. Compare it to Tsukihime's MC when going insane, I would say it really pale it comparison. The description is lacking and it is obvious that it is just a daydream. Also, when it ended the MC was like "Oh it was just my dellusion" and continue normally as if nothing happened. This problem exist in trigger hallucination. The narrative forced one sometime is not that bad. 4. Pretty much minimum character bonding. While I get it the MC is a loner, it baffles me that I realized I am at 2/3 way of the game and I know basically nothing about other characters background except the blonde girl and the sister (FES and The Ice Cream eater is barely known, Yua and Rimi only knwon in surface, MC's friend is not really well established). The problem actually could be averted if they give them more screen time instead of the police officer's too often interlude. Will the next 3 chapters really pays off? Honestly I am curious to continue in order to know myself how it ended since I am so far invested and I loved seeing how far Science Adventure Series planned the series (like Victor Chondria University cameo and I know the papers that being used are Kurisu's thesis) but the technical problems kinda turn me off. What is your opinion about this?
  6. Hello! I am limitseeker. I have been reading VN for awhile, mostly out of whim. The first exposure to VN was actually Katawa Shoujou (Emi route was very good). Afterward, I played Ace Attorney Trilogy on my DS and enjoyed further VN. Currently I have read all Ace Attorney series, Zero escape trilogy, Steins Gate and Steins Gate 0, and of course FSN Realta Nua and Hollow Ataraxia. I am hoping to soon complete Tsukihime and Chaos Head . I am hoping to expand my interest with joining this forum. I often spend my time playing games, especially JRPG or Monster RPG. I also,admittedly, playing 3 gacha games lol (FEH,FGO,Dokkan) at the same time to waste my time when I am too lazy to do anything else. I am currently enrolling in med school and spending my last few free days before the hell of uni. I hope i can read as many VN as I can. Thanks for listening!
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